Updated Mar 13, 2012 at 10:05 AM by void()
[COLOR="#FFFFFF"]`[/COLOR] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4]Black History Month should serve as a reminder to everyone of the rich tapestry of contributions made by, and struggles of, the Blacks in America. However celebratory it should be, it stands in stark contrast to the reality Blacks face today; [INDENT]a) having a “lost generation” of black youth, seeking comfort and refuge in the lowest common denominator of drugs and crimes. b) becoming a ...
Updated Feb 6, 2012 at 8:06 AM by æonpax
[COLOR="#EE82EE"][/COLOR][CENTER][/CENTER]who want to be with me sucking and ucking
Every morning I open my eyes and look around my bedroom, my simple safe zone.... outside of this room, is a world and society that will be friends, family, loved ones and yes, those that will debate, oppose and challenge me constantly. I am not your average married person with 2.4 children, a wife, a mortgage, a white picket fence, with a 9 to 5 job and salary, suit and tie... I am a person that bears scars on my body, in my heart and mind, because I have lived.... no, change that... I have survived.... living is reserved for the people that lead sheltered lives full of privilege I have battled and won against myself when the wars of sexuality, depression, heartbreak, loneliness, and many more foes conspired against me, I had to face down myself on so many levels and defeat each enemy with understanding, logic, compassion and acceptance..... Finally I win each battle within myself, and I stand up to tell the world about my hard won victory, and society can be like a crowded new york street... each person wrapped up in their own battles, their own wars.... so I become a human pin ball, bouncing from pillar to post.... and it becomes harder every day to remember that they are no different to me and that I am no different to them..... we are all human and all fighting our own wars...... I remember a lesson that I was once taught.... and that is to walk down the street and smile at the people rushing by, some will ignore me, some will look at me like I have lost my mind,.. and some.... will smile back at me..... because they know, as well as I know.. that we are not alone, there are others that share the understanding of our battle to be ourselves..... so I am smiling at you and giving a simple nod of my head as we past on that busy, crowded street with people rushing by..... and I am hoping that you will smile at somebody else... and so on..... and that one day, I will be walking down that street and somebody will smile at me and nod..... That is your legacy, and my legacy..... our smiles went around the world like a boomerang, shared from person to person, across countries and continents, so many people realising that they are not alone either.... a simple legacy of a smile.... why do I smile... ? cos I can..... and cos I just made you nod and smile as well..... share the legacy :)...... and I may give you a hug and a kiss to keep the smile going
[FONT=Century Gothic] I was invited by my girlfriend at the time to go to a swingers bar one night. While getting ready my Girlfriend arrived to my apartment and knocked at the door; I had to open the door while still wet and with a towel wrapped around my body. Wet skin and hair I opened the door and let her in, telling her that I would jump back in the shower to finish. Jumped in the shower and to my surprise, 10 seconds later my girlfriend followed me in. She jumped in the shower with me, with my back facing her she rapidly pressed her nice breast against my back. I could feel the piercings on both of her nipples on my back as her nipples got hard. She started then feeling my hips and her hands found their way to my breasts. Feeling her hands rubbing and playing with my nipples while she was softly kissing my neck got me wet and I could feel my clit pounding of excitement. Then one of her hands slowly went down to my wetness and she started playing with my clit. And with every soft rub I was closer and closer to climax. As I was almost ready to reach that wanted orgasm; the phone rang and we had to stop our passionate moment in the shower so I could finish getting ready to go to the club since her husband was already waiting at the club and the party had started. I finished and we left to the club, on our way there we were both holding hands but quiet. Only glancing at each other with a smile every time we both had a chance. Once we arrived at the club, we went in and the place was packed. Couples everywhere; some chatting and having a beer while others had their hands busy feeling other peoples wife's or husbands. We finally met with my girlfriend husband, greeted him with a kiss and we were ready to order a drink and hit the dance floor. I had been at that club before but that night was specially busy and I personally didn't know many of the couples there. We got our drinks and before going to dance we went back to the table where her husband was so we could leave the drinks with him. It took about 10 mins once we got to the table before we were able to leave and hit the dance floor since we both wanted to finish the drinks before leaving. Music playing loud and couples making out everywhere, we were having a great time and since we both had our drinks and could already feel the buzz! Suddenly, the music changed and they were now playing slow songs. We look at each other and embraced in a long passionate kiss right in the middle of the floor surrounded by other couples that were looking at us while they themselves where starting to make out. That first song wasn't long enough, we were enjoying ourselves too much. And I have to admit that I was enjoying the attention from everyone around... The song ended and we left the dance floor to go back to the table. Once we arrived there, my girlfriend husband had some company. A new couple that they were friends with and were also involved in the lifestyle. After