View Full Version : Guys: If you cheated on your wife/GF why did you cheat on her?

Apr 18, 2015, 11:52 PM
For the guys here who have cheated on their wife or girlfriend with a man, why did you cheat? If the reason is not in this poll feel free to reply with a different reason.

May 30, 2015, 5:21 PM

May 30, 2015, 6:05 PM
For the guys here who have cheated on their wife or girlfriend with a man, why did you cheat? If the reason is not in this poll feel free to reply with a different reason.

…my fist wife & I both cheated on each other…she sucked a mean dick & give me all the blowjobs & pussy I wanted so our problem wasn’t sex…I’ve never been monogamous with a girl since (they may have assumed we were but I never told them we were)…so no matter who or how many I fuck or blew it wasn’t cheating…

May 30, 2015, 6:10 PM
…my fist wife & I both cheated on each other…she sucked a mean dick & give me all the blowjobs & pussy I wanted so our problem wasn’t sex…I’ve never been monogamous with a girl since (they may have assumed we were but I never told them we were)…so no matter who or how many I fuck or blew it wasn’t cheating…

How is that not cheating? Or did you tell them from the start things like, "Now don't go thinking we're exclusive and monogamous or that you're the only person I'll be fucking..."?

Jun 1, 2015, 12:11 PM

Jun 1, 2015, 3:02 PM
36134 …yes again…

How is that not cheating? Or did you tell them from the start things like, "Now don't go thinking we're exclusive and monogamous or that you're the only person I'll be fucking..."? …you only have a manogamous relationship if the two of you agree that it is…I made it a point to not mention it…so we never agreeded to be exclusive…if you’re not exclusive there is no cheating…

Jun 2, 2015, 4:09 AM
I’m simply not sexually monogamous.

Humans aren’t sexually monogamous.

Like some other species, we can mate for life but, also like all of those species except for hermaphrodies, we aren’t meant to be sexually exclusive.

Jun 2, 2015, 2:59 PM
For the guys here who have cheated on their wife or girlfriend with a man, why did you cheat? If the reason is not in this poll feel free to reply with a different reason. …its not cheating if you don’t get caught…….a girl I was living with slip out on a date with a guy…I went to the ABS & sucked about 5 or 6 dicks through glory holes…when she got home I kissed her with their cum still on my lips & breath…she looked at me funny…but had no idea I was bi so couldn’t figure out the taste & smell…