View Full Version : Help, advice and insight needed

Jun 30, 2014, 6:12 PM
Where to begin (I wonder how many threads have started this way on here)?
I guess I'll start with the background of our romantic little story. This is going to be long by the way. Very long.
I've known my wife since she was in the 7th grade and I in the 8th. I can still remember the first time we talked on the dark bus ride to the middle school. She was, and still is, the quiet type. She would get onto the school bus every morning and slide as close to the window as possible and she'd put her bookbag in the seat next to her so that no one could sit beside her. For the rest of the ride she would stare out of the window with her headphones on. It was as if she didn't want to be noticed or seen. As if she wanted to fade away from the noise and retreat in to herself where there was safety. For most boys in the 8th grade, she was probably easy to over look. She would rarely speak, let alone flirt or draw attention to herself but for the weird fellow that I was, and still am, her efforts at permeating in to the background failed her. Her beauty was undeniable to me. Some mornings I could not help but watch her eyes reaching out of the bus windows at cornfields and the passing barns (we live in the country :). I'd watch her eyes squint and sharpen and I wanted so badly to ask her what she was listening to. It had to be as equally sad, as equally beautiful as she was, I had convinced myself. I finally managed the courage to ask her one morning, after months of admiring her from what might as well have been miles away, from my seat on the bus. She quietly gave me the name of the band whose music I had seen play out on her face and in her eyes all those mornings leading up that moment. Now, I'm not a religious person or a disciple of fate, at all, and quite honestly, there's not too awful much that I do believe in completely besides love and instincts, but nothing blows my mind more severely than coincidence. The band name she gave was a band that I had been obsessed with for months! And even to this day I've not discovered an album that I loved as much as that very album that she herself was listening to. It still kills me to think about it even today because this wasnt top 40 garbage, this was an obscure underground band, making the level of the coincident that much deeper.
Considering our ages at the time, we were too young to really know what to do with the connection that would develope between us over the next year. I think we both sensed in our chemistry something much stronger than we, at the time, were mature enough to nurture and allow to grow to its potential. We did try, however. We officially dated for the first time at the end of her freshman year. That entire summer was filled with midnight swims in the creek, long walks down the country roads that weaved the 4 miles or so between our houses and seemingly endless hours in front of the computer listening to music where we would sit with lyrics and highlight our favorite lines and discuss the possible meanings. She broke it off with me before school started back and it hurt me badly. She was definitely my first love and the pain was maddening because I knew that she loved me as well and hadnt loved another as deeply as she had me. So then why did she leave me? Looking back now I realize that her decision was the best that either of us could have made. We still talk about it today with smiles on our faces.
I also need to add that during the summer before my freshman year of highschool I had lost my virginity in a very uncomfortable and scary fashion. I was dating a girl who was two years older than myself. We had been together for about a month. She was very touchy feely and was always wanting to makeout. Even if my parents were around she would try to makeout. I didnt realize it at the time but she was more than likely turned on by the "risk" of getting "caught." All of this was fine by me, I mean other than the parent thing nothing made me feel uncomfortable. Around the two month period she invited me over to her house to swim. Me and a buddy of mine leave and go over to her house and she has a friend there. She leads us to the basement and she leads me one way and her friend leads my friend the other way. I remember my heart pounding. I wasnt sure what her intentions were but I knew I did not want to have sex. I was terrified by the idea. Back then, every time I entertained the idea in a serious manner all I would see was a pregnant belly or hearing an imaginary voice saying through tears "I haven't had my period yet" or "I wanted to wait until I knew for sure, but, I'm pregnant." Maybe that's weird but I was pretty young and it really did terrify me. But she ended up pushing me back onto some milk crates and she gets on top of me. She starts the kissing and it goes on for a good while, so long I remember thinking "Ok, maybe she isn't going to try anything." But it was as if she sensed my relief and she reached in to my swimming shorts and started touching me. I told her in several different ways to stop but upon hearing each protest she would get more and more sexual with what she was doing. Then, within a flash, she was on top of me. She went back and forth a few times and, of course I was about to get off so I pushed her off of me. To make this long rabbit trail short I'll sum the rest up... she was crazy. My worst fears played out over the next month. Having broken it off with her shortly after that she called me out of the blue and said that she was pregnant. I didnt eat anything for days and the fear shadowed every thought. Eventually my mother, with her motherly instincts (along with the fact that she was probably uncomfortable with our relationship all along) helped me confess. My mom is a fiery woman and right away she knew that all of this was about control. She calmly stood up, grabbed the phone and called this girl up and within minutes had her crying and confessing that she just didnt want to lose me! Mommas are great. I don't know if all of this will help with what I'm seeking here but I figured any insight couldnt possibly hurt things.
