View Full Version : Is this only in an ideal world?

Mar 30, 2011, 12:43 AM
Hi! :) I am new to this site and I never thought in a million years I would post something online like this but I guess this has been on my mind for a while and I decided I would just get it out there and see what people say.

I am a straight female, but the thought of two men together is so totally hot, which is why I have been reading through this site because I honestly just thought I was like such an odd person to think this way. And I didn't even think there were bisexual guys out there (guess I was sheltered lol)...
ANYWAY, almost everyone here seems to only talk about the sex part of 3 or more people together. What about a relationship? I have decided that I just might be too young, too inexperienced, or too naive or something because I have always hoped, maybe, some day I could possibly find a triad relationship with 2 men, but it be totally equal. I know this sounds stupid but like sharing your life equally with each other, loving each other equally. I don't think I would ever have it in me to be in a relationship with a man and then just bring someone in on occasion. I would totally end up getting an emotional attachment, probably end up falling in love with that 3rd person which would probably complicate everything! LOL... Are there relationships out there like the kind I am describing? Does it actually work? Like buying a house together, being totally committed to only each other, having children together. Is it actually a possibility or is it only in an ideal world kind of thing?

Mar 30, 2011, 12:50 AM
Don't worry that's not weird :)

I dream about almost the same thing... I too want a triad relationship, but maybe with one guy and one girl. It's called being polyamerous (doubt I spelled that right), but it's a relationship split betweent three or more people. I have tried it before, but it does come with it's complications...

Anything is possible, but I think the thought of a completely even three way relationship is only in an ideal world, but how I wish it was attainable. :)

"Anything worth having is worth working for." :cool:

Mar 30, 2011, 1:03 AM
You aren't alone, here is a thread where people have been talking about things, do a forum search you will find there are several people on here that go for polyamory and triads.


Mar 30, 2011, 9:53 AM
If you read that thread that DuckieDarlin posted, you'll see that I was one who has experienced two poly relationships. It is really something remarkable when you can get three, or more, people on the same track, like successful poly relationships have. Three was the most I ever tried.

The first one was pretty much as you might suspect any healthy, loving, relationship might be. I was 21/22 and they were both about 40 .....and married. We were in the military and few get to stay in one place very long. If they hadn't been transferred, after we'd been lovers for about 13 months, I'm sure we would have continued for the rest of our lives.

We genuinely loved each other. The sex was fantastic, but more than that, we were compatible in almost every way. We had fun, adventures, and could go out and share things together, or pair off, with absolutely no jealousy, or frustrations. To me, it was the epitome of what a loving relationship can be!

As I've posted before, I attempted another poly relationship with another married couple, but things did not feel right and it didn't work out. So, I deduced from that, that the successful one with the previous married couple was rare.

Later, I lived two years with two girls. One was gay and one was bi. That lasted two years. Anyone might suspect a lot of turmoil would occur, in a situation like that, it was absolutely blissful!

I've attempted other's, similar to those above, but none of them ever panned out. But, when it works, it is one of the most rewarding things I've ever experienced.

You are a lot more apt to find a situation like that, because of your youth, being female, and the more accepting society is, today. Knowing what you want is important, too.

Don't give up, but do NOT settle for less than you want! If you achieve your dreams, the rewards are phenomenal!

Best of luck to you!

Mar 30, 2011, 11:07 AM
Thank you guys for replying. All this information really does help...

Realist - Thank you for sharing your experiences with me, I know you didn't have to do that and I appreciate it. That first relationship you described seriously sounds perfect. The fact that it was laid back and there was no problem with jealousy especially when pairing off is something that seems most difficult to obtain. I do feel that some people don't have issues with being jealous while others do so finding that perfect combination I bet is difficult. Sorry to hear it ended but I hope one day to be in that kind of relationship lol you just gave me a bit of hope that it can actually happen so thank you! :)

Mar 30, 2011, 1:44 PM
Cr8zy, you are a *long* way from alone, I know a whole heap of women who find boy-on-boy action hot :)