View Full Version : Excitement at work...ever happen to you?

Mar 5, 2011, 9:26 AM
I work in a shop in the french quarter in New Orleans. Yesterday, being that it is Mardi Gras time here, I was helping a customer try on a mask. He and his friend were really smashed and one asked me to help him put on a mask. Now... I have no problems helping tie masks on people so they can see what they look like, its part of my job. I was just helping the guy out and as I put tied the bow in the ribbons the back of my hand wiped across the back of his neck. I realized this was really one of the first times that I had actually touched a strangers skin and was very aroused. This guy was just an avarage Joe... not some super chiseled young guy with his cock flapping about. I would love to say that something else happened but... alas.. nope. But I am left with the fond memory of how soft his skin was around the back of his neck and how for a few moments I just really wanted this guy. Maybe someday soon Ill find the right person.


Mar 5, 2011, 12:04 PM
Dont ya love that? Its sooo exciting to have someone turn you on like that...so totally unexpected and new. I love the feeling of sexual/mental arousal that it can leave you with for the rest of the day if the conditions are right.;)

Mar 6, 2011, 5:45 AM
From time to time in the past.. most often at party time:bigrin:... but sometimes just sitting next to a particularly sexy creature can fair get the blood racing.;)

Nowadays however, excitement at work is trying to get the little buggers to use the noggin and not waste their lives, realise they do have a future in this time of misery and depression, stop punch ups and arguments, and preventing the lil sods from trashing the classroom, burning the school down and nicking me brief case or handbag! Although I must admit, I did get more than a little excited at xmas just past listening to a 14 yo lad play Spanish guitar.. I can play a bit, but this snotty little shite was indeed quite something to hear... brilliant..:)

Mar 6, 2011, 8:03 AM
Since separating from my husband and the end of the relationship whcih caused that separation and divorce, I must admit to viewing customers with new eyes. The Lakes are a very popular tourist area and last summer in particular, there were moments, especially when it was warm and sunny, and customers of both genders, who made the heart race very much more quickly than normal.