View Full Version : Tall Hot Blonde

Apr 10, 2011, 11:20 PM
Another post on here about people lying online made me think of this documentary. Has anyone seen it?


Here's the trailer on youtube.com

Apr 11, 2011, 12:56 PM
Wow, that was something else. I downloaded the documentary (1:15 min long), and watched it. I'd never even heard of such a thing before this. And the worst part of it all was that one of the people grossly involved can't even be charged with anything. I download the AVI at btjunkie.org using utorrent. The file name is ... talhotblond (2009) DvdRip [Xvid] {1337x}-X ... if anyone is interested. After seeing it you may want to sign the petition for stronger laws pertaining to the internet (or not, you decide for yourself).
Anyway, thanks for the informative post!!

Apr 11, 2011, 9:04 PM
Glad someone has seen it, I need to download. One of the other sites I belong to posted a link to the documentary site and I began researching. The shocker of it all was the actual vixen, I won't spoil it for people who haven't watched yet.

Apr 11, 2011, 11:52 PM
I just downloaded it and watched it and the way it was presented just really got to me. I want to publicly thank my babe, Long Duck Dong, for being real. I flew 9000 miles to spend time with him and he was everything he said he was, we had exchanged current pictures and were always truthful about ourselves. So many times you hear horror stories and they don't always lead to someone's murder, but a death of a dream can be just as devastating.

Apr 12, 2011, 3:16 PM
This is just plain scary, mainly because its Real in too many damn cases. I had a guy tell me he was 41, tall white, brown haired, lean, ect. I talked to him for a long time before agreeing to meet him for lunch. A bit later a short heavy-set black man showed up at my door. He said "I was afraid if I told you what I looked like you wouldnt go out with me"
Well the issue wasnt that he was black, the issue was that he had lied to me and had Been lying to me for three months. He showed me pics that were supposedly him, and it turned out to be his room mates pic's. His other excuse was, "I was hoping you'd take pity on me and go out with me anyway" Guess again Junior....
I was livid. Had he been truthful to me, I might have considered going out with him, but lying to me is strike 3 with me. Its automatic, and permanant.
Be careful out there, M'loves. Its a scary world, thats why I belong to a Lifestyle group. Its safer and theres safety in numbers...
Scardy Cat

Apr 13, 2011, 3:48 AM
Yep, Cat, lying is a big thing to me too. It's one thing to go well it's just a little white lie when you tell someone "no, that doesn't make you look fat" even when you are thinking "no, THAT doesn't make you look fat" but it's another to do the blatant lies like in that documentary.