View Full Version : Weird weekend

Jul 18, 2010, 7:10 PM
So with all this discussion recently about monogamy, I thought I'd share my weird weekend with this wacky crew.

On Friday night, I met Mrs. Coyote and the pups at the home of some very close friends (my "uncle", as a matter of fact) and their family for a BBQ. My uncle and his family are taking the first steps down the difficult road of divorce; my uncle's wife and step-daughter have already moved out, while my uncle and the two other children remain behind for now. All five of them were present for the BBQ, but drama and tension filled the air the entire night. It was heartbreaking to watch the 7 year old son melt down when his mother and half-sister were trying to leave for the night - to watch the mother's tears as she left, to console the father who was letting his own tears flow despite his tough guy biker persona.

On Saturday night, Mrs. Coyote, the pups, and I were a hundred miles away attending the wedding of another dear friend. Our friend is a year old than me; she has been searching for her one true love for more than 20 years. Amazingly, she finally found him a few years back; last night was the declaration of their commitment to one other, the first marriage for either of them. It was a beautiful ceremony in a quaint chapel overlooking an absolutely gorgeous river valley, the mountains offering their own powerful blessings from the distance.

The events of this weekend have made me think a lot about my own relationship with Mrs. Coyote. We have been married nearly 14 years now; those 14 years have had their share of challenges. My cancer, my bouts with deep depression, my occasional desires for male sex, her struggles with intimacy are just a few of the obstacles that we have had to confront over the years.

Yet what we have together is precious. Our relationship has grown and blossomed over the years despite the inevitable times of drought. Knowing that there is one person in this world who has your back despite your shortcomings and flaws is not only comforting, but liberating as well. For my part, I draw strength from the commitment I have with Mrs. Coyote, and in turn I offer her my strength and comfort when she needs it.

I am not perfect. Those who have seen me in chat know that I am a big flirt. And in a fit of madness several months back I even toyed with the idea of leaving Mrs. Coyote to explore physical and emotional relationships with men. Thankfully, I have not gone through with the idea. Instead, Mrs. Coyote and I have been going through counseling over the past few months, working to strengthen our relationship. As much as I may desire sex with men, the fact is that I love my partner in life. I can't give that up.

I do not offer this as an example of how everyone should live. There are many paths in life that each of us is called to walk. I admire those who can make a swinging or poly relationship actually work - that they can be secure enough in themselves and their relationships with their partners to not allow jealousy to poison the well of their affection for each other.

These are just the observations of one fool coyote who is trying to make his way in this world. Please take what you like and leave the rest.


Jul 18, 2010, 7:16 PM
Hugs Coyote and Mrs. Coyote, thank you for sharing hon and I wish you many more years of the happiness and peace you have found.

Jul 18, 2010, 8:25 PM
Dear Mr and Mrs Coyote: You're doing just fine! You're winning battles and not letting the bastards get you down..........congratulations!

I feel so sorry for the kids, especially, when your uncle's home broke up, though.

Jul 19, 2010, 12:59 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have met this dear man, and he is as sweet and as good hearted as he can possibly be, and I am certain that Mrs Yoti is the same way. They have 2 beautiful children, and I know that has been a challenge too (Hell all kids are..) but they have stood strong and endured Beautifully! I have no doubts that you both will be fine, Honey. I have faith in you and know that you can do whatever you set your mind and heart to do. So keep on keepin' on, and you know where this old Cat is if you ever need to talk.
Biggg hugs (No ear biting this time..snicker):cool:
Yer Cat Buddy.

Falling Leaves
Jul 19, 2010, 1:34 PM
Ditto here to you on what everyone else said...

Jul 19, 2010, 1:56 PM
I like coyote because he is one of the few sane people on this here site and I can talk to him :)

Jul 19, 2010, 2:39 PM
But, but..."I'm" sane. Kinda/sorta/maybe/perhaps.....lol

Jul 19, 2010, 3:42 PM
Keep up the GOOD FIGHT not always easy, but worth the battle when you get to the other side ;)

Jul 20, 2010, 12:30 AM
...a beautiful tale of people finding their way thru' life; a fervent prayer that you shall have many years together!

this is what life is so much of, making choices, hopefully the right ones, and committing to those choices once made!

Jul 20, 2010, 2:21 AM
You all are so nice... wish there was a blushing smiley face to display...

Jul 20, 2010, 2:36 AM
I can so not imagine you blushing.... so I just toss a bone for you :) Bon Appetit

Jul 20, 2010, 12:08 PM
Ohhhh yes he does! And he turns red so cutely...lol *Evil grin*

Jul 21, 2010, 1:27 AM
I am madly in love with a woman who is no good for me; yet in the two years I was with her over a decade ago I floated in heaven and burned in hell.
I am with a woman who believes in love; we're talking Mother Theresa philosophy and June Cleaver application.
I am a bisexual man. My nature is so strong and in the middle that I cannot promise to either gender that I will not engage with the other. Although I can promise monogamy with his/her gender; that's easy.
Divorce... no one wins, both lose (except when pure exploiter/profiteer marries). Yet, there is a point where divorce is better than any other option.
True love has two qualities I speak of here; you have no choice over when, where, or who; and it is a temporary state, honestly lasting anywhere from hours to decades. Unfortunately, simultaneous, unrelated equations occur in mathematics as well.

You are right. We make our choices.
In the movie "A Beautiful Mind", John Nash proposes that the best results are had by everyone doing what was best for self and the group, yet you should not forsake your feelings.
In regards to monogamy, there are two occasions I (morally) wished I had screwed around while I had a relationship (regret for not having had sexual fling). There is one (out of a small lifetime handful) I regret having. Monogamy (and life) is too deep and important to be blanket categorized (binary, 1 or 0) in a deep public analysis.
Thanks for the intimacy of revealing your self.

Jul 21, 2010, 1:41 AM
Coyote--it seems ya pretty much have things figured out on how to make your life work--good for you!!!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings in this post--more power to ya that you are living life the way you want to live it----

Jul 21, 2010, 3:55 PM
Coyote, I only know you thru our Cat, but I am sure you and the Mrs are wonderful folks by the way she spoke of you. Ki and I are probably considered an odd couple. We are monogamous in the fact that we do play together, but in the same room. We do not do full swap; as in us going off in different rooms with bi lover's. We play in the same room most of the time, as we love to watch each other being pleasured. For us, it enriches the experiance. This way of life isn't for everyone, but it works for us.

I commend you on your way, and hope that all will go well and great for you and the Mrs and the cubs in the future. I have faith that it will.
