View Full Version : Happy Burns Day 'Merica: Sonsie Chops is on 'is way

Jan 24, 2010, 6:35 AM
Tomoz is Burns Night.. an as lil celebration for yas luffly peeps in the US.. ur govt has decided 2 lift the ban on importin Haggis... yum yum yum!! Ya lukky devils ya.. now ya can hav the reel McCoy as ya lift ya glass an toast the Haggis.. tee hee.

We'll b havin ours tomoz nite asya wud expect..an will think ofyas bein eva so a lukky lotta bunnies afta bein deprived of the genuine article for soooooo long.. Enjoy... :bigrin:

"Great Chieftan o the puddin' race..." mmmmmmmmmm luffly...:tong:

Jan 24, 2010, 11:13 AM
We're so lucky!

Jan 24, 2010, 12:01 PM
While I do enjoy reading Robbie Burns.....I will pass on Haggis.....althought I am sure that the Haggis lovers in the US will be very happy to have the good stuff again.

Runs off to read some more Burns poetry....forgot I had that book.

Jan 24, 2010, 12:03 PM
Some years back----I had made acquaintance with some "Scottish Lads"---they made Haggis on a few occasions--and I tried it----

Suffice to say----Haggis is: "An aquired taste!!!":eek: :bigrin:

Maybe I could come to like Haggis eventually---I like Chitlins which aren't that much different than Haggis really---and they are surely not most people's cup of tea here in the good ol' US of A! :eek::eek: :bigrin:

It could be though that the recipe they had or their cooking ablity was not up to snuff and I didn't get to taste a good version of Haggis, however!

Enjoy yours, Frannie.

Maybe I should come to like Haggis----my mother's family---we had always thought they were English----but through some genelogical research one family member had done-----they were actually Scottish----so I am a mix of Irish and Scottish instead of Irish/English as I had always thought----at least on that side----my dad's mum's family was from the Alsace region of France/Germany, depending upon which country ruled that region since it went back and forth----but they were Germans and not French.

Now---if I ever decide to try a kilt---I have a choice---should I get one with an Irish print or a Scottish one???

Another decision---should I try to learn and do Franniespeak too??? ROFLMAO!!!

Jan 24, 2010, 1:45 PM
I understand why Fran is happy. The more haggis shipped to the
US, the less there is in Brittain. and with the proceeds they can buy food that actually tastes good.


Haggis tastes luffly.. so ya don like beef, lamb, liver, barley, a few oats, sum gentle spices an seasonin? Peeps r afraid a the idea cos they conditioned 2 b.. few giggle at us for eatin the stuff..but everythin in a higgis mosta ya will eat.. s'ok we don mind.. but it reelly is yummie... don let the the sheep stomache worry ya..thats only the wrappin an ya don eat it.. cudn ne way..yad b chewin for eva an a day..:tong: ne way..

Wotta bunch a feardies...we hav word for peeps who r big feardies... buncha Jessies... me mum wud callya a bunch a big girl's blouses...tee hee:tong:...spose ya'd ratha eat snails.. suits me.. me will stik ta the Chief 'issel tyvm :bigrin:

Annika L
Jan 24, 2010, 2:12 PM
Kel and I are very adventurous palate-wise, and when we were in Scotland a few years ago, we fell in love with haggis (on first taste, I'll hasten to add...no acquisition necessary)! It's exactly as Fran has described it, and is completely wonderful...and a fabulous excuse to drink whisky (like I needed that *smile*)!

To those who deplore haggis without tasting it...sure, just stick to your wholesome hotdogs :rolleyes: *choke, splutter*.

I'd not heard that the US has lifted this ban...this is exciting!

Happy Burns Day, me luffly...we'll be sure to raise a glass tomorrow!

Jan 24, 2010, 2:49 PM
My dearest Frances...we shall lift a toast of our finest Scotch to the works of Burns. Although I have not tasted Haggis but give that I have eaten much of the same things that Pasacouple has..I love head cheese with vinegar and salt and cracked pepper. But what I like most about the Scotts are those fine men in their kilts. I have known a Scottman in the biblical way and appreciate all that is under the tartan plaid.


Jan 24, 2010, 3:20 PM
Haggis is horrible :eek:.

Welsh Cakes...... now theres something I could eat all day long :bigrin:.

Jan 24, 2010, 3:45 PM
Note to self..I aint kissin Voltie if'n he's been eating chitlins. Thats just down-right Vile! lol
I'm a bad Southerner..LMAO
Cheers Frannie-honey!

Jan 24, 2010, 3:48 PM
Haggis is horrible :eek:.

Welsh Cakes...... now theres something I could eat all day long :bigrin:.

Scotland is The Land of Cakes Gigsy.. an cummin outa u..a memba a the 1 race on earth that ruins bacon sandwiches!!! Jeez..

Jan 24, 2010, 3:58 PM
Actually---maybe what I had wasn't prepared properly--I am pretty much open to many foods-----like I said--I like to eat chitlins--and that grosses out Cat!!!

I am sure that this local gourmet chain in my area will get a good version of Haggis-----if I can--i will try it with an open mind!

The thing was with the Haggis I had----it really was pretty weak on any sort of seasoning and just had an odd taste and texture---I do wonder if my Scotts buds knew what the hell they were doing--maybe since they were pretty well "into their cups" that whole time---maybe the Haggis tasted good to them since they weren't feeling any other sort of pain!!

