View Full Version : A common thing that I see amongst many gay people.

Feb 12, 2015, 11:35 AM
I know that many gays actually deny this, I've tried them before and knew that they were in denial, they didn't like it, but I love this topic of finding similarities amongst gay people, they deny the stereotypes are true but I still think they are true.

Despite gay people saying "gay stereotypes are not accurate." I do actually think there's quite a connection, I've started to develop a little bit of a gaydar ever since I've seen many gay men. I'm not gay myself and I doubt I have any characteristics, I suit the bisexual stereotype more, bisexual men are supposedly more manly, I have feminine traits like bitchyness but mostly manly, can't stand being feminine. I am extremely horny, I wouldn't go as far as saying I was the next Marquis De Sade, but I'm the kind of guy that is open and honest about sexual acts, as well having sex on the brain.

I've found that their are different types of gays, but I see different archetypes, like there's a type that I see amongst many gay men, many have this kind of elton john look, they have glasses and those kind of small eyes, looks also a bit like edward snowden. I've also found that looking at gay people in a group that they just have this kind of different look, it's actually very hard to describe but you can kind of tell they are gay. They also usually are really clean, clean teeth and everything, but of course they're not all like that, and very rarely are they extremely feminine, but you can definitely tell. Being extremely feminine is just an exaggerated view for entertainment, but maybe they are like that deep down, their are some that are very feminine but only on gay pride.

I find that bisexuals usually have bigger eyes than gays. Gay men usually have those slightly smaller looking eyes with glasses and they are usually very clean, they have that kind of stalker look, not always though. Edward Snowden also looks like another gay, but I don't think he actually is, this is what I've found amongst many gays, so much of them have glasses, from seeing many gay guys I eventually see some gay traits in them, they're not all bitchy and flamboyant but they all have a certain trait that could definitely distinguish them from the bisexuals. It has been tested that bisexuals have less personal insecurities, they have hypermasculinity and bisexual women have a high sensitivity to sound. Bisexual men have a higher sex drive when more focused on one sex rather than both, I confirm that's true, my sex drive went up the wall when I started fantasizing over men.

Feb 12, 2015, 5:04 PM
Is this an Onion article?

Feb 12, 2015, 5:19 PM
Is this an Onion article?
It certainly reads like one.

Feb 12, 2015, 5:54 PM
I read an article that says if the index finger is longer than the ring finger, there is a good possibility of being gay, or feminine. Something to do with how estrogen and testosterone affect different growth patterns in the hand. My ring finger is about a half inch longer than my index finger and I am definitely loaded with testosterone.

Feb 12, 2015, 6:22 PM
I've always known I'm half and half - there are some things I'm very happy to be feminine about, some things I'm ashamed to be feminine about and other things where I'm definitely a man.

With regard to physical features it is sort of funny, there are times I've actually seen the same physical body shape, size and other characteristics but with multiple people in different areas of the state. Of course the soul in each body is different, even if the bodies look the same.

My gaydar works about half - sometimes I can tell, sometimes the man is straight but not very masculine.

Feb 12, 2015, 9:09 PM
I know that many gays actually deny this, I've tried them before and knew that they were in denial, they didn't like it, but I love this topic of finding similarities amongst gay people, they deny the stereotypes are true but I still think they are true.

Despite gay people saying "gay stereotypes are not accurate." I do actually think there's quite a connection, I've started to develop a little bit of a gaydar ever since I've seen many gay men. I'm not gay myself and I doubt I have any characteristics, I suit the bisexual stereotype more, bisexual men are supposedly more manly, I have feminine traits like bitchyness but mostly manly, can't stand being feminine. I am extremely horny, I wouldn't go as far as saying I was the next Marquis De Sade, but I'm the kind of guy that is open and honest about sexual acts, as well having sex on the brain.

I know that many gays actually deny this, I've tried them before and knew that they were in denial, they didn't like it, but I love this topic of finding similarities amongst gay people, they deny the stereotypes are true but I still think they are true.

Alright, I guess you are providing a target of expression here. The expression will be mine. This expression will serve to illustrate what I discern as stupidity. The above statement by you could be seen as ignorant, that is could be until you write the following.

.., I've started to develop a little bit of a gaydar ever since I've seen many gay men.

One might hazard that you talk with homosexual men? Well, yes, you say as much. So, if you talk to them, you ask questions. It is clear you did not ask to learn. If you had learned, you would not still think the stereotypes are correct or accurate.

Why bother asking questions if you do not learn anything? Why ask if you will still believe what you choose to believe? Do new ideas frighten you? Do you need to be correct and accurate, always?

See? You to me define stupidity. I apologize if no one has broached this with you before. They may have been too polite. I am blunt, honest, direct. You choose to not learn. That is your choice. In my eyes, you may as well be dead. No, I'm not threatening, promising. I am saying you as a living human being would be of as much use to me as a dead horse in my way. I side step dead horse, they do not remain in my way long. I learn.

I'm not gay myself and I doubt I have any characteristics, I suit the bisexual stereotype more, bisexual men are supposedly more manly, I have feminine traits like bitchyness but mostly manly, can't stand being feminine.

I think you are protesting too much. Why not bend yourself over and be my little anal slut? Promise I won't lube.

Apologies, frustration often blurts such brash words out. The frustration is justified in your case. Why is it such a negative thing to be homosexual, or feminine? Why do you presume all of us here will hold such a negative view, like you, of homosexuality and the feminine? Who are you to presume that of us? I still think you protest too much. I would hazard you are quite delicately feminine. You possibly even shave your legs, telling everyone it is better for swimming of course.

Why must you be such a manly man? Ah, that's it. You're a MAN'S man, that is to say you belong to a REAL MAN. Gotcha now.

Quick lesson for you here. A real man is not intimidated, emasculated, otherwise threatened by homosexual men. A real man also has strength enough to be gentle, kind, vunerable, loving, empathetic, accepting, mature. A real man does not need to disparage others. In fact, a real man lifts others up.

As much as I stung you by saying you're stupid, I also know there is good in you. Everyone has goodness in themselves. We can each respectively conquer mountains of adversity. Everyone can respectively innovate to achieve impossible goals. I have experienced this in my life. I believe you too have this capicity. I do genuinely apologize for saying you're stupid.

If you do not act stupid, you're not called stupid. To hold to disproven ideas, beliefs and then to espouse that in public, well that is acting stupid if you've not realized it yet. It is better to admit to being in error with your ideas, thoughts, beliefs. Then, you can move forward with new ones. People will respect you more. More opportunities will open for you if you do not act stupid. Try it out and see for yourself.

Hopefully, I have been as gentle an instructor as possible here. This class room type of session is taxing for me. I dislike expressing such things, disparaging people in public. So, in a way it seems fair I ask something in return. Can you do me a favor? Quit trying to propigate stupidty and by extension, hate. It looks really unbecoming on anyone. Now excuse me, need to light another candle.

Feb 13, 2015, 10:36 PM
Your post lacks some clarifying information. You say that you "suit the bisexual type more"; that you are "extremely horny"; that you're the kind of guy who's "having sex on the brain". What we need to know before seriously discussing your post is whether you've had sex exclusively with women, or exclusively with men, or sex with both. A man who has sex exclusively with women is demonstrably heterosexual; one who has sex exclusively with men can be called homosexual; one who has sex with both men and women can be said to be bisexual.

No harm in trying to find traits common to one kind of sexuality or another, but shouldn't we know where you stand, in personal experience ?

Feb 13, 2015, 10:44 PM
Your post lacks some clarifying information. You say that you "suit the bisexual type more"; that you are "extremely horny"; that you're the kind of guy who's "having sex on the brain". What we need to know before seriously discussing your post is whether you've had sex exclusively with women, or exclusively with men, or sex with both. A man who has sex exclusively with women is demonstrably heterosexual; one who has sex exclusively with men can be called homosexual; one who has sex with both men and women can be said to be bisexual.

No harm in trying to find traits common to one kind of sexuality or another, but shouldn't we know where you stand, in personal experience ?

Thank you. I was blinded by the stupidity enough, I did not notice that. You have a valid point too. * fetches the popcorn, offers some, points to cooler in front of the sofa that contains assorted cold beverages, flips the remote and turns on some Bach *

Feb 14, 2015, 9:42 AM
I agree that to stereotype sexualities may be a waste of time and effort. Yes, there are gay men who are flaming queens and shallow to the nth degree. There are also men who act a bit effeminate and are in strong m/f relationships. Unless you plan on having sex with them, why does it matter to you? Eugentics has been proven false decades ago during the Nazi era right? As society continues to relax it censoring of same sex play, it become less and less stereotypical to figure out who wants sex with whom.

The only strange thing that I notice sometimes is that some gay men get involved in skin care products as they age. Their face looks shiny and peculiar. I connect it to their self disclosure about their skin care regime. I'm not sure about metrosexuals. That is passé now eh?