This thread was inspired by two comments on the Penn State thread.
I know that many people hadtheir first sexual experience with a much older person. Some have even openly commented about it (both positively and negatively) on here, and these things have got me to thinking.
If you had your first sexual experience as a "child" and it was with someone much older (either gay or straight experience), how did it make you feel? Did you feel violated or was it otherwise for you?
I had mine when I was 9 with a boy a little older. We both performed oral on eachother and he rimmed me. I really never thought anything of it at the time and we stayed friends even to this day. Now I look back on that experience with fond memories and a warm heart. It was just the innocence of youth. But others may feel different. How did it make you feel?
I understand how sensitive this topic may be, and no offense in meant, but I think it's important to discuss these things.