View Full Version : Maximum age difference between partners

Feb 27, 2009, 3:08 PM
I'm sure everyone has a different idea about this and it might be interesting to see what everyone thinks the maximum age difference between partners is for them. From my experience, when I was a horny 25 year-old, I spent a motel weekend with a guy who was 72. In terms of sex it was, and remains, one of the most exciting and satisfying weekends in bed and there was a 47 year difference in our age.

What would the maximum age difference with any potential or actual sex partner for you?

Feb 27, 2009, 3:42 PM
I personally couldn't care less. I'm pretty easy going about a lot of stuff like this in life haha.

Feb 27, 2009, 3:48 PM
The oldest I had was 67 and OMG...that damn man could run rings areond most of the younger lovers I had. Good thing we didnt meet when we were both alot younger. We mighta killed each other! lol.
I personally draw the line at people younger than my own kids, but Did have a playtime with a young man who I didnt know was 27 at the time. That was awkward because he diodnt have the finess that an older, experianced person would have. It wasnt a very satisfying time...
But, whatever makes one happy is cool with me. :}

Feb 27, 2009, 4:02 PM
I'm with Rissa... If the person is fun and interesting, I'm not sure age would matter to me.

Feb 27, 2009, 4:33 PM
My wife and I are 8 years apart. She's 21 today and I'm 28....soon 29! :)

Feb 27, 2009, 4:41 PM
My wife and I are 8 years apart. She's 21 today and I'm 28....soon 29! :)

My hubby and I started dating when I was 17 and he was 23. Gotta love age gaps.

Feb 27, 2009, 6:40 PM
I am 8 years older than my wife (she just turned 30) but i have a male friend who is nearly 70. Go figure,age gap?

Feb 27, 2009, 6:47 PM
Age difference is more important when one is younger but as one gets older then age difference becomes generally less important.

The greatest age difference has been 20 yrs in both directions, that at the age of about 40. However, prefer people of about my own age; one tends to have more in common, any sex (much prefer making love) being an insignificant part of the relationship.

Agree with Cat that partners of approaching the age as one's children or younger are out of bounds.


Feb 27, 2009, 7:43 PM
Age is nothing but a number. It all depends on the other person and how you accept each other.

Feb 27, 2009, 8:01 PM
I have had men 11 years younger all the way up to 18 years older. And quite frankly, the older men know what they want and, more importantly, what I want. On the other hand, I don't want a woman much older than me!


Feb 27, 2009, 8:09 PM
Personally, Age has no bearing for me. I enjoy younger and older. Like Rock, I enjoy just being able to satisfy. I am more into pleasing, than being pleased. But I sure as H*ll won't complain if there is mutual pleasure.

Feb 27, 2009, 8:17 PM
Age makes absolutely NO difference to me - its all about chemistry and attraction and personality. If those three things are ringing bells - I don't care what it says on their drivers license. LW

Lisa (va)
Feb 27, 2009, 8:20 PM
I see this as only talking about having partners in a physical sense only, which is ok. But somehow I think if one thinks in terms of primary relationships it would be less important on a physical level than relationship level, but not because of the ages, but on the level of what folks have in common ( we do more than just have sex :) ). Myself I have always found older folks held my attention longer than those my age and younger. Currently married to a wonderful man who hasn't long ago celebrated his 44th birthday (Oct). I don't see it as there is a differnece between our ages, I think (and hopefully others) that we make a good pair. True there are differneces associated with our given ages but we both bring different thinks into the relationship.


hugs n kisses

Feb 27, 2009, 8:29 PM
When I was young and dumber than a rock (apologies to the Rock Gardner) I was taken under the wing of a wonderful older woman, who figured it was time to teach me some relationship manners. I was 21 and she was 60. After 18 months with her, I re-entered the "world" with a new perspective on how to conduct relationships, with emphasis on the mutual respect, being honest and especially the sexual aspects of intimacy. I learned so much from her and truly loved her. Only the Viet Nam war and military duty caused me to leave her. Not until recently, have I met anyone her equal.

Again, the distance between my GF and my age is vast. She is 35 and I am 68. Don't ask me how she chose me, it's a mystery and a miracle to me, but no one could be happier, or be more thrilled with their lover, as I am.

Man, I hope I'm not the only one here, who has such a severe difference in our ages....would like to hear of others in a successful relationship, like ours.

Oh, and by-the-way, I met her here!

meteast chick
Feb 27, 2009, 10:07 PM
I was with a woman 19 years my senior and she's now a very good friend of mine.

My mother's 2nd husband, my step dad, was a ripe 22 when he married my mother, then 33. At the time, my sister was 15, my brother was 13 and I was 11. This August they will celebrate their 20th anniversary.

love and kisses,

Feb 27, 2009, 10:27 PM
We have a six year difference between us. The wife is older.

Now my Dad's great grandfather is another story. He was a farmer and outlived 4 out of 5 wives; each one younger than the one before.

His first wife was his age when they got married. At age 89 (when he died), the wife that outlived him was 32.
The family joke is that he didn't know if he was coming or going.

Mar 1, 2009, 6:53 PM
I'm glad this topic was brought up. I'm currently head over heels for someone 18 years older than me. We are becoming quite good friends, but I don't know if I can let her know how i feel. I'm so much younger than her and I'm afraid I will get rejected or laughed at due to our age difference. Plus i'm not exactly out and i don't think she has any idea that i'm in to girls.

Mar 1, 2009, 7:38 PM
Age makes absolutely NO difference to me - its all about chemistry and attraction and personality. If those three things are ringing bells - I don't care what it says on their drivers license. LW

Oh my.....ringing THIS BELLE for sure.

I must admit that I adore older men..men with age and experience and a good sense of SELF. Only ONE man...I am 47 and was with a 36 year old who was fantastic and I wondered all night what did he see in ME....turns out I am smart, funny, and so much more than women his age...I felt good. Then I have a friend who sees a 27 year old and then me at 47 and I said to them what the heck do You see in ME...I am old, I am chubby and I am blonde...he said to me you bring age, wisdom, thought, sincerity and a whole kind and tender heart.


Mar 1, 2009, 11:58 PM
Oh my.....ringing THIS BELLE for sure.

I must admit that I adore older men..men with age and experience and a good sense of SELF. Only ONE man...I am 47 and was with a 36 year old who was fantastic and I wondered all night what did he see in ME....turns out I am smart, funny, and so much more than women his age...I felt good. Then I have a friend who sees a 27 year old and then me at 47 and I said to them what the heck do You see in ME...I am old, I am chubby and I am blonde...he said to me you bring age, wisdom, thought, sincerity and a whole kind and tender heart.


Glad I rang your bell - Belle! LOL To quote you - I must admit that I adore older men..men with age and experience and a good sense of SELF. - This is exactly what is so appealing about mature - My older brother used to say "seasoned" women. I love seasoning!!! I would never see old, chubby or blonde - I would see the goddess that lives within. Hugs sweet lady. LW

Mar 2, 2009, 2:23 AM
As long as it's consenting adults I'm cool with any age gap. My father is 29 years older than his wife. They have been married for 24 years. It doesn't sit well with many of my family members b/c his wife is younger than me and my three siblings, but who are we to judge? I was married to a wonderful woman six years my senior and I have had relationships with men 20 years my junior.

Mar 2, 2009, 7:41 AM
On the other hand, I don't want a woman much older than me!

It has been brought to my attention by a very sexy woman that I do indeed like women older than myself. I guess I would not be attracted to a woman that acts much older than me. Maybe that's better wording.
