View Full Version : stupid things one does for amusement?

Jun 19, 2007, 12:54 PM
I for one, like to steal signs (no, not stop signs or anything dangerous like that),
Destroy things like used furniture and drive my cat berserk with a laser pointer. I also enjoy car sledding, climbing trees and playing with electrical current :bigrin:

Jun 19, 2007, 1:09 PM
I like to Destroy things I don't want anymore so I have a REAL reason to get rid of it lol Then when asked what happened to, I say "It broke so I threw it out" *grins*

I start the car before opening the garage door :) lol

Will think of more things later


Jun 19, 2007, 1:14 PM
i take FatBoy thats my cat out side in the big back yard and get a fishing pole and tied a fake mouse on to it and go Cat fishing, my life is so exciting.... but he has a blast and i do to cause the fatboy can run...

Jun 19, 2007, 1:34 PM
There's a book hubby is working on called "Games For Bored People". One of the games is to take one of those paper thingies that cover the straw and see how many knots you can tie in it without breaking it.

Another is to take the paper wrapper that holds the napkin around the silverware, fold it into a paper football and play tabletop football.

There's more. Just can't think of them right now.

Jun 19, 2007, 1:47 PM
I am a professional pack rat. Even if I find something and have no idea what it is, I keep it. Had to build a second storage building to hold everything. Now the wife says it is time to hoe out the junk so I am revisiting stuff I haven't seen in years and bidding it a fond farewell.
The wife likes to turn exotic hardwoods on her lathe. She turns everything from ring trees to vases to dildos.

Jun 19, 2007, 1:48 PM
when i'm bored, i sit on the couch and make up songs about things my kids are doing. they tend to be really dumb lol. usually in the tune of a barry manilow song...

i also like to call my friend and we put the spanish channel on and we sit over the phone "translating" everything they are saying into english. :bigrin: been doing that for many years now haha

Jun 19, 2007, 1:54 PM
opens up bags of laccie bands an links em all togetha an then unlinks em an then links em.......an so on.. o dear..idle minds....

Skater Boy
Jun 19, 2007, 2:22 PM
Can't think of any stupid things that have developed into habits for me... apart from making an idiot out of myself at parties, throwing up, etc, etc.

BUT I did once dismantle a plug from an old television. Once dismantled, I then decided to insert the pins back into the plug socket. To cut a long story short, curiosity got the better of me and I touched 2 of the pins at the same time.

All I can say is that I WON'T be doing THAT again anytime soon! :yikes2:

Jun 19, 2007, 2:42 PM
Just....driving too fast.....as always.

Jun 19, 2007, 2:46 PM
The child in me loves to go dumpster diving. I don't do it much, but it is fun. Also when I was a teen I loved to go to a busy place and pretend to get hit by a car, of someone I knew. The reaction of the people that saw it was great, now I know that I was just being an ass. Still fun though.

There have been other things, but they are too stupid to share.

RJ :lokai:

Jun 19, 2007, 3:14 PM
I for one, like to steal signs (no, not stop signs or anything dangerous like that),
Destroy things like used furniture and drive my cat berserk with a laser pointer. I also enjoy car sledding, climbing trees and playing with electrical current :bigrin:

LOL!! You sound kind of dangerous, remind me not to come around ya when the power is on! haha!

Stupid things for amusement hmm.... Ill wait til the dogs are sleeping then Ill barely touch their feet with my finger making them kick in their sleep lol

Jun 19, 2007, 4:11 PM
opens up bags of laccie bands an links em all togetha an then unlinks em an then links em.......an so on.. o dear..idle minds....

LMAO Have you tried cutting paper dolls I hear its more theraputical :cutelaugh

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 19, 2007, 5:20 PM
I am a professional pack rat. Even if I find something and have no idea what it is, I keep it. Had to build a second storage building to hold everything. Now the wife says it is time to hoe out the junk so I am revisiting stuff I haven't seen in years and bidding it a fond farewell.
The wife likes to turn exotic hardwoods on her lathe. She turns everything from ring trees to vases to dildos.
How does one go from amateur to professional status??? I think I may be close.

Jun 19, 2007, 5:26 PM
Just....driving too fast.....as always.

Driving too fast is so much fun I sometimes like to pretend that I am a race car driver as I am speeding past people toward the finish line.

Jun 19, 2007, 5:56 PM
I like to tie myself up (nothing too dangerous or anything like that as I know what I'm doing) and masturbate, think about ways to tie other people up/how they can tie me up, read, sleep, watch TV, write, cook, masturbate, go hiking, exercise (especially cardio), play with the cat and call him a slut that likes bondage, and I like to think about facial hair.