Jan 24, 2010, 6:30 PM
My dearest Frances...we shall lift a toast of our finest Scotch to the works of Burns. Although I have not tasted Haggis but give that I have eaten much of the same things that Pasacouple has..I love head cheese with vinegar and salt and cracked pepper. But what I like most about the Scotts are those fine men in their kilts. I have known a Scottman in the biblical way and appreciate all that is under the tartan plaid.


Me dad dus the whisky Belle.. prefer 2 toast the randy bugga wiv cognac...:tong: Personal taste hun.. personal taste.. Soon get the chance Belle.. betya jus cant wait huh?

Me has also known a few Scotsmen in biblical sense.. don quite share ya enthusiasm.. wy else ya think me gave 'em up?? Scots gals now..thats a completely diff matta.. tee hee:bigrin: Ya shud try 1...spesh lil titchy 1s wiv the brown eyes an tidgies...:bigrin: Rabbie did..well actually 'e tried quite a few an found 'em fetchin. Luff the bard an 'is works as me dus.. fraid if 'e wos still 'round an tried 2 push 'is luck..... 'e wud get same ansa as 'is modern day country fellas..:)

Jan 24, 2010, 10:43 PM

Haggis, with a nice bottle of single malt Scotch to drink.

You just can't find decent Haggis here in S. Florida.

I blame it on the whimpification of the American People.

3 Scottish family lines: the MacMartins of Clan Cameron, the Barnetts of Clan Gunn and Clan Sutherland.

Jan 25, 2010, 11:07 AM
Considering that I can hardly stomach most meat, I seriously doubt this is something that will ever reach my dinner table.

For those of you who are different though, PLEASE by all means enjoy :D

Jan 25, 2010, 11:15 AM
Considering that I can hardly stomach most meat, I seriously doubt this is something that will ever reach my dinner table.

For those of you who are different though, PLEASE by all means enjoy :D

Ya get veggie Haggis Riss.. an it not 2 bad..the best of 'em ne ways.. :)

Jan 25, 2010, 11:18 AM
Ya get veggie Haggis Riss.. an it not 2 bad..the best of 'em ne ways.. :)

Isn't it still put in a stomach?

Jan 25, 2010, 11:23 AM
Isn't it still put in a stomach?Nope.. not all haggis is.. meat or veggie... neva wen veggie.. so ther ya r..yas ok..:tong:

Jan 25, 2010, 11:25 AM
Nope.. not all haggis is.. meat or veggie... neva wen veggie.. so ther ya r..yas ok..:tong:

Hmmmm, then perhaps that is doable. I shall have to look into it.

Jan 25, 2010, 2:59 PM
Sorry when I hear about Burns I often think of this guy:


Not this guy:


I know, its just a personal failing :P

Jan 25, 2010, 4:56 PM
Oh well, I suppose every country has its own way of fucking sheep but the Scots had to come up with haggis.....Me, I'd sooner eat a truckload of vegemite than eat haggis :upside:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jan 25, 2010, 5:00 PM
Oh well, I suppose every country has its own way of fucking sheep but the Scots had to come up with haggis.....Me, I'd sooner eat a truckload of vegemite than eat haggis :upside:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Aaaahhh, Chook. You big ol' party pooper. :bigrin:

It's Rob't Burns' birthday. Have some Haggis and a 50 year old bottle of Scotch to wash it down with.

Me, I love Haggis, but it's too hard to find in S Florida. But there is still the Scotch.

Jan 25, 2010, 6:02 PM
I understand why Fran is happy. The more haggis shipped to the
US, the less there is in Brittain. and with the proceeds they can buy food that actually tastes good.

I second that sentiment. Although I'll concede that the veggie version is actually alright. :)

Jan 25, 2010, 6:50 PM
While it might be a bit parochial of me---I tend to be "a might partial" to the finer Kentucky Bourbons----I sure do like all of the Scottish single malt scotches I have had the pleasure of imbibing-----I would sure raise a toast with a shot of that good stuff!!!!

Jan 25, 2010, 7:01 PM
..don care wotyas all say.. tonite the haggis wos yummie... so there.. nyahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! *Stiks tongue out at Philistines*. Cognac wos yummie an all..tee hee..:bigrin:

Jan 25, 2010, 8:49 PM
..don care wotyas all say.. tonite the haggis wos yummie... so there.. nyahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! *Stiks tongue out at Philistines*. Cognac wos yummie an all..tee hee..:bigrin:

I will take Cognac---but I really fancy a nice tawny Port--umm yummy--better go pour myself a wee shot!!

Jan 25, 2010, 9:17 PM
It's Rob't Burns' birthday. Have some Haggis and a 50 year old bottle of Scotch to wash it down with.

I was thinking...that I would rather have a FIFTY year old SCOTSMAN and share a bath and wash each other down..................


PS....or for Frances....a FIFTY year old SCOTSWOMAN ...equality for all.

Jan 26, 2010, 3:58 AM
I was thinking...that I would rather have a FIFTY year old SCOTSMAN and share a bath and wash each other down..................


PS....or for Frances....a FIFTY year old SCOTSWOMAN ...equality for all.

wy ty Belle... me knos jus the woman.. tee hee.. mind u..ther not that many men me wud recommend for ya... sum rite ole farts me can tellya!! But will c wot me can do..:bigrin: