View Full Version : Calling all prayers

Mar 11, 2010, 7:41 PM
One of my close friends from childhood is very ill. She has small vessels disease and chronic headache syndrom. She has been given approximately 5 years to live and she was diagnosed 2 years ago. They want to try to get her headaches to go away before they attempt to treat her swollen brain, but after accupuncture, accupressure, a string of medications and some herbal remedies, she is still in horrible cripling pain. Now, the thing is she has a two year old daughter, and she has only herself and her husband (when he is not working) to take care of her. She is obviously having a hard time doing so given the pain she is in, and she doesn't want to live the rest of her years this way. She didn't come right out and say it to me, but from how she was talking and certain things she was saying, I strongly believe she is contimplating suicide right now to get away from it all. As much as I don't agree with that, I can't deny that I don't blame her. I can't imagine what she must be going through.

She gave me her permission to attempt to make her a few remedies since she used to be a practicing wiccan and she knows that my husband and I are pagan and have both studied herbalism. At this point, I don't know if even a blessed tea would help her, but since nothing else has worked she feels it's worth a shot. I know that nothing at this point is really going to save her, but if I could do something to make her as comfortable as possible until it progresses to the point where she is gone, then I want to try.

So basically, this thread is NOT about bashing pagans, debating (or fighting) over religion or any of the other bullshit that's been going on here lately. I'm not in the mood for that shit. Whoever feels the need to do that will be put on my ignore list and anyone else who decides to feed into that will be put on my list as well because I am SO NOT in the mindset to deal with that. This thread is about enlisting the help of my other friends who know about herbalism and magick (I can think of a few of you pagans here) and I need to know if any of you are willing to help me here and privately away from the forum to see if we can get a strong energy of prayers her way. For others, please prayer to whoever it is that you believe in that her pain will be relieved soon. For those of you with no faith, please, just keep her in your positive thoughts every now and then.

I'm not one to dwell upon my beliefs and what I do to practice my beliefs here, but this is a rare case and I'm putting my private shit out there now. I can't bare to have my friend wanting to end her life to get away from her illness and I can't bare the thought of her daughters mother being taken away sooner than what would have to be.

Mar 11, 2010, 7:46 PM
Babygirl, I'm not Pagan or Wiccan, but I am Spiritual in my beliefs. Its my prayer that your friend's suffering goes away soon and that she lives on to be a healthy happy Mom and wife.
Hugs to you for your friendship and love to your friend.

Mar 11, 2010, 7:53 PM
Good luck with the herbal remedies---there is much wisdom in the "old ways"--even though we tend to dismiss those old ways now---but if modern, allopathic medicine has been of no help thus far--why not try using the herbal based medicines??

In my own way--I do "pray" as well and I add her to my set of "requests."

I don't know if prayer really works or not--but it is one of those things that it sure doesn't hurt!!

I hope that your friend does find relief from her severe pain.

All the best to you, and to her and her family.

Mar 11, 2010, 8:22 PM
It is amazing how so many of us take the simple things in life for granted when there are so many unfortunate ones out there that would do anything for those simple things.......after reading this I thought about how often I think my kids are giving me a headache because they don't listen, and now I feel really bad knowing what your friend is going through.........we are not pagans or know anyway to assist but we will send our prayers to your friend and her family and may they all be blessed.................

Mar 11, 2010, 8:27 PM
It is amazing how so many of us take the simple things in life for granted when there are so many unfortunate ones out there that would do anything for those simple things.......after reading this I thought about how often I think my kids are giving me a headache because they don't listen, and now I feel really bad knowing what your friend is going through.........we are not pagans or know anyway to assist but we will send our prayers to your friend and her family and may they all be blessed.................

Believe me, I was just thinking the same thing an hour ago. I have a lot of things wrong in my life but compared to her, and the other medical problems she has that I didn't write about, I feel truly blessed for what I've got.

Mar 11, 2010, 8:32 PM
Your a gr8 friend Ris:).. were we all such.. sorry I am unable 2 pray and u know why, but life takes its course and what we can do is as much in support of those we care for as we are able. Our thoughts with you, your friend, her husband and her little girl.

Mar 11, 2010, 8:34 PM

I too shall put your friend in my thoughts and prayers. Like you, when I think of what my pains are in life, then read of others, I too have much to be thankful for. Hugs to your friend from me.


Mar 11, 2010, 9:26 PM
May Dagda be with her. She will be in my prayers.

Mar 11, 2010, 9:30 PM
Riss, there are a couple things that come to mind right away. I'll mail ya

Mar 12, 2010, 2:53 AM
Well, they say the best way to look at your life itv to take a step back and look at someone elses life first, to appreciate your own....They were correct.
Spirits bless you Riss for wanting to help your friend and I hope the holistic methods help. Like a Shaman friend of mine always says " Hey, Dr's dont know ever'thing" :}

Mar 12, 2010, 11:41 AM
Well, they say the best way to look at your life itv to take a step back and look at someone elses life first, to appreciate your own....They were correct.
Spirits bless you Riss for wanting to help your friend and I hope the holistic methods help. Like a Shaman friend of mine always says " Hey, Dr's dont know ever'thing" :}

no Cat, they most certainly do not haha. That's a big part of the problem right now unfortunately.

Falling Leaves
Mar 12, 2010, 1:42 PM
I will focus my thoughts on healing for body, mind and soul her way...and for you as well....

Mar 12, 2010, 2:10 PM
Good thoughts and absent healing sent your friend's way Rissa. I hope that her condition will improve and bless you for being such a good friend to her.

Mar 12, 2010, 2:12 PM
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your friend. Hope she gets better soon.

Mar 12, 2010, 4:28 PM
Here's hoping that the eternal pain abates and that the forecast is wrong.