View Full Version : top of natal cleft or but crack

Jun 18, 2014, 12:59 AM
just curious, always liked exploring my body, but that spot right at the top of the crack feels real weird, my question is for anyone that has any knowledge about that area? it usually feels real tender, and sometimes sore, i dont check it often but when i do that is how it feels i dont have any sores in the area, just curiuos why that is? and is there something i should be doing about that like a special lotion or anything, any help or advice would be appreicated thanx

Jun 18, 2014, 6:49 AM
That area is crazy sensitive! I have a tattoo that crosses over that area, and it was THE most painful tattoo to get, to date! If you still have butt hair (yuck!), the hair can magnify sensitivity, by pulling against the skin.

Jun 18, 2014, 9:25 AM
It's a common spot for moisture buildup and can get inflamed. Wash it well, dry it well, and use a little Neosporin or Balmex there to keep things happy. Sometimes you can get ingrown hairs there too. Hairs actually grow into and out of the skin (through it) too. I was at my doctor's and told him, and he pulled them out and fixed the problem. Actually pretty common...he said "happens sometimes, not a big deal"......

Jun 18, 2014, 11:11 AM
You may be developing a pilonidal cyst. Tat is the most common location and presentation for it. If I becomes significant you will definitely know it and seek treatment to have it drained.

Jun 18, 2014, 11:13 AM
Yep, then there's that stuff!