Jun 19, 2007, 6:04 PM
LOL!! You sound kind of dangerous, remind me not to come around ya when the power is on! haha!

Stupid things for amusement hmm.... Ill wait til the dogs are sleeping then Ill barely touch their feet with my finger making them kick in their sleep lol
Not really. I'm very careful. As my instructor @ PTEC always said "You only get one fatal mistake" :cool:

Jun 19, 2007, 6:54 PM
pluck the legs off of daddylong legs spiders because i was told that their legs grow back... i wanted to watch them grow...( i was 5 at the time.... so i guess that wouldnt count)

make works bombs and listen to the explosions

slide down the center of a miniature waterfall at the park---plenty of boulders.... ( goes up 40 feet) then see if i can climb up the slippery moss

cross a gulley in the SAME park that is a 30 ft drop---on a tiny pipe in bare feet (and 20 feet across)

annihilate an entire colony of sea monkeys( cause i thought they were the same as protozoa and if you splitTHEM down the middle they grew back together) for all the wrong reasons... ( i was 16 at the time... so i guess that wouldnt count...) :tong:

Jun 19, 2007, 7:45 PM
I for one, like......playing with electrical current :bigrin:

A Man after my own heart Az darling nothing like 240v to liven things up :yikes2: :bigrin: :tong:

Jun 20, 2007, 12:25 AM
In my part of the world the cuncil collct the recycle been avery second week . So i put my recycle been early on the wrong week and so does everybody else.
I know very chilish ....but good fun. Thes been normaly is very heavy as is full of newspapers ,botles.cans etc. etc. very hard to take it up the hill on to your place again heheheheheh. :bigrin:
PS Aventualy some people wakeup soooooo the fun is over.

Jul 14, 2007, 12:09 AM
My latest thing w/my goofy stoner friends is quickly touching lit cigs to each other's nipples. mmm, tingle-ey :bigrin:

Jul 14, 2007, 12:37 AM
Burn armhair with a lighter, havnt done it in a while but people always wonder what the hell that burning smell is....I tell u burnt arm hair smells wicked bad, so bad its halarious....

Also burning your farts with a lighter...Now thats cool.

Jul 14, 2007, 6:47 AM
OK, when younger and living in a multi-level apartment...I'd wait till the garbage truck has emptied the huge, metal bin at the bootom of the garbage shute. As the bin is returned...a perfectly timed mass off empty cans, plastic bottles, and anything else noisy would descend.
...they never figured out who it was, but the resulting swearing echoing up the shute made me immensly amused.

If visiting a friend who had an older style phone with the 'rocker'...I would sticky-tape the rocker down....later ring their house (usually later at night). They would be sleepy, not-quite-with-it...answer the phone while it kept on ringing.

I connect ALL the metal paperclips together, with one sticking up against the magnetic side of the holder...always fun to watch others then.

Oh....using an old TV magnet, I magnetised small metal items reeeeeelly well (then left it with other metal objects....heh heh heh) Always annoying to pick up scissors and have other things stuck to it....scissors, staples...etc

When friends go away and ask me to look after their house (WITH KEYS) they usually come home to find things a bit different than before...use your imagination!
BEST one was to get some old police 'crime scene' tape, draw a chalk outline in the driveway, fake blood......when my friend came home, her father (a church minister) kinda freaked out a bit. Ahhh, with friends like me, who needs hell!

(getting the idea I'm a prankster?? THAT is my amusement.)
...I have to be very careful about doing these things to Tigger74; she'd hide all my coffee. :(

Jul 14, 2007, 6:09 PM

Nara? you & i could be a "match made in hell" some of your pranks are things i hadnt thought of (yet) but, they do sound like great fun

now, back to the subject at hand, i too am guilty of the driving too fast club, but another passin of mine, is laying rubber with my trucks ( peelling out, smoke shows) which i know isnt exactley good for the vehicles (not to mention tires) but, its still fun to me ( you will never get the 17 year old kid out of me)
and other stupid things i do when im bored, is evil, mean, dirty tricks to play on others

a few people here know some of my cruel and sadistic jokes i have thought up, and even have actually done to people

just my :2cents:

m.in.heels&hose :wacko:

Jul 14, 2007, 6:46 PM
I climb trees in persuit of squirrels.

Jul 15, 2007, 11:52 AM
I post replies in forums.

Jul 15, 2007, 3:51 PM
hmmmmmmmmmm I've had fun and I've done stupid things, but both at the same time??? heheheheheh :bigrin:

I love practical jokes - I find they are a great stress reliever. The best one was backing up out of a parking space when my SiL's new car was behind ours, and stopping quickly and ragged, so she thought I hit it then driving off like nothing happened - poor gal had NO idea what to do! She finally brought it up three blocks later, when I told her she punched my arm, then said it was hilarious!

Other favorite stupid things for amusement include:

~ Dressing up to go to the grocery store. And I mean REALLY dressing up - dress, heels, hair and all - like I'm going someplace really special. Pushing the shopping cart, but only pick up a few things like ice cream and strawberries, plus a bag of potatoes. Everyone's wondering why you're in the grocery store all decked out and that you must being going someplace special, but with a bag of potatoes?? Oh and I always get a bag boy to carry my stuff to the car, and drive home to eat my lil container of ice cream.

~ Teaching my dogs dumb pet tricks, like spinning in circles and walking on their hind legs. I also like faking them out during fetch, blowing bubbles watching them try to 'catch' them, and turning on gameshows so they bark everythime they hear a 'ding' thinking it's the doorbell.

~ Pretend I'm filthy rich, and go into stores I could never afford and make them wait on me for an hour then leave buying nothing. Also fun to embarass guys hitting on you in the mall by pretending I cant understand English (fake accent and all) but then continue to try to 'understand' them.

~ Ask strangers random questions. No particular reason, but I like to know the average IQ of the general populous. Oh and pretending I'm excited to see strangers from my 'long lost past' - people enjoy the hugs but are terribly confused.

That's about it... cute thread :bigrin: !
Sapphy xox

Jul 16, 2007, 11:07 PM
Punchin coworker in arm whenever we see a Kia Rio twice for a rondo!!!!!!#What do you drive? oh i drive a Rio...

Mr chadw
Jul 16, 2007, 11:24 PM
i like to play with blades and swords.

Skater Boy
Jul 21, 2007, 12:54 PM
Here's an amusing one to try for yourselves...

Wander into your local branch of Borders or Barnes & Noble, and then take all the copies of The Bible and place them in the FICTION section.

Its guaranteed to either get you thrown out of the store or lynched for sacrilege! :bigrin:

Jul 21, 2007, 3:13 PM
~ Teaching my dogs dumb pet tricks, like spinning in circles and walking on their hind legs. I also like faking them out during fetch, blowing bubbles watching them try to 'catch' them, and turning on gameshows so they bark everythime they hear a 'ding' thinking it's the doorbell.

It's even better if you can get them to howl with you :)

~ Also fun to embarass guys hitting on you in the mall by pretending I cant understand English (fake accent and all) but then continue to try to 'understand' them.

You should try lowereing your voice an octave or two, they get real flustered then (not that I would do such a thing) :angel:

~ Ask strangers random questions. No particular reason, but I like to know the average IQ of the general populous. Oh and pretending I'm excited to see strangers from my 'long lost past' - people enjoy the hugs but are terribly confused.

That last sounds like fun. I used to wave at strangers that were driving by, always amusing to see the looks on their faces.

Jul 21, 2007, 5:22 PM
Walk about wiv Kate's (clean) knicks ova me head an er bra round me booty... cant wear me own bra round me arse..much 2 tight! :bigrin:

the sacred night
Jul 23, 2007, 11:52 PM
I poke people a lot, or say quotes from movies when there's a boring silence. My cousin and my roommate and I have been showing each other the worst kinds of porn we can possibly find lately. We like to go to the playground at night and play on the jungle gym and swing on the swings when no one is there.

Apr 11, 2015, 8:39 AM
I bump up threads.

Annika L
Apr 11, 2015, 11:29 AM
I tend to be fairly amused by life generally. I can't remember the last time I was genuinely bored, and needed "something stupid to do"...the notion of doing something just to make time pass is practically anathema to me.

But sometimes my mind is overloaded and I need to do something for a time to relax/unwind. Stupid online videogames can serve that purpose quite nicely at times. So can chat.

Apr 11, 2015, 12:09 PM
I for one, like to steal signs (no, not stop signs or anything dangerous like that),
Destroy things like used furniture and drive my cat berserk with a laser pointer. I also enjoy car sledding, climbing trees and playing with electrical current :bigrin:...I guess I'm boring...I watch TV, cruise the inter-net, read and make little statues out sculpture's wax...