View Full Version : Fukn Idiot!

Jul 5, 2013, 12:39 AM
Ya'll with sensitive constitutions or tender ears may want to take a step back. This Cat is Pissed!

I got a message in my Yahoo mail a minute ago from the "Troll" from here attacking my Veterans, people with disabilities and Native Americans in general. Since the spineless little bastard wont open his mail when I reply to him, I'm going to answer him Here.

I dont give a rats ass what you say to me, or About me, or my Heritage, your opinion means diddly Shit to me. But I WILL Not tolerate you running down my Vets or people that cannot help how they were born, or those who have suffered accidents that caused them to Be disabled. Just because you chose to run off to Canada when you turned 18 to keep from going into military service like you said, (No offence to my Canadian friends) you have NO rights to run down or critisize my Vets for doing their duty to our country, and giving up their lives so that All Of Us could, and Can, remain free to live our lives the way we choose. You aren't even good enough to lick these men and women's combat boots, and shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as them. You called them callous killers, and murderers, what would You know about their struggles? Have you worked with them as long as "I" have, have you seen first hand the effects of war, or PTSD?? No, you havent, because a cowardly, shallow little Bastard like you would never know what its like to hold someone suffering from Night Terrors, or shaking so badly from simple fireworks on a night like tonight that they couldnt function. Why? Because You didnt have the guts to serve your country, that why! So in MY opinion, a gutless, whining pathetic moron like you has no room to open up their ignorant mouth and say Anything about my Vets. These men and women gave the ultimate sacrifice for us; Their limbs, their bodies, and in many many cases, their hearts and minds. Why? So that weak minded, bullying assholes like you could live and be happy in life. I'm ashamed that they had to do that for the likes of You. They deserve every respect that we can All give them for their service to us, our children, Grandchildren, and to future generations all over the world.

And as for folks born with "Freakish deformancies" like the college kids that I work with now, it could have just as easily been you. Or a horrific accident could have put you in a chair or gurney or segway for life. You called them "Malforms" and said they "Should have been put down" at birth" A lot you know about these people...they are more capable of love and compassion that you'll Ever know and understand. But then again, your mind is poisoned and disillusioned by hatred and ignorance, its us that should pity You.

So fucktard, next time you feel the need to run someone down, feel free to try it with me. I just laugh at your kind for the ox-brained fool that you are (And that's insulting the Ox)
Getting off here before I Really lose my temper...
Cat, fangs bared, claws unsheathed, tail whipping.

Jul 5, 2013, 7:04 AM
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."-- Edmund Burke 1729 -1797

"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." -- Benjamin Franklin at the signing of the Declaration of Independence

"Yeah, some of us did kill children, maybe babies. We had been put into Hell. There were no rules. Enemies could use children to carry bombs, grenades, guns. It is regretful we had to do what was needed to live. We did our duty. Did what we had been told was right." -- An uncle when asked once about something concerning Vietnam war. After which he fell silent, after which I come to understand from my own service, now have long fits of the same silence.

Comprehend this, I do not justify nor condone actions taken by those whom fight wars. I state what I do to provide accurate context. When one enlists as soldier, one assumes knowledge and acccepts there may be immoral things which they must do for a greater cause, one also accepts a risk of life. Soldiers become hollow from dealing this acceptence, some go off the rails fully. It is not pleaseant to experience, nor something a soldier would wish upon an enemy.

The point here is clear. I stand with Cat. If you have never faced such an experience, you have no valid ground to criticize. If you have, you would know enough to criticize in proper context, and not aim that criticism at the one whom also dealt with it. Some of us "good men" dislike it when evil draws wages.

Jul 5, 2013, 7:56 AM
Thank you Cat :love87: i am a (veteran)

Long Duck Dong
Jul 5, 2013, 8:20 AM
hugs cat, void and tim...... the body may come back but the mind is still there, forever........

some sayings I have heard from some of the vets.......

...there are some days that I wake up and I look at my wife and I tell her how much I love her, then there are days that I wake up and look at the stranger in the bed and I wonder who is the stranger that she sees looking back at her.......

.... every year, I march in the parades and every year they are there en mass with their egos and attitudes.. so quick to talk about how they did not bend and bow to anybodies will or wishes and how they will never condemn fighting or violence,.... now I look at them and realise that they are so pathetic that they do not even have a conscience to wrestle with when they are tramping all over other people in their rush to try and be superior to us....

.... there are some days that I can not help but wonder if we shot the wrong enemy........

.....for every vet, there is at least 10 critics, protesters, anti war advocates and pro peace preachers...... the reason for that is that we died fighting in other countries against people with guns, if they truly believed in what they preached, they would be on the front line trying to tell our enemy to lay down their guns as well, instead of waiting for us to come home so they can abuse us and thats why the fuckers outnumber us so much......

.... you know its a crying shame, that the pacifists get their ugly mugs in the news more than the soldiers do.... ever heard of the unknown pacifist ?......

.... how many pacifists does it take to change a lightbulb ??? a whole protest marchfull, but they are waiting for the vet to change the bulb cos he is the only one with balls........

cat, the vets are ready to go......


Jul 5, 2013, 8:34 AM
Hugs, Cat, I am so sorry you had to deal with the troll by mail. There are some people who seem to think that they have the right to just be as insulting as they want.. oh wait they do.. that's what the VETS and our troops fought for and fight for every day. But we have the right to tell them what a right fucktard we think they are. So hugs, Cat and all the vets and troops.

Jul 5, 2013, 8:51 AM
Hey Cat,

The more you entertain this asshole the more he'll persist on getting you worked up, don't give him the satisfaction.

I'm an atheist but I believe you get what you put out, positive and negative, karma as it were.

This guy is the worse kind of person...he delights himself by insulting the people that normal people revear and sympathies with primarily to get under someones skin or hurt there heart...its all this pathetic Bastard has in life.

What goes around comes around and I hope with everything in me that he gets his!

Jul 5, 2013, 9:20 AM
Not every person who protested the war in Vietnam is anti-Vet. Everyone has to take the path that his/her conscience decides. I honor all those decisions. A good friend of mine, a Vietnam vet, has told me stories of how our veterans are treated in this country, even by the government that sent them into harms way. I am appalled by people who who do not treat Vets with the respect for what they went through. I promised my friend that I would shake the hand of every Vet that I came to encounter and tell him that I thank him for his service. I have kept this promise.

Jul 5, 2013, 9:45 AM
Gee whiz Cat , don't hold back . Tell him how you really feel ! LMAO . Just wanted to say , Well said !

Jul 5, 2013, 11:30 AM
My uncle served in Vietnam, even though he could probably have gotten out of it. Unfortunately when he got back, he was treated in a shameful way by people who were opponents of the war.

Jul 5, 2013, 1:29 PM
Thanks Cat, retired military here. He has a right to be an asshole, I have the right to tell him he is a stupid%^&*( whatever. I'd call him a jackass but I personally think jackasses are intelligent animals. Not everyone agrees with combat, some don't think it is justified for any reason, well, it is sometimes a necessary evil. Too often freedom must be paid for with patriot blood to maintain those freedoms that allow us to disagree. Some people need to agree to disagree and respect each others opinions. Troll sounds like he needs an attitude adjustment, lay off my brothers and those less fortunate for reasons beyond their control and do not ever darken my doorstep. I would kick in the gates of hell with my military brethren and spit in the devil's face before I would take a Sunday stroll in candy ass park with the little piece of monkey dung. Remember, opinions are like butts, we all have them and they all smell different.

Jul 5, 2013, 1:54 PM
I actually had to edit this several times before posting it..lol I was a Little heated up. I can handle many things, but running down my Vets is not one of them Its there that I'll stand up and click-claws. (Think of Wolverine clicking his claws open) LOL
And I have No idea of how my heritage got brought into this. He said "I have nothing against Niggers or Indians...I think everyone should own at least one or two" Dumb Asshole...

Anyway, Ya'll have a wonderful weekend. I'm sure he got the message here. I know he wont read the one I sent back to him. It wasnt pretty and it Wasnt Lady-Like...lol (But no body ever accused me of being a lady..LOL)
Muahs to you all.
Hackles smoothed back down...
Your Cat

Dead Account
Jul 5, 2013, 4:43 PM
Pass on my condolences straight to his parents for having this waste of sperm injected into the world. - a veteran and still serving as a contractor.

Jul 5, 2013, 5:26 PM
Sorry about that Cat.

However, I think that you have shown him how to get at you or upset you.

Jul 5, 2013, 5:27 PM
I was too young to really understand Vietnam, but I did watch the History Channel's Vietnam in HD. I would recommend it, despite a lot of the graphic footage they showed there were only two times I cried during the whole series. The first was when they showed the soldiers losing the support of the American people. The second was when they showed footage of the first POWs coming home.. I understand that there are some that never came home. My natural inclination is to want to love people, after having to struggle with understanding respect while growing up, I think I know what respect is worth. I usually have words, but this time I don't have anything that can say that expresses the pain, respect and gratitude that I feel about the whole situation. If I was forced to choose between showing compassion toward a solider who is suffering from war related trauma or letting them suffer in silence - I will choose compassion. We all know what it means to lose someone we care deeply about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xEAOLyS_cY none of us are perfect, if there is no forgiveness, then there is no healing, and none of the things in that video can ever be true..therefore I choose to try to understand and forgive when I am capable of doing so.

Jul 5, 2013, 5:58 PM
Well said Miss Kitty and thank you for defending all us vets. signed: I_shoot_blanks, Major USAF (ret)

Jul 5, 2013, 6:02 PM
This is just one of many stories: http://vimeo.com/15827231 The Islamic countries we are fighting in have not undergone a reformation the way that Christianity has. If you ask me what we are fighting for, one of many things we are fighting for is so that women will have the right to be able to learn to read. So that the more liberal or centrist view of Islam will have a chance. If you ask me if war is glorious, I will say no. But I am proud of the folks who have served and the ones who are serving.

Jul 5, 2013, 6:13 PM
Good 4u
Cherokee_Mountaincat (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?58438-Cherokee_Mountaincat), but don't waste your precious time on morons..ignor them...there will always be fools and imbeciles..save you time for what you do best:lov'n...

Lisa (va)
Jul 5, 2013, 6:41 PM
Hey Cat,

The more you entertain this asshole the more he'll persist on getting you worked up, don't give him the satisfaction.

So very true, there has always been trolls and f'ing idiots, probably always will: the easiest path I have found was to 'starve' them and stop feeding into them, it's not like they will ever see your point of view. Much easier to just ignore them and let them go away.


hugs n kisses

Jul 5, 2013, 7:28 PM
Not every person who protested the war in Vietnam is anti-Vet. Everyone has to take the path that his/her conscience decides. I honor all those decisions. A good friend of mine, a Vietnam vet, has told me stories of how our veterans are treated in this country, even by the government that sent them into harms way. I am appalled by people who who do not treat Vets with the respect for what they went through. I promised my friend that I would shake the hand of every Vet that I came to encounter and tell him that I thank him for his service. I have kept this promise.

Read a bit of Antony C. Sutton. He writes about how the government of America at the
time was funding Soviets, whom in turn made/bought weapons and gave them to Vietcong
soldiers. He is quite well respected, deadly accurate and has records to back it up.

Then on top of it, our soldiers if they had been granted liberty to do it, would have
won the war in a matter of a few months. They were stopped as they advanced into
attempting doing that. The rabbit hole goes well beyond nations, politics. And those
in the hutch got all the cards.

Jul 5, 2013, 7:38 PM
My uncle served in Vietnam, even though he could probably have gotten out of it. Unfortunately when he got back, he was treated in a shameful way by people who were opponents of the war.

My uncle found a bit of peace one year. He took up an invation extended by a
bud he bumped into doing a bit of extra farm work. The bud invited him to a
Native American powwow.

He told us the whole reaction was a matter of night and day. The elders came,
greeted him, embraced him and thanked him. Then the younger braves came
and honored him, then women and children. Everyone shared with him, freely.
They were truly grateful of his service and treated him as a loved brother.

He's been going to powwows a few years now. :)

He came home, there were no parades. He saw his father whom had served in WWII,
with the car, then his mother. She hugged him, his dad put his bag in the car. They
drove back to his mom and dad's in near silence. His mother of course regailing him
with local gossip, what her and "Pap" had been doing.

R. R. Wayne
Jul 5, 2013, 9:52 PM
Well said, Cat.

Jul 5, 2013, 11:38 PM
Well said Cat.

Jul 6, 2013, 12:47 AM
Hi Cat, You forgot arched back and your hair standing up. Aside from that, I commend you for sticking up for your beliefs, and that I thank the Vets for their service. The people that piss and moan the most about what the military is doing, forget that these people put their lives on the line protecting these idiots so they have the right to act as stupid as they do.

Jul 6, 2013, 2:31 AM
Well you see, I didnt/dont work primarily with Nam Vets, even though those were the one's we had the most of at the time. I have worked with all branches, and wars. Even though I am retired from the Veteran's field, I do still belong to many Veteran's groups, and still wind up talking to Vets from all over. Iraq and Afghanistan are the 'new' ones that I work with now. We all have to take a stand now and then, Darlings. Stand up for what you personally feel is right, or unjust, even. I just get heated up over stupidity. ;)
Sorry for the hackles and claws...(Not) lol
Hugs to all of ya'll.
Too scrappy for my own good sometimes..:D
Yer Cat

Jul 6, 2013, 8:56 AM
Never change Miss Kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 6, 2013, 12:35 PM
Looks like you have pretty nearly unanimous support here, cat, for reaming the pathetic asshole (and not in a friendly way) who is trolling. It's probably bi_damon or whatever his latest incarnation calls himself, and is too young & too stupid to understand what he's talking about. We are with you darlin', 100%.
I've never served in the military. I had my fill of it in military school as a kid. But that also gave me an understanding of what motivates those who serve, and why we all owe them a debt so deep and everlasting that it requires our best efforts to see to it this obligation is met. I was a dedicated anti-war protester in my younger days--but I never protested the warriors, only the war. (I still wear a t-shirt that says, on the front, "Support the Troops," and, on the back, "End the War.") I once lost my temper (I am ALWAYS opposed to violence) and popped a kid in the mouth who was screaming "baby-killer" at a returning vet. I am a monthly supporter of the Wounded Warrior Project, and am doing everything I can to prod this administration to secure funding for veteran's health care and counseling. I still believe that Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld belong in prison for crimes against humanity--especially against our own soldiers. I urge every one who hasn't already joined to sign up right away for the Wounded Warrior Project--and as for the little twerp who is yanking your chain, forget him. He is not worth one bead of your sweat, nor qualified to wipe a soldier's ass.

Jul 6, 2013, 1:27 PM
Kuddos to sailor...Wounded Warrior Project is the best way to tell our vets who gave so much for us that we love, support, and appreciate them. And to you, cat, you know how I feel about you! Keep on keeping on.

Jul 6, 2013, 1:43 PM
Yep .Wounded Warrior is a fantastic organization to belong to. Have been a member for years now..:}
Muahs to Sailor's and Seattle's cheeks, too..:}

Jul 6, 2013, 7:41 PM
From a veteran.. Tell idiot to come visit me..

Jul 6, 2013, 9:00 PM
Ty TT.:}

Apr 1, 2015, 9:59 AM
Ya'll with sensitive constitutions or tender ears may want to take a step back. This Cat is Pissed!

I got a message in my Yahoo mail a minute ago from the "Troll" from here attacking my Veterans, people with disabilities and Native Americans in general. Since the spineless little bastard wont open his mail when I reply to him, I'm going to answer him Here.

I dont give a rats ass what you say to me, or About me, or my Heritage, your opinion means diddly Shit to me. But I WILL Not tolerate you running down my Vets or people that cannot help how they were born, or those who have suffered accidents that caused them to Be disabled. Just because you chose to run off to Canada when you turned 18 to keep from going into military service like you said, (No offence to my Canadian friends) you have NO rights to run down or critisize my Vets for doing their duty to our country, and giving up their lives so that All Of Us could, and Can, remain free to live our lives the way we choose. You aren't even good enough to lick these men and women's combat boots, and shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as them. You called them callous killers, and murderers, what would You know about their struggles? Have you worked with them as long as "I" have, have you seen first hand the effects of war, or PTSD?? No, you havent, because a cowardly, shallow little Bastard like you would never know what its like to hold someone suffering from Night Terrors, or shaking so badly from simple fireworks on a night like tonight that they couldnt function. Why? Because You didnt have the guts to serve your country, that why! So in MY opinion, a gutless, whining pathetic moron like you has no room to open up their ignorant mouth and say Anything about my Vets. These men and women gave the ultimate sacrifice for us; Their limbs, their bodies, and in many many cases, their hearts and minds. Why? So that weak minded, bullying assholes like you could live and be happy in life. I'm ashamed that they had to do that for the likes of You. They deserve every respect that we can All give them for their service to us, our children, Grandchildren, and to future generations all over the world.

And as for folks born with "Freakish deformancies" like the college kids that I work with now, it could have just as easily been you. Or a horrific accident could have put you in a chair or gurney or segway for life. You called them "Malforms" and said they "Should have been put down" at birth" A lot you know about these people...they are more capable of love and compassion that you'll Ever know and understand. But then again, your mind is poisoned and disillusioned by hatred and ignorance, its us that should pity You.

So fucktard, next time you feel the need to run someone down, feel free to try it with me. I just laugh at your kind for the ox-brained fool that you are (And that's insulting the Ox)
Getting off here before I Really lose my temper...
Cat, fangs bared, claws unsheathed, tail whipping.

Amen lady.

Apr 1, 2015, 12:58 PM
Ya'll with sensitive constitutions or tender ears may want to take a step back. This Cat is Pissed!

I got a message in my Yahoo mail a minute ago from the "Troll" from here attacking my Veterans, people with disabilities and Native Americans in general. Since the spineless little bastard wont open his mail when I reply to him, I'm going to answer him Here.

I dont give a rats ass what you say to me, or About me, or my Heritage, your opinion means diddly Shit to me. But I WILL Not tolerate you running down my Vets or people that cannot help how they were born, or those who have suffered accidents that caused them to Be disabled. Just because you chose to run off to Canada when you turned 18 to keep from going into military service like you said, (No offence to my Canadian friends) you have NO rights to run down or critisize my Vets for doing their duty to our country, and giving up their lives so that All Of Us could, and Can, remain free to live our lives the way we choose. You aren't even good enough to lick these men and women's combat boots, and shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as them. You called them callous killers, and murderers, what would You know about their struggles? Have you worked with them as long as "I" have, have you seen first hand the effects of war, or PTSD?? No, you havent, because a cowardly, shallow little Bastard like you would never know what its like to hold someone suffering from Night Terrors, or shaking so badly from simple fireworks on a night like tonight that they couldnt function. Why? Because You didnt have the guts to serve your country, that why! So in MY opinion, a gutless, whining pathetic moron like you has no room to open up their ignorant mouth and say Anything about my Vets. These men and women gave the ultimate sacrifice for us; Their limbs, their bodies, and in many many cases, their hearts and minds. Why? So that weak minded, bullying assholes like you could live and be happy in life. I'm ashamed that they had to do that for the likes of You. They deserve every respect that we can All give them for their service to us, our children, Grandchildren, and to future generations all over the world.

And as for folks born with "Freakish deformancies" like the college kids that I work with now, it could have just as easily been you. Or a horrific accident could have put you in a chair or gurney or segway for life. You called them "Malforms" and said they "Should have been put down" at birth" A lot you know about these people...they are more capable of love and compassion that you'll Ever know and understand. But then again, your mind is poisoned and disillusioned by hatred and ignorance, its us that should pity You.

So fucktard, next time you feel the need to run someone down, feel free to try it with me. I just laugh at your kind for the ox-brained fool that you are (And that's insulting the Ox)
Getting off here before I Really lose my temper...
Cat, fangs bared, claws unsheathed, tail whipping....I'm one quarter Cherokee (or more...there's some doubt, there was a time when I believe the cut off was a half & you had to have a white guardian co-sign for bank accounts & to own property so people like my grandfather frequently lied about their % of indian blood) & a vet so I'd like you to PM me the name of the troll.....

