Hi Peter. Thank you for your message. It's been a while since I joined this web site so I had to read my profile again to know what you loved about it. My profile is very honest about using my mouth to provide sexual pleasure to others, for me it's a very satisfying act of submission to put my face between someone's legs and use only my mouth to give them the ultimate pleasure. I'm a devout purist when it comes to oral sex in that I minimize the use of my hands/fingers, believing that oral pleasure should be achieved solely through the use of my lips and tongue. Although I'm not in the Philadelphia area I'm open to communicating with other like-minded people such as yourself and would love to hear about your experiences if you are open to sharing them.
Hello, I am from nearby and was wondering if we might be a good fit. Please give my profile a read and reach out if interested in chatting further. Thanks! Have a nice day...
Hey. Similar in south jersey
Hi Peter, I'm new to the site so I'm not sure how the "messages-notification" tabs work. Thanks for the response and in answer to your question I am an open-minded, easy-going retiree who enjoys meeting new people and having a few beers and a few laughs.... I'm also orally-bi and married but my wife lost all interest in sex several years ago so I will occasionally, and discreetly, get together with other couples for afternoon playdates once every few months or so.... Not sure if this answers your question completely or not, But please feel free to ask me anything whatsoever, I'm not shy and don't have any reason not to be completely honest and upfront about anything that may cross your mind. Looking forward to hearing from you. Enjoy your day!
Are you still interested in possibly getting together...?
HI: How far are you from PA?
Sweet cock! You sound like a fun guy to know.
you sound just like me... nice pic.by the way