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Mar 16, 2007, 9:44 PM
My 6 month old baby just cut his first tooth! He's sitting, almost standing, and FINALLY sleeping through the night. :bigrin:

Any other proud parents out there?


Mar 16, 2007, 9:57 PM
congrats on your babies first tooth! I bet he is a cutey. Before you know it he will be walking. :)
My youngest is 4, so I almost forgot what baby days were like!

Mar 16, 2007, 11:19 PM
Awww so cute! :)

Mar 17, 2007, 9:41 AM
MY!! Great Niece just started blowing kisses it is so sweet. :) (((Always be true to yourself))). They are the (((FUTURE))) :bibounce:

Mar 17, 2007, 11:32 AM
Awe congrats on the first tooth, maybe the rest of them be easy.

I have 4 kids, and my youngest just recently turned 3 and she has been enjoying nakey day, yes its winter, but We are trying to say bye bye to diapers. If she's nakey, she always makes the potty, and after changing diapers for 11 years, I'm ready for a 15-20 year break, and then bring on the grandbabies than I will change some more diapers.

Mar 17, 2007, 11:53 AM
I'm not a parent, but I am a proud godparent. :tong:

My godchild of one year has had a lot of health problems from day one, and was lethargic about doing anything because she couldn't; but she's showing a sudden massive amount of spunk-- LOTS more energy, three new teeth, :eek: and she can sit up! She will wrestle herself up and get stuck leaning forward toward her crib toys and this will happen just about every 15 minutes. I know this doesn't sound very impressive, or very happy, but I suppose you'd just have to know the baby and her family. The first time I saw her do that, I almost jumped up and cheered.

The grandmother actually did jump up and cheer immediately before moving her back. ;)

She's in the hospital again right now, but the nurses are having a time. Even the they agree that by the time she gets to walking, no one will be able to control her. I tend to agree. :bigrin: I can't wait!

By the time that happens, I think I'll end up bringing her over to my place to run around in the yard like a mad-girl!. :)

Mar 17, 2007, 1:51 PM
My son's about 3.5 months now. It's ridiculously fun, although it's virtually eliminated my free time... hence being on here so rarely and contributing basically nothing when I do show up. :)

Mar 17, 2007, 7:50 PM
There has got to be nothing better than seeing your child hit those special milestones in life. Makes a dad's heart swell with pride. Just the littlest things too. My youngest daughter - 6 - just realized the other day that she could take the house key and unlock the door for us. Strange how something so simple can automatically melt your heart. My son turned 16 this year and made Sgt in JROTC. My oldest daughter - 14 - has developed her first long term boyfriend / love (7 months and counting) and is puppy love all over These are the things that can keep a parent in smiles forever.


:bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

meteast chick
Mar 17, 2007, 7:55 PM
My 2 boys are 5 and 6 years old. I so miss those baby days sometimes. My oldest just lost 2 of his baby teeth a few weeks ago. I love it but breaks my heart, they're gettin older. At least he let me play tooth fairy!!!

Isn't it amazing that one can love that much? To love with no reserves, no stipulations, it's just love. I would do anything for my kids, ANYTHING, I would die for them. And I love this feeling.

luv and kisses,

Mar 17, 2007, 8:24 PM
I am the VERY proud mother of a twelve year old daughter. She is smart, CREATIVE, caring,wise beyond her years. There are time when she tends to take care of me. On Friday, Bill and I had our first test of the trials of being a parent. She found out something about a friend of ours which is rather mature in nature. At first I was hysterical. Then after about two moments of crying, Bill and I sat down and talked to her, openly, honestly and what we received back was amazing. Her sat before us, a twelve year old with the most amazing non judgemental mind I could think of. She was defensive of our friends life choice, compassionate and willing to try and understand his choices. I was never so proud of her as I was at that very moment.

Advice to new parents....enjoy each and every moment for they DO grow up so fast. I only wish for you to be blessed with such a wonderful child as we have.