Apr 1, 2015, 1:15 PM
My uncle found a bit of peace one year. He took up an invation extended by a
bud he bumped into doing a bit of extra farm work. The bud invited him to a
Native American powwow.

He told us the whole reaction was a matter of night and day. The elders came,
greeted him, embraced him and thanked him. Then the younger braves came
and honored him, then women and children. Everyone shared with him, freely.
They were truly grateful of his service and treated him as a loved brother.

He's been going to powwows a few years now. :)

He came home, there were no parades. He saw his father whom had served in WWII,
with the car, then his mother. She hugged him, his dad put his bag in the car. They
drove back to his mom and dad's in near silence. His mother of course regailing him
with local gossip, what her and "Pap" had been doing....where was this powwows held?...what tribe...I was once at a powwow & met a young Winnebago girl...she told me her father was Jay Silverheels (Tonto of Lone Ranger)...he came through their town on a publicity our...& slept with her mama...she was a virgin...so he had to be father...

Apr 1, 2015, 4:48 PM
...I'm one quarter Cherokee (or more...there's some doubt, there was a time when I believe the cut off was a half & you had to have a white guardian co-sign for bank accounts & to own property so people like my grandfather frequently lied about their % of indian blood) & a vet so I'd like you to PM me the name of the troll.....
Take a DNA test. I was told via family history that we had Native-American ancestors. I took a DNA test, and had my relatives take them and we are not Native-American at all.

Apr 1, 2015, 4:49 PM
As near as I can figure I am "mutt" - but I have a lot of respect for native traditions simply because they allow for respect and reverence of creation. I once watched a video on two-spirit people and I think one of the elders basically said, "We don't throw people away the way the white man does." - with respect to trying to make those folks a part of the community even if they are "different".

Soldiers .. (besides lusting over the uniform) .. have done more for me than I will probably ever know, and some of them have very deep scars because of it. I know that it is impossible to take the pain away from all people but I feel that people deserve healing when they need it most. It's probably one of the most un-appreciated jobs, but thank you for your service (Cat and boys/girls in uniform).


Apr 1, 2015, 5:03 PM
Without both, there would be no catalyst for change..without change there is no growth.


Apr 1, 2015, 6:10 PM
As near as I can figure I am "mutt" - but I have a lot of respect for native traditions simply because they allow for respect and reverence of creation. I once watched a video on two-spirit people and I think one of the elders basically said, "We don't throw people away the way the white man does." - with respect to trying to make those folks a part of the community even if they are "different". ...Indians were a lot more tolerant than whites...all the major tribes had homo sexual warrior societies....

Apr 1, 2015, 8:54 PM
I wanted to make a comment directed at the person who emailed you, but I read your post again. No need for me to add to it, you said it perfectly.
In my mind I call people like that "surface dwellers". They have little to no comprehension of the depth of the world and the beautiful people in it; their own lives pass them by. And they are like this by choice, without contribution, up until the time they're staring at the sod from the dirt side. In my opinion, they've thrown their lives away.

Apr 2, 2015, 9:08 AM
For everyone's information, Cherokee Mountain....also known as Mama Cat, has been very ill and signed off several months ago.

I was wondering if anyone has been in contact with her and, if she is doing any better?

She's a tough ol' gal and calls things the way she sees 'em, but she's a very loving and caring person.

Hope she's doing well!

Apr 2, 2015, 9:26 PM
For everyone's information, Cherokee Mountain....also known as Mama Cat, has been very ill and signed off several months ago.

I was wondering if anyone has been in contact with her and, if she is doing any better?

She's a tough ol' gal and calls things the way she sees 'em, but she's a very loving and caring person.

Hope she's doing well!

I knew that she had health problems but did not know they were serious. When I saw this thread revived, I felt sad because it reminded me of her absence. I never knew her personally, nevertheless, I really liked her a lot. I share your wish that she is doing well again.