introductions the girls sat down in one side of the table (me in between them two) and I knew I was going to be in big trouble... ;) We order a second round of drinks and half way, them both started to rub my tights. With heir touch my skin shiver, and as her hands found their way up under my skirt I felt that one of them (I can't remember which one) started to undo the buttons of my blouse. The table were we were was in a dark corner of the club and since everyone there was in for the same thing I really didn't care If someone saw what was happening. They continued to rub me and touch every centimeter of my very wet pussy and breast, this kept happening until one of them got my leg over her own leg. This she did only to have better access to my wetness, and be able to insert her fingers deep inside. The more she did that the more intense it felt. By now the other girl had found a way to put her lips around my nipples and it was deliciously warm. My nipples got hard inside her mouth, since with her tongue she was flickering my nipples. With the combination of them two paying great attention to both my breast and my pussy, I didn't notice that my hips had started to move and I was moaning louder and louder. The more attention they gave me the better it felt. And then, my Clit was so swollen that with the next time she rubbed her finger against my clit at the same time she was finger fucking my pussy I was involved in a very intense orgasm. I was having an orgasm so hard and at that very same moment the music stopped for a second (that felt like eternity) and everyone in the club not only was able to see me but, the moaning was so loud everyone knew what just happen. And the night kept getting more interesting but that is kept for another day... [/FONT]:smoke:
[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4]While I was talking to my hubby and GF we were wondering if there are any kind of sexual allergies; I immediately look it up on line and came across a whole list of them. Individuals can be allergic to the latex that most condoms are made out of,, or allergic to lubes or other ingredients that either toys or sexual enhancers can be made out of. But, the one allergy that really caught my attention was what is better known as Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS). POIS is when guys will get physically ill every single time they orgasm. According to my findings these men will complain of severe fatigue, intense warmth, and a flu like state, with generalized myalgia. Can be so intense that some will try to get help by going to the ER, but since this condition is not well reported, it goes UN-noticed to many physicians. The solution? like with any other type of allergies, is to expose the individual to the allergen in minute quantities for an extended period of time until he develops immunity to the allergen. After my readings I also found that for some individual the symptoms are so bothering that then they decide to take it a step up and then they choose to go for castration. This condition needs to be a lot more researched and will help a lot more if health care professionals are aware that the condition does exist; but much more education is needed. It's 2011 and we still have many things that are still unknown. The solution? Research and education... Do you have any type of sexual allergy? [/SIZE][/FONT]
I never really understood what it felt like to be the odd one out until I came to bisexual.com. I was straight as an arrow and deeply in love with my partner, a bisexual male, or as I like to say with a male that just happens to be bisexual. When he first told me about his being bisexual, ironically enough by sending me to the site to view his profile, I wasn't shocked. We had met in a PG13 chat room and sometimes the things he said made me wonder. We married in that game and I found he treated me better than my real life husband, the little things like remembering upcoming events that were important to me really opened my eyes up. When I got over the fear of being alone and told my unfaithful husband I wanted a divorce I found I was never really alone at all. Within two weeks my partner and I became a sexually involved cybering couple and love grew that culminated in me going to NZ 8 months after we started being involved to see if it was real. It was. I am now happily making plans to move to New Zealand and he is ready to get married for the first time in his real life. What gets frustrating for me is the amount of people who view us as an "internet relationship", clearly these people don't understand that when you are honest with someone love can really bloom online and it can even be stronger than anyone who meets up at a bar or any other place in real life. We cyber, we phone, we exchange some very intense erotic stories and all in all we have a better sex life than some couples who actually share a bed together. I have slowly begun to realize through long talks with him that I am not purely straight even though I have no sexual attraction at all to females. But some of the scenarios we discuss sound very interesting and I am open to the idea of some contact in the future as part of something we share as a couple. So I call myself heteroflexible, to me that means I am straight but I have an open mind. I am not rigid in my sexuality as some are and defend my right to call myself by a label I self identify by. There are times I wish a certain few posters would understand that what works for them doesn't work for all and not everything posted in wikipedia is applicable to all people. We are all unique and we all have quirks and we all deserve to be given the opportunity to be who we are fully without anyone judging or thinking we are lying to ourselvs or in denial about bisexuality. If I was bisexual, I'd proudly claim it, but I'm not. I'm heteroFLEXIBLE, yes emphasis on the flexible. I am me and that's all I ever want to be is me.:tongue: