View Full Version : Brothels with men

Chief Consultant
Jun 14, 2009, 8:29 AM
Recently the Shady Lane Brothel in Nevada announced it was adding men to the menu. Men for women--awe shucks. Would women go to a brothel for a man? I think cost starts around $200 for 40 minutes up to $2000 for overnight stay.:eek: Wow. Men will be over 30.

If I could afford it I would like to get one of each.

Jun 14, 2009, 9:33 AM
I could just imagine it.... Me and hubby walking up to the door, hubby being the gentleman he is would hold the door for me, while passing by I provocatively glance at him and bite my lip. Then while on the inside of the place. We look at each other a little nervously. Then come the men/women to choose from.. I let hubby choose first....I watch as he carefully weighs his options, up against my opinions that are in his head..Lol.. And after he has chosen wisely he walks away and then I make my choice.. One of each...I am back in the bar before hubby is finished..When he comes out I ask for the keys and leave him with the bill that he woefully pays.

Nahhhhh Can't really see us doing anything like that I mean 400$ for weiner?
I even have to debate whether I should buy the 199 dollar electric razor or can he make do with the 79$ one..

But if ya got the money and the time.. Whatever floats your boats.

Jun 14, 2009, 9:44 AM
A brothel of men...for men might be a winning business model, but I don't see it working for women. I know there are women that hire male prostitutes, but I don't see them going to a brothel for it.

Jun 14, 2009, 10:25 AM
HIede Fleischch(sp) tried that in Nevada and it never got off the ground. The locals summed it up this way" women don'tneed to pay to get poked"

Jun 14, 2009, 10:30 AM
To quote an old saying, "Why buy the cow (or in this case, rent it) when you can get the milk for free?". There are LOTS of healthy, safe men out there looking to give away the product.

I just don't see this taking off.

Jun 14, 2009, 11:10 AM
I agree that I just don't think as a viable business model---male prostitutes for women at a "Cat House" is one that is not going to work--sure--there are some wealthy women out there these days that can afford and do "buy it"---but not all that many I would think.

It does seem--that if you are going to have males at a whore house---it should be male prostitutes for male customers since like with those people most likely to pay for women prostitutes are male--so is it also the case that most of the customers for male prostitutes are also men.

Those women who are paying for male companionship---they are doing so off the radar and I don't think this is going to change---but I wish the this "ranch" (it seems that most of legal brothels in Nevada tend to call themselves "ranches" for some reason) all the best and hope they can make it pay off.

Jun 14, 2009, 12:42 PM
I figure that some high-powered women of business and Industry may pay for it. They have no time for romance, or relationships. They're fighting the men for their positions and have to be on guard every second. They have to be even more cunning and ruthless, than the men, to maintain the Status Quo!

However, I don't see MOST women swamping the male prostitutes, because I think they are intrinsically more desirous of getting to know and care for their lovers, before having sex, rather than a quick roll in the hay, then adios!

I kinda like that better, myself.

Jun 14, 2009, 5:23 PM
lol Now you see why I am in the Swing Lifestyle!
1. I Know my partners well,
2. I know the wives or girlfriends of the men I play with.
3. I know the Wives and Girlfriends well too..:bigrin:
4. There is safety in numbers, and I know that they are clean and looking out for the others that they too play with. And best of all, I dont have to pay for it! lol
Too cheap to pay for it Cat lol:rolleyes:

Jun 14, 2009, 5:58 PM
The idea of paying for it has always been kind of hot to me . . . but the men are over thirty? And 40 minutes is $200?

Just doesn't seem worth it.

Also, I guess part of the fantasy is it being a little more dirty and lowdown- like trollin' down the street and picking up a pretty boy. Going to a brothel, while probably a fun thing to be able to say you've done (I'd want to take a camera, get pictures with everyone!), just doesn't seem quite as sexy to me- at least, not for what I could afford.

Jun 14, 2009, 9:46 PM
They'd have to get some stupid crazy hot men to make this work, I mean, we're talking guys that would Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey to shame. Let's be honest... unless they are much hotter than the average man, it won't work. I can get average looking cock w/o much effort, but hot looking cock takes a lot of work for such a poor return.

It would be awesome to walk in that place in shorts and flip-flops, unshaved legs , pull a REALLY hot guy and ride him like I stole him, because it's not gonna happen in real life.
