View Full Version : This is a little item i was listening to on the radio today.

Jun 27, 2008, 7:48 PM
Hi y'all,Well i was in my Recycle truck today at work. I was listening to the radio,to the sports station i tune into everyday. Anyway they were having all there show hosts doing there shows at the,Big Brother's and Big Sister's home office there in Dallas. They were doing the drive to sign up more Big Brother's and Sister's,for the kids in the area. The Big Boss was there telling one of the Morning show host's,about a story that one of the Big Brother's had told him. I found it very moving,and wanted to share it with y'all.This little boy about 6 years old lived across the street from this Mcdonald's restaraunt.with his Grandpa who was raising him buy his self. The Grandpa would never go with the boy to eat when he wanted to go.He would always send him with his friends and a next door neighbor. Well The Organization found out about the little boy,and got him a Big Brother to do things with him,and things like that. This here is what i heard that touched me so. The 1st time the little boy and his Big Brother went somewhere together they went there to get something to eat. As they were getting ready to leave the little boy asked the Big Brother if he would mind holding his hand as they left the place ,so that everyone would think that he had a father... The man said sure he would be proud to. When i heard that i realized how much good outfits like this can be. So i would like to thank people who have it in them to do things like this. Also was wondering if any of you donate your time to any organizations like this was just curios. Ithink people who donate there personal time volunteering for things are just wonderfull people Well,thanks for letting me ramble,...

Jun 27, 2008, 11:59 PM
that is pretty touching, i have always wanted to be a big brother. but have not found the time. i give props to all the big brother and big sisters.

when i was a teen, i volunteered at the local museum, showing kids and adults the exhibits. i learned alot about our town/county, and enjoyed doing it as well.
And volunteered every year at a local event called pumpkin fest in my home town. (giant 1500 lb pumpkins, insanly large other veggies. LOL) always had a blast.

As of right now i am looking into volunteering with St. Johns Ambulance. i just have to get my standard first aid, which i will do this summer. i kind of have ulterior motives though. as they give you the best of the best training when you volunteer your time, furthering my courses to become a fire fighter. for those of you who may not know what they do, they provide medical response at events, emergency medical response in disasters, therapy dog visitations, (like with old people, and hospitalized people. so im pretty excited to that. even if i am just wanting the best training. i like the fact of helping people.

its to bad more people don't volunteer more, for good places like big brothers, boys and girls club, i always hear that they need people. but like my self sometime i find i get cought up in my own life so much i dont think of it. untill i hear something like this. thanks for posting this really makes me think about it again.

Jun 28, 2008, 12:21 AM
I happen to be involved in the American Legion Auxiliary and their sister group the Eight and Forty. They devote their time and energy to veterans, and the second group helps children with cystic fibrosis. When my dad passed away five years ago, we established a family charity that benefits the elderly and children. One thing we do is to contribute to the local food pantry, especially at Thanksgiving. I do what I do as a sense to give back to those who have given so much to others.

Jun 28, 2008, 1:10 AM
I volunteered with a local literacy project a few years ago but got through the training and nothing really came of it. I did the same with a local drop in center for disadvantaged people - volunteered but they were overflowing with people that wanted to help.

One of these days when I finally have my degree I plan on going into a field of work that will allow to help other people in some positive way. Will be nice to come home and know that I spent my day helping someone less fortunate.

Big respect from me to those who give their time helping others.