So having been through all of that with my "first" you'd think that sex would have been the last thing on my to-do list. Nope. Although there is over a year between my first and second, things took off after number two. So yes, I'll admit it, in high school I did sleep around but it was always with someone I was dating and I never even slightly tried to force something to happen that wasnt happening naturally. I guess because I knew first hand what that felt like.
Anyways, to carry on...
My wife and I ended up dating a couple of more times while we were in high school. By the second time we had dated she had lost her virginity to a guy she had dated for quite sometime. I knew this and it didnt bother me. How could I allow it to? During the second and third time we dated there were many heated makeout sessions. I remember one in particular where I had walked all the way to her house during the summer while her mom was at work. We kissed and kissed and kissed and at some point we ended up on the floor with her on top of me. She had THE LOOK on her face. Everything in my being wanted her. I wanted her more than I had ever wanted any girl or anything. I kissed her for a little while longer and told her that I had to get home before my parents got off work. She didnt seem hurt by this. But I could tell that there was some disappointment behind her eyes. When I think about it now I know why I didnt go through with it. With every other girl, sure I cared about them, even loved a few. But with my would-be-wife, I didnt want to share that with her unless I knew we were ready for the long haul and although we were older by this point, I knew we both still had a lot of growing and maturing to do. I didnt want it to be childish. I wanted us both to have the full capacity to appreciate that act and for it to mean as much as possible.
Eventually, for the same reasons as before, she broke it off each time we dated and it hurt more than the last each time. After the third time, I hadnt given up on the idea of our chemistry and the potential and compatibility of us, but I was tired of being dumped.
We both got involved in lengthy relationships that extended past graduation. I found myself single before her relationship ended. I had been with a very insecure and controlling girl for over two years and we had made each other miserable the entire time we were together. We would go through each others phones and so on and so on. It was torture and when I finally managed to break up with her I found myself in a dark place and started drinking heavily. That lasted for a while. Then one day I went in to wal mart to buy some lava soap to take hiking with me to a secluded lake back in the woods where I liked to bathe during the summer (like I said, I have my weirdness) And guess who was there to take my money? Yep, my would-be-wife. We small talked for a minute and she smiled when I told her of my plans and I felt a breeze drift over that old spark. She told me she was still with her boyfriend but I could tell that she wasnt happy. I told myself I would help her find happiness :)
While staying in touch but remaining respectful of their existing relationship, eventually my patience paid off and they finally broke it off. We spent a great deal of time together for the next few weeks but my happiness was short-lived. She told me that she needed to go to a bordering state for a while and stay with her dad. YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. I didn't beg her but I came mighty close. When she made it clear that it was something that had to be done I backed off. What good would continuing the pleading do me. If she had something that needed taken care of it would always need taken care of until it was taken care of. Despite my optimism, I couldn't help but feeling like that kid in high school who kept getting dumped because his girlfriend just loved him too much.
We talked while she was gone but not as much as you might expect. Part of me felt like she needed space and part of me was afraid of what it was exactly that needed taken care of.
So I waited and drank beer and drank beer and waited and finally we began talking more frequently and finally she said she was coming back and coming back to be mine, and although she didnt say it I knew it finally meant once and for all.
She moved back and we got happily married and everything was how I had always imagined it would be.
So that's the background story. I wanted all of you who have the patience to read all of this to somewhat know us. I know it's long but it is hard to give good advice when you only know very little about things like this.
So here is the first bomb that was dropped...
One day we were out driving the back roads. My wife likes to take pictures of deer and any old barns that we may run across. I noticed she seemed "off." She hadnt even taken her camera from its bag.
I pulled down a dead end road and I shut off the car and got out to stretch my legs. When I turned around I saw her on the hood of the car biting her thumbnail. Her hands were mildly shaking. I walked over to her and asked her what was wrong.
She tells me she needs to talk to me...
Uh-oh I think.
She nervously tells me the story of what happened in the bordering state...
She pretty much broke down. She told me that once she got there and got settled that she starting smoking weed again and whenever she wasnt at work she was high. She tells me that she ended up kind of dating a guy (the guy who was selling her the weed). She insisted that it wasn't "official" but that they spent alot of time together and that they would kiss every now and then and really just hung out a lot. Ok, so I know what you're thinking "this is a bisexual site, what's this all about?"
Well then she tells me that at about 2/3s of the way through their "relationship" if that's what you want to call it, she found out that this guy was actually a girl. I was very comforting and kind to her but I did find it hard to believe. I mean, I felt that it would have been nearly impossible not to know such a thing. I asked her what happened after she found out that the person she was involved with was a girl and she told me that they still hung out but that it really grossed her out and everything ended shortly after. She said that she ended up dating one other person while she was there who was a guy and that nothing sexual happened between them. She said that she felt that she did it to feel normal because this guy wasnt really her type. That made sense to me.

Jun 30, 2014, 6:13 PM
So after this first bomb was dropped nothing changed between my wife and I. I mean, we really only talked about it a few other times and each time I could tell that she was embarrassed by it so even if I wanted to get more of the details I wouldnt have really felt comfortable asking her because I didnt want to make her re-live something so unpleasant. When our son (we have two kids and our son was the first) was roughly 18 months to 2 years old, my wife went through the baby blues. It was a very hard time for both of us and I didnt help things at all because I was drinking more than I should have and we werent getting along. We were arguing a great deal, especially when I was drinking. She, being an insecure person, really, for as long as I had known her, was even more so after having had our first. Not that she got heavy but she would say things like "I'll never look like I did when we got together." I would try to tell her things to make her feel better but we were both battling our own demons and I could have done so much more to make her feel happy and wanted and more secure. Being a guy, this timeframe may be a little off but any details I place in the wrong order shouldnt hinder anything. But during this crazy time with her now on meds that made her seem like a zombie and me drinking, she began asking me if I looked at porn. Although I did and had since I was very young, I knew that it would be a great distance in the future before I could admit such a thing to her without completely destroying her. If I had confessed then, it would have ended our marriage. Back then she viewed it as cheating and I understood where she was coming from having once had insecurities of my own. So I always denied it and made sure my phone was "clean." One day I walked up to her and she had a look on her face that told me something was very wrong. I said what is it? She said "I need you to tell me the truth. It's alright, I just need to know."
"What are you talking about?"
"Are you looking at porn?"
I told her no and then she said "so why is your entire history deleted from your phone."
I immediately went down the whole privacy road (which I really do feel strongly about) and made a bunch of excuses and nothing came from it except she didnt believe me and I knew it.
To give a little background as to why I hadn't told her yet, well, like I stated before, I was never certain of the damage it would cause and I had a secret that I was terrified of sharing with her too because I had never shared it with ANYONE before. I knew that if I told her about the porn that eventually I would have tell her that I have a foot fetish. I know that it is not that uncommon and you would think that by this point I would have felt comfortable telling her, but I was embarrassed about it and I didnt know how she would take it.
So things carried on like that for a while. She would randomly ask me from time to time if I was looking at porn and she would sometimes go through my phone and we would deal with such things when theyd come up.
So the next bomb came about 8 months ago I think. Everything had been fine, well as fine as it could be with such deceit going unattended, and things felt like they were improving. Well one night before we went to sleep I sensed that she was still awake. As soon as I was going to ask her what was wrong, she rolls over and says "you awake?"
I tell her yeah and she gets up and turns the light on. I noticed she had the same look on her face that she did when she told me about the guy who ended up being a girl in the bordering state.
"What is it hun?" I ask her.
She began the same way as before. Teary eyed and shaking. She told me that she felt as if there may be something wrong with her. She went on to tell me that she thinks that she finds females more attractive than she should. She tells me that she thinks it is because women are more sexual and more prone to attach emotions to things and people than men and that she felt it was mainly because of how females are sexualized on television. I, again, was not bothered or disturbed by this and I began talking to her and asking her things. I asked her if she thought that this was because of what happened in the other state. Like maybe it had confused her. She said it was possible. I asked her if seeing sex scenes on tv made her aroused. If seeing the women naked made her aroused in particular and she said that it could be possible if her mind didnt become immediately insecure about what was going on in my own mind. I then asked her if there was anything that she wasnt telling me about what happened in the other state, because although this made some sense to me, nothing "clicked" if you know what I mean. She said no. The conversation ended up being chalked up as us both realizing the female body is more sexual than the male body and that it isnt uncommon for females to feel or think about such things. But I cant lie, I did feel that it went a little deeper than she was willing to give. But I loved her and was able to brush any second guessing aside and move on.
