View Full Version : Uganda, what's going on

Feb 28, 2014, 10:32 PM

Well, when people stop listening to your shit back home, go somewhere else.

Mar 3, 2014, 1:17 AM
"What's going on?"
is nothing new.
Unify via common (arbitrarily chosen) enemy.
Hitler (outlined this strategy the best) used the Jews (double bonus - Jews were rich and helped finance his cause).
Mao and Stalin... never ending revolution against the former rich and powerful (in willful ignorance of the current socialist/communist rich and powerful).
Yeah, nothing new... but like pre WWII, we should expect refugees.

Mar 3, 2014, 6:15 AM
only historical British intolerance in empire and beyond allowing American evangelist intolerance feed a tyrant..... but it is hardly the worst crisis the world faces is it? A paranoid nutty Russian egomaniac, Ukranian nationalism substantially supported and motivated by nazi groups giving some credence to Rusian claims of fascism aided by Western ineptitude and uselessnes and helplessness.. get ur priorities rite guys..... worry 'bout that lickle lot....