View Full Version : HI! just wondering...

Dec 30, 2008, 7:02 PM
Is there anyone out there that just wants to make friends through this site? It seems to me that it is only about sex...maybe I am wrong(and if I am I apologize), but the only people who have contacted me are looking for sex. I don't mean to complain or anything, I just want to know. I am looking for friendship...someone to talk to, go out with, hang out with. Sorry if it sounds like I'm whining, I'm just curious to know how this all works. This is the first time I've joined one of these groups and I am struggling with my feelings about my sexuality. I thought this would be a good way to find someone to talk to about it. I hope no one takes offense to anything I have written, this is not my intention...I'm just wondering.

Thank You for taking the time to read this

Dec 30, 2008, 7:15 PM
Mercedes, There are all kind of great folks here and I'm sure there's one who will fit your interests level. Now that they have seen this, maybe someone will contact you. I hope your luck will be as good as mine has been, as I found someone who is like the last missing piece of the puzzle that is me!

I have been bisexual most of my life, but extremely closeted. About three months ago, I took a chance and joined Bisexual.com. Since then, I have had some excellent interactions with other members and remarkably have met someone who lives very close to me.

So, If an old fart like me can meet someone who is so in-tune with me, you certainly should be able to follow suit!

If you think of something you'd like to discuss, post it here and see how many respond to what you've written! Good luck!

Dec 30, 2008, 9:08 PM
Hello Mercedes,

I am Belle and I am from Boston and I am the straight wife of a bi man. When we came here nearly four years ago I thought that I would never find a place here...oh how wrong I was. I was welcomed with such open and caring arms that I was overwhelmed.

I know it is hard to believe...but I have met over FORTY, yes FORTY people from this site in person. Have they all been for SEX? Oh my word no for I would never be able to walk. The people that I have had the distinct pleasure to meet are just that..kind and caring people who want to share their thoughts and lives with another person who can relate to their lives. I have met people in Canada, California, Connecticut and the spaces of the continent in between. Are there more folks on this site that I would love to meet...those in Iowa, Texas, Louisiana, Florida..and well this side of the Atlantic and those down under too. Has it ever been just for sex...honestly that is the LAST thing that I would think of.

Keep meeting people on this site and make friends. Be yourself. Be honest.


Dec 30, 2008, 9:45 PM
I've made a good friend on this site and it has nothing to do with sex. We have similar beliefs and like doing some of the same things. It's fun just to get together for dinner or a festival or such, although it takes about 8 months for his truck carpet to recover from my kids. (They see a mud puddle and it's all over.)

And then I've met a couple of fools who seem to think having their tongue down my throat within 30 seconds of hello is appropriate. :eek:

writes at night
Dec 30, 2008, 11:45 PM

First and formost, let me welcome you!!! I'm quite glad that you have come to join us! Look about and get to know the group. It is a friendly place and you will be made to feel quite welcome.

This site, unlike most, seems to promote a sense of community and friendship. There are no silly questions, and there are several people here that will help guide you.

Again, welcome aboard and I look forward to seeing more of your posts.

Dec 31, 2008, 5:57 AM
Welcome! I'm pretty new to bi.com myself but have met lots of nice people who just want to make friends and chat. My advice to you is don't worry. If you are looking for "just friends" you will find them here. Not everyone is trying to hook up.

Dec 31, 2008, 5:09 PM

Thank you all for the kind words and advice. I'm amazed how fast you wrote...I really appreciate it. I'm hoping I can meet people from Ontario as well. :)

Dec 31, 2008, 5:43 PM
Is there anyone out there that just wants to make friends through this site? It seems to me that it is only about sex...maybe I am wrong(and if I am I apologize), but the only people who have contacted me are looking for sex. I don't mean to complain or anything, I just want to know. I am looking for friendship...someone to talk to, go out with, hang out with. Sorry if it sounds like I'm whining, I'm just curious to know how this all works. This is the first time I've joined one of these groups and I am struggling with my feelings about my sexuality. I thought this would be a good way to find someone to talk to about it. I hope no one takes offense to anything I have written, this is not my intention...I'm just wondering.