The third bomb came about a month and a half ago...
Please note that within the past year and a half I straightened my drinking out and went a long while without it and it is now something that we enjoy together. It no longer causes problems at all.
Also note that for about the same length of time my wife had been talking to one of my ex girlfriends very often through text. Considering that both of them were insecure about one another while I dated them, it was very strange to me. Sometimes I'd ask her if it was weird talking to my ex and she said that it was at first but that it was helping with her insecurities. I kind of felt that she was talking to her because she wanted to compare herself with my ex but I wasnt sure what was going on. About a week before the third bomb was dropped I noticed she had been texting a great deal. I remember teasing her by asking if it was her girlfriend. I intended it as comic relief and she took it as that and smiled. Later that day she asked me if it bothered me than she and my ex were talking so much and really, up until that point I hadnt thought of it in a negative light at all. I told her no but for the rest of the day I began pondering. It hadnt occurred to me that maybe her and my ex were actually attracted to one another. At first this bothered me but again, I shooed it away.
So the third bomb came about two weeks ago. We had been drinking and having a really great night. We had been flirting and we both knew we'd be making love before bed. After we got in bed and started fooling around for awhile... I mean we were both very turned on, she brought up porn for the first time in a somewhat positive light. She asked me if it would turn me on to watch it with her. I honestly answered her and told her that porn naturally would turn me on but that I didnt want to do it if it would make her insecure or if it would be something that she would regret tomorrow when we would be sober and not heated up. She said that she thought it would help her insecurities. What happened next was the worst and best thing to happen to me and to us in a long time... I go to google and type in the website that I usually would use and although I had remembered to remove my history, the first letter caused google to bring up the search in its own history. My wife saw it and if felt so good and so bad at the same time. She asked the question I knew she would ask and I sat there in the dark for awhile. She let me sit in the silence for what seemed like eternity. I took a deep breath and asked her to turn the light on. I wanted to look her in the eyes. Because although the lies were wrong, I didnt feel that porn was wrong and I wanted that to be conveyed. So she cut the light on and I told her "I have a foot fetish. Yes I look at porn. I know I shouldn't have lied but I didnt think I could tell you without destroying you and our marriage." To avoid a knee-jerk reactions she went in to the bathroom crying. I knew she needed time and I gave it to her. Had I not been drinking I probably wouldnt have fallen asleep but the next thing I remember is her waking me up. She was obviously hurting but she didnt seem mad. We talked it out. I cant remember ever feeling so vulnerable. The porn thing wasnt bad but my foot fetish was out and in the open for the first time in my life since I realized I had a fetish. But she comforted me and told me that she didnt find it weird and since she seems to really like it! I know I do! :)
After the fetish was addressed she confessed (with my prying questions) that she had starting looking at porn around the time that she felt that she knew that I was for sure looking at it. I asked her had she ever masturbated to it and she said no. I believed her. Not that it would have mattered and none of this bothered me. How could I get mad at her really? She said that she started watching it to help her understand and for it to perhaps become a tool in eventually helping me come clean since I showed no signs of being honest. I wanted to believe that but with all the female attracted-ness conversations we had had I felt there was more to it. We ended up making love and passing out in each other's arms.
The next day was nothing but a great long conversation. One in which the last of the bombs were dropped. We ended up out back behind the house under some oak trees. We were sharing the depths of ourselves with one another finally and it was great. But somewhere along the lines things went south. I discovered she had lied to me the previous night about masturbating. She started crying and told me that she really didn't mean to lie and that my question caught her off guard and that she answered in a knee-jerk fashion because it embarrassed her. This did hurt me and I know I have no room to say anything about lies but it hurt because we had been so open with each other and she never lies to me. We slowly worked through all of that and I asked her what kind of stuff she would watch.

Jun 30, 2014, 6:14 PM
She said that she would watch guy on girl and sometimes girl on girl and threesomes. Both made sense to me and neither bothered me. She said that she did orgasm but that it was always mediocre compared to in the bedroom and that the guilt smothered nearly all pleasure. She also said that once she realized she was only watching the girl she ventured to girl on girl and threesomes and that it was the making out and the undressing that really turned her on. She didnt like it starting right off with fooling around (so if any of you have a website with good scenes like this, shoot them our way). She also said that strap-ons turned her off because she felt that it took the femininity out of it. She said that guy on girl would turn her on more than two girls with a strap-on.
The next night my sister came over with her soon-to-be. They smoke weed a good bit and although I usually dont because of my job, me and the wife decided to. I think we both subconsciously knew it would help both of us explore one another in the bedroom and in conversation. Between the beer and the weed and the naturally arousing conversations and openness we did re-engage in sexual conversation and it turned us both on to explore these new caverns. We ended up watching porn together that night. We started with scenes featuring foot fetish stuff but ended up watching girl on girl and maybe threesome scenes. The latter two hands down turned her on more. We've watched porn together a few times since and let me tell you, she is very picky. Almost too picky! It's like she must find a girl that she likes or she gets no arousal.
So naturally, this has been an unraveling process. We have made love every day since. Our sex life has never been better. She has gotten insecure a couple of times but we were able to get over it very fast. Ive tried being as open and understanding as possible and ive tried every way imaginable to not come across as a husband that wants to have a threesome. I say this because our dirty talk has ventured down that path a few times and the mere thought of it while we are making love seems to drive her crazy. And although all of that turns me on so very much, I do not want her to feel as if that is a goal of mine. I tell her and have told her many times and in many different ways that I love her and accept her and that if it becomes something that she would like to experiment with that I would be ok with it but I cant lie, its definitely not something I want to be secluded from. She has told me that when she tries to reverse it in her head that she feels I have been perfect through all of this and that she wouldnt want to be secluded from anything I might want to explore either. She said that if I were bisexual or bicurious that if I were to venture out on my own that it would feel like cheating and I told her im glad she is able to open her mind so well because I do feel that way and this is coming from someone who isn't insecure at all. I feel ive fully embraced every quirky piece of her.
A side note-
A few days ago I asked my wife whether or not, since talking about all of this, whether or not she thought she was attracted to my ex who she talks to. She said that she thinks she is pretty but they just talk about best friend type stuff and vent about everyday stuff. Well for some reason I had a gut feeling that something was up but I couldnt figure it out. That's when my wife got the text from my ex. She immediately showed it to me. It was basically my ex using very strong language saying that she had never completely connected to one person and that she wanted my wife to have all of her love... I felt the itch finally scratched but I cannot help but wonder how all the conversations had gone up until that one text. I mean there has been so much that my wife has slowly, very slowly come out to me about, and I know how hard it must be, but I just want her to know and to feel comfortable telling me everything and up until this second she tells me that I know everything. If she were to be interested in my ex, I really would be ok with it. I just feel that anytime something like this is happening it is very important for 100% honesty and I just want to make sure I am being the husband who my wife can tell any and everything to.
My wife ended up telling my ex (who btw is bisexual) that she understood and that it is sometimes easy to blur the lines with female friends. My ex texted back after a day of keeping us in the dark saying she was just confused and was trying to fill a void caused by her un-affectionate boyfriend. My wife and I cant determine if she was fishing to see how my wife would react or if she is being sincere. I really do trust my wife. I feel she has told me everything that she has discovered about herself but everything is happening so fast that I guess im just wanting to know if im being a good husband, how can I be a better husband etc.
I'd also like to hear from some of the bisexual women out there because my wife, especially the last day or so, really seems to be trying to figure out what to call herself. She doesnt know if she is bi-curious or bisexual or what. I think part of her is leaning towards bisexual because she has told me that it would definitely turn her on to "make out with a girl with full lips" and because of the things she says in bed.
I guess I'm worried that even if she, deep down, wanted to kiss another girl or at least test those waters, that her insecurities would prevent her from acting on them and that makes me sad. Not because I want to see it or have a threesome, but because I want to be the husband whose wife can be who she really is.
I'm optimistic though. Not optimistic in the sense that she will eventually try these things to a degree haha but optimistic in the sense that no matter what, I want to have all of her, and nothing has helped with her insecurities more than our coming clean to one another.
I know this is long but I wanted and needed somewhere to share it. We both want feedback. We will both be a part of this getting posted. If there are any questions or any advice, please ask and give because this is still in its infancy and my wife could probably use some insight as far as figuring things out and I could use some insight on being a better husband.
Thanks to all who took the time to read this novel.

