

She Really Wanted To

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I was just sitting here and thinking about the first time a girl had sucked me off. In a timeline kind of way, I busted my first nut in a girl when I was nine - and two weeks after I'd had my first taste of dick and cum. Two days later, I was telling a male friend that I could shoot and he didn't want to believe me, which made me mad but that didn't mean that I didn't want to do it with him. He's sucking on my dick and it quickly went from feeling good to feeling too good and I unloaded in his mouth and, well, he believed that I could shoot.

A week later, a girl friend of the girl I busted my first nut in catches up with me and asks me to walk with her and I readily agreed... because she was just as pretty as the other girl was. We get away from other people and she says, "I hear you can do it - is it true?" and I'm wondering what she's talking about and I thought that she knew I didn't know what she was talking about so she says, "I hear you can shoot the stuff!"

"Oh, yeah, I can... but who told you?" I asked.

"Cathy (not her real name) did," she said and I didn't know whether to be mad with Cathy or not. "But I don't believe her so I wanted to find out for myself."

I didn't know how to feel about that but while I'm thinking about this, she takes me by the hand and pulls me along with her; I recognize that we're headed to one of our "clubhouses" and I'm thinking that, yeah, we're gonna do the nasty and I'm gonna shoot my stuff in her! But she had other ideas.

"You can't shoot it in me - not yet," she said and my heart sank and I was so distracted by that I didn't pay attention to her unfastening my pants and pulling them down to expose my boner. "She did say it was big..." she said and put her mouth on my dick and started to suck on it.

It was nothing like the way the fellas would do it. Many years later, it would occur to me that this wasn't the first time she had sucked dick because she clearly knew what she was doing and instead of that herky-jerky motion almost everybody was doing, she was smooth as silk as her mouth moved up, down, and all around on me while maintaining a good amount of suction.

I felt weak in my knees and I started to fall but she grabbed me by the butt and helped me to lie on my back - and she did it without stopping what she was doing - and a good minute later, it went from feeling good to what I would later call "holy shit good" and I shot my stuff in her mouth. The power of it almost made me pass out and I could dimly hear her moaning and I could feel her swallowing. It seemed like I tried to blink and the next thing I know, she's sitting up and licking her lips and she's smiling.

"Now you can stick it in me and shoot your stuff in me," she whispered as she grabbed me and pulled me down on top of her and between her legs. She grabbed my dick and rubbed it on her pussy - and I almost shot my stuff again before she said, "Stick it in!" and I pushed and I went right into her; again, later, I would realize that she had been fucked before but at the time, I didn't care because it felt good to be inside of her and thrusting my dick in and out of her until I blurted out, "I'm gonna do it again!" and...

...she giggled and wrapped her legs tightly around me and whispered, "Put all of it in me..." and I don't know if I really did get all of it in her, but it was clear that I put a lot of it in her - and I was in love. Silly, I know, because I felt that way about Cathy after putting two loads of my stuff in her that fateful day but in those early days, more boys sucked me off than girls would - and the only time a girl might do it was when she didn't want me to stick it in her and do it to her but all the guys would suck me off because we all believed that you had to swallow a guy's stuff when you gave him a blowjob.

Many decades later, I would actually wonder where I'd heard this and why we believed this to be true...

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