Thank You for taking the time to read this

Dang, are you reading my mind or something? I also am here to find a friend to hang out with. I'm not ruling out sex, but it is a very low priority and would only happen if my wife was involved. And like you, practically everyone who has contacted me was just looking for a bed buddy, despite what my profile says.

I'm constantly "tweeking" my profile to find the right guy, making minor changes to keep it fresh.

Dec 31, 2008, 5:46 PM
Is there anyone out there that just wants to make friends through this site? It seems to me that it is only about sex...maybe I am wrong(and if I am I apologize), but the only people who have contacted me are looking for sex. I don't mean to complain or anything, I just want to know. I am looking for friendship...someone to talk to, go out with, hang out with. Sorry if it sounds like I'm whining, I'm just curious to know how this all works. This is the first time I've joined one of these groups and I am struggling with my feelings about my sexuality. I thought this would be a good way to find someone to talk to about it. I hope no one takes offense to anything I have written, this is not my intention...I'm just wondering.

Thank You for taking the time to read this


This site isnly only about sex, heck Ive seen a few that are just about sex, and this so aint it. I'm here just for friendship, and so far found a few that are sadly out of my local reach, but still digging. So don't give up hope whatsoever, open up and folks will open up back. Just keep a good poking stick handy for those horntoads that don't take "Just looking for friendship" seriously.

Jan 1, 2009, 5:12 PM
Mercedes... I've found a few people on here who i've been able to have wonderful conversations with.

To be honest, my first thought of being here is to find others with similar thoughts and attitudes for fun times between (or on top of :bigrin: ) the sheets. I do however look forward to developing friendships as well that may have nothing to do with physical intimacy as well.

If you want someone to chat with, feel free to send me a message. ;)

Jan 2, 2009, 6:37 PM
I'm just here to hang out and occasionally be silly. I still get propositioned occasionally, despite my profile... :) I try not to get too grumpy when it happens. I don't actually have any plans to meet anyone from here IRL... I'm not opposed to the idea (I've had real-life meetups with online friends before, it's generally quite entertaining) but I'm not making any particular plans in that direction. Basically, if it happens, it happens, if not, I'm going to keep having fun hanging out on the forums.


Jan 2, 2009, 7:11 PM
I'm mostly here for friendship, and occasionally somewhere to vent, and sometimes just share ideas and views, and generally pass the time. There are a lot of sex themed threads and such on here, but a lot of them are quite light hearted and more humorous.

I'm more here to meet friendly people I could chat do over the forums or wht ever.

Just bare with it. And relax.

Jan 2, 2009, 8:48 PM
Oh dear..don't give up...there are some wonderful people here...you will just have to sort through them.
I'm the straight wife...hub signed us up here one day and told me to come and introduce ourselves. We/I were graciously welcomed....I spend more time here now than he does and have met several terrific people.....just corresponding/chatting at the present. I have hopes of meeting, at least a couple of these people some day IRL.


Jan 2, 2009, 11:15 PM
Awwwww gosh lets everbody have a big ole group hugzzzzzzzzsssssssss


.....:grouphug:........................:flag3:.... ...................:grouphug:


.............Yo frnd........:doggie::tongue:

Music Girl
Jan 3, 2009, 1:15 PM

I'm so glad you posted to the site, and that you found it. Yes, there are posts about sex, and yes there are people in chat who are only looking for that. But I think you'll find that to be the exception to the rule.

I came here over a year ago, confused and wanting people to talk to who understood what I'm feeling. I found that. I have met people who I can talk to about anything, several who have been there for me through some difficult times. This continues to be an on-line home for me, for which I am grateful.

I hope you keep coming here and meeting people. I think you will find a lot of wonderful people to chat with.


Jan 3, 2009, 2:36 PM
.... I'm hoping I can meet people from Ontario as well. :)

Ontario here....way east of Kingston, str8, older, friendly :rolleyes: