View Full Version : Coming Out To Parents

Jan 12, 2006, 4:09 AM
Hello Friends

I wanted to let you all know I come out to my Parents yesterday. It went much better than expected my Mum was just relieved when I told her that I wasn’t Ill. Apparently my folks had an idea some thing was wrong and thought I had more medical probs. Basically my mum said they (my folks) don’t care whether I go out with a guy or girl just as long as I am happy and in good health.

From reading and speaking to many here I realise I am very lucky to have parents that are very supportive, I only wish more people had parents who understood like mine.

I can honestly say its like the preverbal weight being lifted from my shoulders and I feel much more relaxed about being Bi, not like I did before when I felt being Bi was my "dirty little secret". My advice to any one contemplating coming out, is to go right ahead so long as it is physically safe for you to do so.

I want to say a big public thank you to all my friends here for their help and support over recent months and particularly the last few days. I certainly feel my BiSex.com friends are true friends, the best a guy could wish to have and I love you all dearly. There is no way I would be where I am today with out your help guys!! Lastly I want to say a big thank you to Drew our web master with out which I doubt I would have met any of you!

Love & hugs
:flag3: :bipride: :three: :bibounce:

Jan 12, 2006, 5:23 AM
As your honorary "mummy", I want to express to you what I have always felt as a parent. All I want for my boys is for them to be happy...all I ask of them is to be honest with me. What you have done with your parents exemplifies what I have always felt with my kids. I applaud your courage for telling them the truth...and I applaud your parents for accepting you for all that you are. My love and best wishes are with you and your mom and dad. You have made us all proud with your forthright attitude and your strong and courageous convictions. I am truly honored to be your cyber Mum and I will always have a special place for you in my heart!!

Hugs and kisses,

Jan 12, 2006, 6:41 AM
My friend,my pal, my companion,my dearset Smurf,
i can not say with words how truly truly happy i am for u,
i know the tormet that u have been going through, sepecially this last week,
i know how difficult it has been for u and how u have struggled with ur thoughts and feelings,
My friend i am so proud of the giant step u have taken in ur life and am puerly delighted that i went so so well for u.
This is the begining of some big changes in your life smurf and hopefully 1 filled with great experiences and happiness for you.
I am always here for you hun, always.
I am honoured to be able to call u a dear friend.
i love u very much mate.
cant wait to here all the gossip :bigrin:
<massive hugz>

Jan 12, 2006, 7:19 AM

So glad to hear that all went well for you yesterday. I was rootin' for you.
You're right, you're very lucky to have such wonderful and understanding parents who love you and accept you.
And of course, we love you too.

Thanks for the update and take care of you.

Casey ;)

Jan 12, 2006, 10:03 AM
Hey there Smurf
Good or you on your coming out
im sure this was a very difficult thing for you to do and i couldnt be happier for you that they were more understanding than you had originally thought they would be
i bet you felt a great amount of pressure being lifted off your shoulders and you feel more at ease with yourself

in closing & as the british say "BULLY FOR YOU OLE CHAP"

(ok, ok so maybe they dont say that anymore) lol

your good friend
m.in.heels&hose :bipride:

Jan 12, 2006, 10:23 AM
Dearest Smurf,

I am so happy for you and most proud. I know the last few weeks have been unsettling and filled with angst. But telling your parents, sharing your feelings with them is a great step. Like Kate, as a parent you wish only the best for your children. You want them to be happy, honest and upstanding people. You are all that and more. I am glad that your parents are accepting of your choices and are loving and understanding. They must have done something right, because they have raised a wonderful man as their son. And sometimes, a child can be proud of their parents, you should be. I have had the pleasure to be many things on this site, but I am most thankful to call you friend. If Kate is your honorary mum, then I ask to be your big sister. All the best, the world is yours.


Driver 8
Jan 12, 2006, 10:35 AM
Congratulations, Smurf - I am so glad this went well for you.

Jan 12, 2006, 11:48 AM
hi smurfy,
i just wanted to say a big congrats, and also welcome to a new chapter in ur life where the truth starts now. frm here on in ur parents know and r ok w it that should b all that matters to u, as long as they love u. what evry1 else thinks shouldnt matter. u know now that u can b comfy w who u r as a person and feel much lighter from that great weight lifted off ur shoulders( i told u it really happens that way). love ur self, be comfortable w it, and that special someone should come to u in no time :-) congrats again and keep smiling.

Jan 12, 2006, 12:04 PM

Congratulations. From here, the world is open to you. Wherever you're headed, your home base is behind you. As are the people here.


Jan 12, 2006, 1:49 PM
COngrats! That's a huge step!
Good on ya!
I hope you continue to have positive experiences in your "Comming-out".
I am lucky, too. My mom joined PFLAG and everything. She loves having a "Queer" daughter. LOL


Jan 12, 2006, 2:41 PM

congrats men....
free at last, enjoy it!!!!! :bibounce:

Jan 12, 2006, 3:08 PM
Smurfie, I know how much this stressed you so I'm glad that it's all over with and you can breath a sigh of relief! Congratulations!

Jan 12, 2006, 5:47 PM

I am so happy for you that everything worked out ok. You are a wonderful person and deserve the best. With your parents behind you 100% will make your journey in life all the better! :bigrin:

You take sweetie and wishing you the best always!

Mrs.F :angel:

Belle can be your big sister and I will be your little sister! She's older.... :rolleyes:

Jan 12, 2006, 7:31 PM
Hey Friends

I just want to say thank you for all of your wonderfull and touching comments, im sitting here with happy tears in my eyes.

As far as family goes, I would consider it a delight and an honour to have all of you for brothers or sisters. I love and respect you all very much and only wish the miles between was smaller so I could meet and hug you all.

Ive been so happy today its like everything has fallen into place I feel free to be who I am and to hell with lables.

Love, hugs & kisses to my new family

Jan 12, 2006, 9:17 PM
smurfy baby, glad ya happy! I slowly telling ppl and it going good im just not up for telling ma parents!

love bonzai

Jan 12, 2006, 9:24 PM
Very Simply Smurf,

Good Show Mate!

There wil always be ears here to listen
Arms here to hug
And shoulders here to lean on.

Jan 13, 2006, 3:12 AM

i am so glad you found the support and bolster to your courage to come out to your parents. wow- that is a momumental and huge leap.

i did in pieces to each of my family... the italian genes that run through our DNA would otherwise have lead to an interrogation, followed by blame...

"Its all because I let your Uncle buy you those Tonka trucks when you were 4- I KnEW they'd cause an identity crisis when you hit puberty...!"


i don't have acceptance or support they way you do, but that is something
i never got from my parents on any other matter, i do not resent the lack of it. they love the best the know how, me, eachother, and most importantly- themselves. realizing and applying THAT lil kernel of knowledge will prob the map for the journey my short carbon-based life.

i also felt INTENSE relief. it was not in the acceptance, nor being understood, it was in the disclosure. *i* *am* who and what and how i am- <insert Stuart Smileyisms here>

big love for you, smurf... :love1:
... and looking forward to any personal realizations about how this event has impacted you. :rotate: