View Full Version : Patrick Stewart Supports Christian Bakers in "Gay Cake" Court Case

Jun 6, 2015, 2:09 PM
This is rather surprising that he's bigoted this way.


Patrick Stewart was talking about human rights Thursday on BBC's Newsnight, when he made an interesting revelation.
The journalist asked him to weigh in on a case where the Irish owners of a bakery refused to bake a cake that said "Support Gay Marriage" on it, with a picture of Sesame Street's Bert and Ernie. They were found guilty of discrimination and fined about $760.
"I found myself on the side of the bakers," said Stewart.
"It was not because this was a gay couple that they objected, it was not because they were going to be celebrating some sort of marriage or an agreement between them," the actor continued. "It was the actual words on the cake they objected to. Because they find the words offensive."
He added, "I would support their rights to say no, this is personally offensive to my beliefs, I will not do it."
The MacArthur family, who owns Ashers Bakery in Northern Ireland, are appealing the guilty verdict.

Jun 6, 2015, 7:09 PM
Is it a bigoted thing to do? To defend the right of a person not to do or produce something which is against his or her conscience? I loathe gay and bi bashing, fascism and nazism... detest war and violence or proposed the UK reinstate the death penalty... if I owned a printing company or was in advertising, I would not accept business from any group which publicised any cause with which I had a fundamental disagreement.. it is freedom of conscience that Patrick Stewart defended, not anti-homosexual bigotry. I defend the right of people to believe what they wish however horrendous, but I would neither provide them with a platform to argue their view or accept their business to publicise it.. if I would do such a thing, would it not be hypocritical of me to object to others doing much the same thing simply because I disagree with them? It is a bit of a dilemma and I dont find it very easy to resolve it..

Once, and not so long ago either, I had no such compunction and had no dilemma... but I have always appraised and reappraised how I feel about so much, so it is no surprise I have been rethinking this... o well... life moves on, and we change how we see and feel about so many things:).

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/patrick-stewart-backs-bakery-after-gay-cake-court-battle-10296738.html (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/patrick-stewart-backs-bakery-after-gay-cake-court-battle-10296738.html)

Jun 6, 2015, 7:39 PM
Is it a bigoted thing to do? To defend the right of a person not to do or produce something which is against his or her conscience? I loathe gay and bi bashing, fascism and nazism... detest war and violence or proposed the UK reinstate the death penalty... if I owned a printing company or was in advertising, I would not accept business from any group which publicised any cause with which I had a fundamental disagreement.. it is freedom of conscience that Patrick Stewart defended, not anti-homosexual bigotry. I defend the right of people to believe what they wish however horrendous, but I would neither provide them with a platform to argue their view or accept their business to publicise it.. if I would do such a thing, would it not be hypocritical of me to object to others doing much the same thing simply because I disagree with them? It is a bit of a dilemma and I dont find it very easy to resolve it..

Once, and not so long ago either, I had no such compunction and had no dilemma... but I have always appraised and reappraised how I feel about so much, so it is no surprise I have been rethinking this... o well... life moves on, and we change how we see and feel about so many things:).

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/patrick-stewart-backs-bakery-after-gay-cake-court-battle-10296738.html (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/patrick-stewart-backs-bakery-after-gay-cake-court-battle-10296738.html) …I’m afriad I must agree…if a guy doesn’t want to do business with gays/bis/lesbians…its not like they’re the only business around…the business owmer has right too…

Jun 6, 2015, 7:55 PM
I think that a society needs to determine which services are essential?
If a service is essential such as disposing of a body of person who died from a highly contagious disease, then the society and government need to insure that the service is available.
If no one will provide a legal marriage (realizing that the state and not church is the licensing agent) then the society/state must insure that such a legal service is available.

If a cake is needed and one business won't provide it, there should be someone else. If not, it may be a good opportunity for a gay baker...lol

Jun 6, 2015, 8:33 PM
I think that a society needs to determine which services are essential?
If a service is essential such as disposing of a body of person who died from a highly contagious disease, then the society and government need to insure that the service is available.
If no one will provide a legal marriage (realizing that the state and not church is the licensing agent) then the society/state must insure that such a legal service is available.

If a cake is needed and one business won't provide it, there should be someone else. If not, it may be a good opportunity for a gay baker...lol
I kno a gay baker... knew gay butcher an' all tho he is dead now.. but ther must b others.. also knew a candlestick maker I thought was lessie... pushed me luck, was told wer 2 gerroff, and she married a (man) squaddie in end... well, we can't have everything I s'pose...

..as for health and sanitation services being made available, there r enuff lgbt in the appropriate professions (in the west at least) plus even more str8 peeps who will help us out for us not 2 fret 2 much at this point in history.. butya nev can tell wots just round the corner so best b on our toes, hey?:impleased

Jun 7, 2015, 1:57 PM
…how can you demand rights for yourself & then try to take way someone elses…