View Full Version : Luffly Day Out

Dec 8, 2011, 9:49 AM
Luffly ole day out.. so luffly school closed at dinner time.. am still bloody stuck here cos the winds are so bad that trees are horizontal and peeps can hardly walk in it.. rain is horizontal an hitsya face sumwot painfully.. an however bad it is here, back at home its a lot worse... hope the snots all got back 'ome ok... most live within walkin distance but ya shudda seen the poor buggers strugglin through the gates an down the road...but bein a rural school a lot have buses laid on but ran a few of them home cos they live a long way from the bus route.. bloody lethal out ther an somehow am gonna havta drive home in it.. been sitting wondering whether to set off but it is scary.. but the few mile run earlier showed me that.. tryin 2 drive wivout veerin off the road wos not easy.. an 2 get home have 40 miles of it... it is meant 2 ease a lil but shows no sign of it yet.. question is... wait until later or set off wile its daylite?

Have txted Kate who is at home lucky cow and kids r ther safe an sound tf... think I will have a coffee an then bugger off.. rather c wots cummin flyin at me.. have a chance of avoidin it then mayb.. the boss is still 'ere an the jani.. couple of others.. wtf is Scottie wenya need 'im?


Dec 8, 2011, 10:29 AM
Send an SOS to the RAF and Prince Will undoubtably would come to your rescue :bigrin:

Dec 8, 2011, 11:16 AM
None of that would be a problem if you louts knew what side of the road to drive on. I'll bet the wind flies from the ground up there too. :bigrin: All in all, be safe with your luffly self, and too the snots. LOL

Dec 8, 2011, 12:17 PM
None of that would be a problem if you louts knew what side of the road to drive on. I'll bet the wind flies from the ground up there too. :bigrin: All in all, be safe with your luffly self, and too the snots. LOL

Wy keefer..didn know ya cared... louts? Wrong side of road? Wotcha talkin' 'bout ya daft gr8 lummox? Am luffly peace luffin girl an can nev be described as a lout.. an as for drivin on wrong side of the road we drive on the right side me will hav u kno.. as all gud socialists shud.. on the left... :bigrin:

..an got 'ere safe ta muchly.. a bit hairy out but thats the prob wiv livin 'ere... now am bein' feted foot an mouth by me family an its luffly...:)

Cant stop long tho cos hav a waxin' job shortly.. sum daft bugga who wonts 'is arse done..;):bigrin:

Dec 8, 2011, 1:00 PM
"all gud socialists shud.. on the left... "

Good one :bigrin:

Puts socialists on this side of the pond in a bit of a sticky position though...break the law or give up socialism?....:eek:

You take care on your blistery day

Dec 8, 2011, 1:06 PM
..........Cant stop long tho cos hav a waxin' job shortly.. sum daft bugga who wonts 'is arse done..;):bigrin:........

Heph rubs his eyes as he reads and re-reads ......What?

Dec 8, 2011, 1:42 PM
"all gud socialists shud.. on the left... "

Good one :bigrin:

Puts socialists on this side of the pond in a bit of a sticky position though...break the law or give up socialism?....:eek:

You take care on your blistery day

Interestin thing that Tenni.. Sweden swopped ova from drivin' on the left bout 40 years ago... eva since the daft sods hav been movin steadily rightward politically... makes ya think dusnt it? :tong:

..an its ok Tenni..am in now..an am goin nower on a nite like tonite..:)

Dec 8, 2011, 1:45 PM
Heph rubs his eyes as he reads and re-reads ......What?

An dont u worry bout it Heph me luffly... isnt quite wotcha think..;) Just respondin' 2 a nice thing a certain daft lump sed 'bout me... think it wos me.. if not 'e gets it for real...:bigrin: Just call me Ms Fran.. Domme...

Dec 8, 2011, 10:21 PM
Luffly ole day out.. so luffly school closed at dinner time.. am still bloody stuck here cos the winds are so bad that trees are horizontal and peeps can hardly walk in it.. rain is horizontal an hitsya face sumwot painfully.. an however bad it is here, back at home its a lot worse... hope the snots all got back 'ome ok... most live within walkin distance but ya shudda seen the poor buggers strugglin through the gates an down the road...but bein a rural school a lot have buses laid on but ran a few of them home cos they live a long way from the bus route.. bloody lethal out ther an somehow am gonna havta drive home in it.. been sitting wondering whether to set off but it is scary.. but the few mile run earlier showed me that.. tryin 2 drive wivout veerin off the road wos not easy.. an 2 get home have 40 miles of it... it is meant 2 ease a lil but shows no sign of it yet.. question is... wait until later or set off wile its daylite?

Have txted Kate who is at home lucky cow and kids r ther safe an sound tf... think I will have a coffee an then bugger off.. rather c wots cummin flyin at me.. have a chance of avoidin it then mayb.. the boss is still 'ere an the jani.. couple of others.. wtf is Scottie wenya need 'im?


Welcome to Kansas, the state of "the wind people.":smilies15

Dec 9, 2011, 5:55 AM
Welcome to Kansas, the state of "the wind people.":smilies15

Much calmer 2day am glad 2 say.. bloody freezin' out tho.. snow up north.. an Pepper babes.. livin in this part of the UK the thing we kno 'bout is wind...winds of 100+ r not unusual at this time of year.. tho must admit gusts of 160+ like some parts got yesterday r a tadge rarer.. Chicago "the Windy City"... pfaaaa.. I live in the windy city an its not bloody Chicago.. (tho do believe that description of Chicago is more 2 do wiv windy (as in lack of bottle) politicians rather than actual wind.. peeps from sed city will no doubt correct me if Im not quite right ther..).:)

Dec 9, 2011, 8:11 PM
Much calmer 2day am glad 2 say.. bloody freezin' out tho.. snow up north.. an Pepper babes.. livin in this part of the UK the thing we kno 'bout is wind...winds of 100+ r not unusual at this time of year.. tho must admit gusts of 160+ like some parts got yesterday r a tadge rarer.. Chicago "the Windy City"... pfaaaa.. I live in the windy city an its not bloody Chicago.. (tho do believe that description of Chicago is more 2 do wiv windy (as in lack of bottle) politicians rather than actual wind.. peeps from sed city will no doubt correct me if Im not quite right ther..).:)

I stand corrected & humbled.:bowdown:

Dec 10, 2011, 5:56 AM
I stand corrected & humbled.:bowdown:

*sits on Pepper's knee an strokes 'is cheek*

there, there pepper dear.. you weren't to know...

*kissies pepper on top of bonce*:kiss:

Dec 10, 2011, 6:08 AM
Not so chilly 2 day but still a tadge raw... got in bout haff 5 this mornin.. now that wos bloody freezin... walkin on frosty pavement is not advisable.. not in heels... not afta copious quantities of voddie:eek:...as a certain lil Dimbo of ya aquaintance found out as she clambered outa the cab and tried 2 walk up our drive :eek:...tut tut.. all legs an knickers:eek::bigrin:... she looked ver cute me will say... but wos 2 much in hysterics 2 help 'er out... plonk an cognac.. tsk... least me cud keep me bloody feet...:bigrin:

Dec 10, 2011, 6:20 AM
Not so chilly 2 day but still a tadge raw... got in bout haff 5 this mornin.. now that wos bloody freezin... walkin on frosty pavement is not advisable.. not in heels... not afta copious quantities of voddie:eek:...as a certain lil Dimbo of ya aquaintance found out as she clambered outa the cab and tried 2 walk up our drive :eek:...tut tut.. all legs an knickers:eek::bigrin:... she looked ver cute me will say... but wos 2 much in hysterics 2 help 'er out... plonk an cognac.. tsk... least me cud keep me bloody feet...:bigrin:

You are a rip! I am quite sure you could get an offer for some kind of comic book charctre and you do all the writing of your misadventures. Seriously; I can actually see your steps when you write.

Dec 10, 2011, 6:48 AM
You are a rip! I am quite sure you could get an offer for some kind of comic book charctre and you do all the writing of your misadventures. Seriously; I can actually see your steps when you write.

Wasn't me that fell on me arse and flashed me knickers, Keefer babes...;)

Dec 10, 2011, 7:18 AM
..o dear.. the luffly lil Dimbo has gorrup outa bed... wonderin wy she has a sore bootie... she knos wy 'er head is killin' 'er tho... tee hee..:bigrin: She'll b fine.. Kate has handed 'er sum paracetamol..:tong: Not sure thats gonna make the pain in 'er bum go away but it will clear the ole nut...

.. question is..is she gonna b fit for pt 2 tonite???? :bigrin:

Dec 10, 2011, 9:17 AM
..o dear.. the luffly lil Dimbo has gorrup outa bed... wonderin wy she has a sore bootie... she knos wy 'er head is killin' 'er tho... tee hee..:bigrin: She'll b fine.. Kate has handed 'er sum paracetamol..:tong: Not sure thats gonna make the pain in 'er bum go away but it will clear the ole nut...

.. question is..is she gonna b fit for pt 2 tonite???? :bigrin:

Sympathetic annd nice friends. I could so with some.:(

What goes around comes around Fran as you well know.:bigrin:

Dec 10, 2011, 9:35 AM
*sits on Pepper's knee an strokes 'is cheek*

there, there pepper dear.. you weren't to know...

*kissies pepper on top of bonce*:kiss:

Yes, I wasn't aware you dealt with those kind of winds there; always enjoy learning something new & interesting.:kay:

Dec 11, 2011, 12:29 AM
Dearest Frances,

While you do know I love you, I must say that I have not really a clue as to what you were trying to say. I was able to sifter throught that there was bad weather and it was trying to get home to your Sweet Kate and the kiddies. Be safe in your journey home and know we LOVE YOU.


Dec 11, 2011, 5:02 AM
You are a rip! I am quite sure you could get an offer for some kind of comic book charctre and you do all the writing of your misadventures. Seriously; I can actually see your steps when you write.

You're absolutely right! Got a good chuckle out of this in the middle of the night.:smilies15

Dec 11, 2011, 6:40 AM
Dearest Frances,

While you do know I love you, I must say that I have not really a clue as to what you were trying to say. I was able to sifter throught that there was bad weather and it was trying to get home to your Sweet Kate and the kiddies. Be safe in your journey home and know we LOVE YOU.


Not tryin 2 say owt Belle me luffly.. just relatin one day weather wos crap an blowy an didn fancy drivin 'ome.. next day wos a lil better.. went out had fun an Sam fell on 'er eva so cute lil bootie.. ver disappointin' last nite... she managed 2 stay on 'er feet... least think she did.. she didnt cum 'ome wiv us last nite so cant say for sure...:tong:

..an luff u 2 Belle.. wer havya been? Been ages an ages...:eek: