View Full Version : New And Wanting To be Taught

Jul 17, 2013, 4:42 PM
I am very curious about living a bisexual lifestyle but still very unsure and i guess scared. What would be the best way for me to start? Another female or a couple where they both can help and give advice??:oh:

Oct 23, 2013, 6:46 AM
I just found out I'm bi and need help transitioning to the bi lifestyle as well. I hope there will be some helpful people answering on this thread. Definitely going to follow.

Oct 23, 2013, 8:23 AM
Welcome to the site, both of you! I hope you find what you want here, or at least, some ideas and guidance.

Each of us are different and, even though we may have attractions for other males and/or females, it seems those attractions comes in different packages!

Some want relationships (romantic, or platonic) while others only want sex with no other involvements. I was one, who wanted to get to know a person, understand their likes and interests then, when I felt comfortable with them, take things to the next level.

You may be more, or less, patient and want something different. It would help if you had a general idea of what you wanted, beforehand! (Most do, but some have their first encounter by happenstance!)

There are some brilliant folks here, who may help you much better than I can, in your search. Some of them can draw pictures with words. There are also a few, who you might do best to avoid...like in all walks of society, all types of personalities are here. Just use common sense and think things out before you act.

I hope each of your journeys are as fulfilling as mine was!

Oct 23, 2013, 9:06 AM
Hello newly and feeling!! I'm bi and have been for years so although it might not help here's my advice.
When i first started experimenting with the same sex I took a smallvamount of time getting to know women personally before sleeping with them. Reasons I lwanted them to be aware I was not experienced in that area of sex and would they mind teaching me and showing me some tricks. That way the awkwardness you may feel can be eased by someone who is aware that you aremight be feeling that way. Also if you have questions its easier to ask someone you're

Oct 23, 2013, 9:16 AM
Comfortable with. Don't get me wrong, the people can still remain a stranger sometimes just making your partner aware its your first few experiences makes a huge difference. The most important thing to me is there is no rule book! Relax have fun and just realize not all your new experinces will be great but you can always learn from each of them!

*Hope this helps you 2 and you can feel free to message me if you want ;) Have fun!

Oct 23, 2013, 9:44 AM
well I personally feel like having a few gal pals will help me with letting my inner queen out, how and where would i go about finding such women?