Jun 30, 2014, 9:45 PM
That is quite a conundrum.
I had a few thoughts in my head while I read your trilogy.
The first thought that came to my mind was that you need to experiment with paragraphs.
The second thought that came to me was to wonder if this is fact or fiction?
You typed an extraordinary amount of info. Sort of like you had wished this WOULD happen.


Jun 30, 2014, 10:54 PM
It's definitely not fiction and I'm sorry it bored you.
As far as the paragraphs go, I typed all of that on the Safe Notes app on my phone over the course of the past few days. I was going to email it to myself and open it up in word and touch it up but I was too impatient and went ahead and posted it.

Jul 1, 2014, 12:38 AM

Jul 1, 2014, 6:30 AM
If this is legitimate and, if your wife truly has these urges, I would allow her the freedom she needs, if she feels compelled to be with another woman. (This is not advice, just what I would do in a similar situation)

Both of you have wasted a lot of time lying about, or failing to discuss your interests.......but I can't say anything....I've done some of the same things in the past.

I've learned that, for me at least, it would have been much better to reveal the truth, long before I did.

Saying "NO!" to her desire to explore, may only make her either want it more, make her go "underground", or gradually make her blame you for her not being able to do what she needs to. But, from what you've written, I'd think her need for female companionship is something that is definitely on her mind.

She may try it and decide it's not for her, or she may find it's a part of her that has needed to be revealed. I know, from experience, that if she finds comfort in another woman's arms, she probably will NOT change her desire to be with you!

I assume you have no interests in bisexuality, for yourself, so you may not comprehend the pressures it puts on one who has those desires. I assure you, same-gender attractions can be some of the most compelling that anyone can experience!

Happily, both my GF and I are bisexual and, not only understand each other, but we are accepting that neither of us can provide the emotional and sexual stimulation, that a same-gender connection can.

I suggest that you do what is best for you, because only you really know what you can live with.

Good luck!

Jul 1, 2014, 7:44 AM
I don't know if we needed all of the back story but I'm glad you wrote it. I couldn't sleep and was just keeping my wife awake cuz I can't keep my hands off her. Reading this gave me something to do. Concerning advise...I'm the bi in this family. Bringing it up took decades. Talking about this stuff is so difficult that any opening up shows a lot of trust. She has opened up quite a lot to you. I think the good husband simply provides his wife with what she needs. In this case, I think that is space, privacy and understanding. Allow her to explore at her level and don't push for information, let her bring it up. You said none of this bothers you, great, you shouldn't be too curious about going thru her phone or getting her to talk about it. It's hard to understand but this is tearing her up inside and you can do very little for her other than offer support. But that support goes a long way in dealing with the shame and guilt.

Jul 1, 2014, 3:12 PM
Thanks for the responses everyone. To be honest, when I first started writing all of that, I wasnt sure if I would ever actually post it online because it is so personal. But after I starting writing everything came pouring out and each time I would sit to write it just kept getting longer and longer.I know there are details in there that could have been removed but I think I posted it when I did, without editing it or trimming it, is because I was afraid that I would back out if I didn't post it right away.As of now, it still feels like an unraveling process. There have been some many emotions and hours of conversation and intense and rejuvenated love making that everything still feels like a blur...I think thats another reason I felt the need to write it all out because when I look back everything is just smeared together...Im actually at work right now and we are slammed, so lucky for all of you this will be a short post. I tend to be long winded when I have down time.But my wife and I are doing really good right now and we're choosing to be completely open about every emotion and thought we have. It seems like she brings it up a little more than I do but even when I bring it up it almost seems like she is relieved. As if she sometimes wants to talk about it but starting the conversation is what's hard.I'll get back on here tonight. That's all I can write now.I hope more stop by to drop off their two cents. I texted my wife and told her we had some responses and she checked them out and said that she finds it so funny that my life seems unbelievable! But I can see why some would think I'm just trolling. But nope. ↑↑↑ that's a great portion of my life up there.Take care and thanks.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 1, 2014, 11:01 PM
one of the hardest things to do, is to talk with a person like a partner and a wife..... because we know what goes on in our heads and hearts, and its always easier to handle it when its just us.... but when there is another person, we are challenged to think about how we are going to express ourselves and how we feel in a way that does not have the other person so rattled that they need months or years to work through it or just shut down because they can not deal with it......

talking is good but its a learning curve.... there is a difference between talking with our partners about who we are attracted to in the way of people on tv or in a magazine... and the people we are attracted to or interested in doing something with, and there is the very real possibility that it will happen..... but people tend to look for the simple and easy such as the hook up / casual sex because its less complicated than the connecting with a ex, friend etc....

your wife is your wife... thats all she needs to call herself..... she does not need to use a label like bi curious or bi sexual.... she can be curious, interested, exploring, open minded, in the same way that you can be, without needing the labels that can actually add to our confusion...... I personally use about 5 labels depending on who I am talking to..... bisexual, omnisexual / pansexual ( pretty much the same thing ) fuildsexual ( it means that my attraction, interest and desire is very fluid and can change 3-4 times a day ) or IhavenotreallygotalabelthatfitsmeorthatIwanttouse sexual..... and there are times that I will not use a label at all, I will use a description such as I am sexually open minded and enjoy experiences with people.....

your wife is also your best friend, lover, venting post and many other things besides and you are the same for her...... so if something happens between your ex and your wife.... it may make it easier if you do not see them as your wife and your ex..... but two women that are intimate together and can leave the labels at the door so when they come out of the bedroom, they are still your wife and ex... and it can be less awkward or conflicting....