View Full Version : Eeeeeeeeeeeek..whew..

Jan 2, 2009, 7:34 AM
Woke up New Years day..weighed mesel on me m8's scales.. screamed.. blubs..me a big fatty.. 8lbs... depression sets in...moody all day an a weekend a festivities still 2 go... :eek::(weighed mesel on our scales this mornin.. only 5lbs.. sigh a relief..wivvin acceptable recovery limits..weekend bak on...:bigrin:

Jan 2, 2009, 9:54 AM
I don't go by what the scales say. My weight fluctuates throughout the day and according to what time of the month it is. Also, muscles weigh more than fat, so if I've been working out, I might weigh more.

I go more by how my clothes fit. My goal is to drop a size and feel comfortable in my new size.

Jan 2, 2009, 11:44 AM
I don't go by what the scales say. My weight fluctuates throughout the day and according to what time of the month it is. Also, muscles weigh more than fat, so if I've been working out, I might weigh more.

I go more by how my clothes fit. My goal is to drop a size and feel comfortable in my new size.

Excellent goal. Yes, I understand feeling mad as hell when you start working out and you weigh more!

Jan 2, 2009, 12:40 PM
I don't go by what the scales say. My weight fluctuates throughout the day and according to what time of the month it is. Also, muscles weigh more than fat, so if I've been working out, I might weigh more.

I go more by how my clothes fit. My goal is to drop a size and feel comfortable in my new size.

Every 1's weight tends 2 go up by end of a day..weighs mesel every mornin cept at this time a year..if me did me wud neva enjoy mesel.. mosta the year me don vary much in weight by moren a pound or 2.. more fat on a rasher a bacon mosly than me tends 2 carry ... prob is at this time a year me exercise is bout the same but me nosh intake an espesh me comfort nosh intake gets outa hand... an so..lil roly poly me (well... compared 2 normal)...

Afta the weekend...time 2 burn it off wich will mean ..ewo Kate:bigrin:...an ewo Sybina:tong:..an who knos..mayb even ewo Rog:tongue: for ole times sake.. as well as increase me visits 2 the pool an a lot more cyclin...

Yas rite bout the clothes tho..terrifyin if me eva cant get inta ne thin or it jus don feel rite...:( It don feel rite..it don look rite:eek:

Jan 2, 2009, 2:15 PM
Fran, Baby, you look beautiful no matter what, so worry not. Its not what a person looks like, its the person themselves. And I think your a right lovely lil tart just as you are. :kiss:
Your Cat

Jan 2, 2009, 11:59 PM
Sometimes--it is certainly true--when you start to work out---especially if you haven't been working out lately--that you will "gain" weight when you start to workout because you are converting fat to muscle----any weight gain you might be seeing is going to be a temporary thing---the deal is to keep on eating properly--and working out---something I need to do more of in the new year---I have been a BAD, BAD BOY this holiday season!!!

And now I must REPENT--REPENT I SAY FOR MY SINS!!!!:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

I will be in the gym on the treadmill alot in the next few months---and cutting back on all the goodies I have been eating!!!

Keep up the good work and don't let the scale disuade ya---if you are finding those favorite pants not being quite so tight---you are on the right road!

Jan 3, 2009, 11:16 AM
I don't go by what the scales say. My weight fluctuates throughout the day and according to what time of the month it is. Also, muscles weigh more than fat, so if I've been working out, I might weigh more.

I go more by how my clothes fit. My goal is to drop a size and feel comfortable in my new size.

I'm getting closer to my goal. Yesterday I bought a pair of pants that are a size smaller and they fit!! Of course, another pair that I tried on (that were the same size) were too tight, so I still have a way to go.

Jan 5, 2009, 9:48 AM
4lbs this mornin in the altogetha... not bad at all...shudn b 2 hard gettin off..:bigrin:sum tarts howeva didn put on sod all!!!!!! No name...but butya kno who me means...:(

Jan 5, 2009, 9:55 AM
4lbs this mornin in the altogetha... not bad at all...shudn b 2 hard gettin off..:bigrin:sum tarts howeva didn put on sod all!!!!!! No name...but butya kno who me means...:(

I am sure a few hours on the Sybian should help you work off those last few pounds, Frannie!! :bigrin:

I have recently lost 20 pounds and the holidays were quite difficult for me to maintain that loss!! Now that my family has gone back to their regular lives, I can once again devote myself to getting off those last pounds....and thank goodness I got rid of all of the temptations that made it difficult for me these last few weeks! If only I had a Sybian like you, Frannie....I would be soooo upbeat about "working out"!!! I guess my package must have gotten lost in the holiday mail rush!! LOL!!!

Jan 5, 2009, 11:10 AM
I am sure a few hours on the Sybian should help you work off those last few pounds..

"A few HOURS"?!?!?!:eek::eek::eek:

Holy CRAP!


Jan 5, 2009, 11:17 AM
"A few HOURS"?!?!?!:eek::eek::eek:

Holy CRAP!

Yum..mumsy's wish is....tee hee :bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

Jan 5, 2009, 11:32 AM
Yum..mumsy's wish is....tee hee :bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

Mumsy NEVER said hours referring to herself, Frannie dear...I was talking about YOU, you young tart you!!! I know I would never have the stamina for more than say....ONE HOUR LOL!!! hehe

Jan 5, 2009, 12:55 PM
Mumsy NEVER said hours referring to herself, Frannie dear...I was talking about YOU, you young tart you!!! I know I would never have the stamina for more than say....ONE HOUR LOL!!! hehe

Nev did like kwikkies mumsy..tee hee:tong:

Jan 5, 2009, 5:36 PM
4lbs this mornin in the altogetha... not bad at all...shudn b 2 hard gettin off..:bigrin:sum tarts howeva didn put on sod all!!!!!! No name...but butya kno who me means...:(

Oh dear:bigrin:

Jan 5, 2009, 6:43 PM
Oh dear:bigrin:


Jan 6, 2009, 1:17 AM
God, I love listenig to women talk about loosing weight. I'd loose 8 pounds if I forgot to eat breakfast once. Lately, I've been considering loosing about 20. Should take about 2 weeks once I have the time. Done it before. Come to think of it, i'd loose 8 pounds by watching you on the Sybian for an hour! One of my girlfriends told me she got thinner, and better abs, by introducing a strap-on into her regular bedroom practice with her girl. She also had no idea the amount of work a man had to put in to fuck a vagina into orgasm, so for me, as a penis-bearer, that was a nice little validation. Don't think you'll see that workout video advertised on late-night TV, tho.

Jan 6, 2009, 2:44 AM
God, I love listenig to women talk about loosing weight. I'd loose 8 pounds if I forgot to eat breakfast once. Lately, I've been considering loosing about 20. Should take about 2 weeks once I have the time. Done it before. Come to think of it, i'd loose 8 pounds by watching you on the Sybian for an hour! One of my girlfriends told me she got thinner, and better abs, by introducing a strap-on into her regular bedroom practice with her girl. She also had no idea the amount of work a man had to put in to fuck a vagina into orgasm, so for me, as a penis-bearer, that was a nice little validation. Don't think you'll see that workout video advertised on late-night TV, tho.

Well Mr. Penis bearer....I am so very happy you feel validated....but you may want to watch your back after bragging about your ability to lose weight in front of those of us who struggle....LOL!!

Jan 6, 2009, 4:15 AM
Well Mr. Penis bearer....I am so very happy you feel validated....but you may want to watch your back after bragging about your ability to lose weight in front of those of us who struggle....LOL!!

Don't be jealous. I've got to get motivated first, and that takes forever!

Jan 6, 2009, 4:25 AM
God, I love listenig to women talk about loosing weight. I'd loose 8 pounds if I forgot to eat breakfast once. Lately, I've been considering loosing about 20. Should take about 2 weeks once I have the time. Done it before. Come to think of it, i'd loose 8 pounds by watching you on the Sybian for an hour! One of my girlfriends told me she got thinner, and better abs, by introducing a strap-on into her regular bedroom practice with her girl. She also had no idea the amount of work a man had to put in to fuck a vagina into orgasm, so for me, as a penis-bearer, that was a nice little validation. Don't think you'll see that workout video advertised on late-night TV, tho.

Be careful it gets harder to lose as you age. I'm having a hell of a time losing where once it was easy.
