View Full Version : D/D Free

Jun 9, 2011, 1:40 AM
So many of you claim to be d/d free. But how many of you are? Do you alawys practice safe sex. Do you get tested ever? What kinda boundaries do you set when it comes to oral. Just wondering.

Long Duck Dong
Jun 9, 2011, 4:12 AM
lol disease and drug free.... it is something that I can prove.... lol....

I am drug free as I am a ex drug addict.... and now even meds are something I am in no hurry to take..... so I do have tests so that my critics can see I am clean even after many years

the disease test, is regular as well, even tho I have not had sex outside of my partner for a few good years... the blood screening is to monitor a non STI virus in my system that I contracted at 19, and flares up every once in a while, causing the nerves and muscles to lock up in my back.... so I have a full STI screen done at the same time.....

lol stupid thing is, I am possibly more tested as a asexual bisexual ( I lack a sex drive and outside of my partner, have been with nobody else for a number of years ) than some people that are sexually active lol

one thing I have learnt is that D/D free means something different to every person.... and often, people that smoke marijunana will say they are drug free, cos they are refering to injectable drugs......

Jun 9, 2011, 7:41 AM
I am right in there with LDD.. We've been monogamous for 32 years, so I know we are clean as we have just started to consider swinging I have no hesitation about saying I am disease free even though I have not been tested in those 32 years.. but we are kinda strange in the we are entering this realm so late.

I almost agree on the drug free part, I agree that marijuana is left off the drug list by many (me included) , but it is not just injectables I put on the list. I would certainly include meth and most ups and downs on the list.. Not terribly consistent, but I guess to me the 'D' means pretty much any illegal drug, or illegally used legal drug, except for marijuana. (my own prejudice, I suppose, but I think this is a pretty common position).

Condoms would be a must for penetration, the vote is still out for oral (and I know oral is not risk free).


Jun 9, 2011, 11:02 AM
i get tested every 4 months and used condoms for anal sex dont do sex with people i dont know all the the people i have sex with are clean and safe

Jun 9, 2011, 3:25 PM
I dunno, some women may say they are double D's but I think they are D/D Free.

/lame joke

Jun 9, 2011, 10:53 PM
I dunno, some women may say they are double D's but I think they are D/D Free.

/lame joke

Well, I grinned at it. :)

[/off topic]

--db :bipride: