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Well, my first time sucking another man's cock was in December 2006, so I'd have been 52 at the time. Okay, call me a late bloomer, but in the course of my bi explorations, I found that a lot of men discover and begin actively exploring their bisexual sides at middle age. Theories fort this phenomenon abound.
Some researchers say its because post menopausal wives lose interest, ands stop attending their husbands' sexual needs, leaving them frustrated and in search of other sexual outlets. One popular theory is that men, themselves, go through certain hormonal changes and that declining testosterone levels cause them to reevaluate their sex roles and sexual preferences. My wife lost her desire for sexual intimacy following a bout with breast cancer. She told me that the sexual part of our relationship was over, and that I should just get used to it, but at age 50, I wasn't about to hang up my sexual spurs. Sex with another woman would have seemed too much like cheating, but having a secondary sexual relationship with a similarly motivated guy friend seemed a reasonable, and non-threatening option
Once I started exploring the guy-on-guy option, I quickly I discovered that bisexual men tend to be very intuitive sex partners who instinctively know what feels good to another man. It made sense really. I mean, who would know better how to pleasure a penis that a guy who actually owned one? Indeed, guys know, in a way no woman ever could, what parts of a mans body need to be stroked, fondled, sucked, pinched, and rubbed . . . how to go about doing those things . . . and when to do them. I'm not ashamed to say that the best, most fulfilling hand-jobs I've ever received have all been administered by other guys, and that certain very pleasurable sexual activities, like cock-to-cock play, are possible only between two men.
Another motivating factor, at least for me, was the honest, straightforward attitudes most men seemed to have about bisexual play. In my experience, sex with women seems to inevitably get tangled up with notions of love, commitment, desirability and self-esteem. But between two open-minded guys, those emotions rarely come into play. For most guys, bisexual play is largely recreational. It's just good, old-fashioned, uninhibited, recreational, get-er-done, blow a load and pop a beer sex -- and nothing more. It's just two open minded guys helping one-another with a task they'd do by themselves anyway. Okay, helping a buddy have an orgasm isn't quite the same as helping him paint his garage, but there is certainly a sense of helping one another, and I if the participation of another person makes the act of getting off more enjoyable for both, where's the harm?
One fellow I played with a few years back, a sixty-something widower, would have me over to his place on Sunday afternoons. We'd watch football, drink beer and do typical guy things during the first half, then we'd get naked, bring one another off during the halftime festivities, then rejoin the game somewhere in the third or fourth quarter. I enjoyed the casual, matter-of-fact nature of our sex play, and found the lack of emotional entanglements , frankly, very freeing.