The first time I touched my best friends cock we had been friends for 4 years and we've seen each other naked, we've J/O in front of each other but we never knew that one another was bisexual and we secretly wanted each other. We were looking at a porn magazine at our hunting camp and my friend and I started to J/O. Half way into our J/O session we looked into each others eyes and at the same time without any words spoken we touched each others cock. I don't know what it was about this time but it just felt right for both of us to do it. I know it made us so freaking horny that we shot a short couple of minutes later. We licked it off each others stomach and then we kissed. We sat back and caught our breathes and finally after 5 minutes we both talked about what just happened. I had been wanting him all this time and he wanted me all this time and finally after 4 years it happen. I guess good things come to those who wait. We ended up having sex off and on the rest of the evening and most of the night then woke up the next morning and started the day off right with more sex. It was the hotest sex he and I ever had in our life. The FWB lasted a few more years until he had to move away because of work.
How did you come about touching your friends cock. Was it by accident, did you have a plan, was it spur of the moment? How was the first time?