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  1. #1

    What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    I've never been married, but have been in a few long term relationships with women. Last week, as my sis came out to visit for an early holiday weekend, we had a very long and serious talk. We covered everything from our somewhat dysfunctional relationships with our parents, to our early exploits and how we felt as a result.

    Since we have always had a strong sexual bond, I felt safe in telling her that I was bi. She was curios as to how and when, so I explained about my first real bi sexual encounter.

    She was absolutely floored that we'd never compared notes about it, and then she told me that she was also bi.

    I always suspected that she was, but when she told me about how she came to know, the picture made perfect sense... She and my best friend's mom were lovers for over two years.

    Now, Brian's mom (Barbara) was hot by everyone's standards! My dad would go out of his way to make them feel welcome at every little opportunity because we all had a crush on her. She was the "Stacy's Mom" of our community at the time.

    As my sister and I talked further, it became apparent that Barbara had a real affinity for young women. They first started their affair poolside (as I had with Barbara's husband). My sis said that she had gone over to their house thinking Brian and I would be there along with a couple of our friends. When no one showed up, she decided to take a swim to cool off, then she got out of the water and decided to sunbathe and fell asleep. The next thing she knew, Barbara was out sitting beside her putting sunburn lotion on her. One thing led to another and before she knew it, she was in the house and they were making out on the bed in the master bedroom.

    When I told my sis that I had seen those porn videos, we laughed, but she said that's pretty much how it went for her. She was highly attracted to Barbara and really wanted to know what it would be like to have sex with another woman. She said that Barbara had been the first to introduce her to sex toys and even trained her about vaginal and anal hygiene.

    It takes a lot to get something like that off of your chest after 25 years. Life is never exactly what it seems.

  2. #2

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    My wife will never know. She'd kill me.

    I do like the risk of having a few pictures on my phone (hidden) of me sucking dick. The thought of her finding them is a rush.

    I do fantasize that if she did know, we would be able to add a guy to our already great sex life. The thought of sucking a cock with her or fucking her while he fucks me gets me so hard.

  3. #3

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    Quote Originally Posted by DLazguy View Post
    My wife will never know. She'd kill me.

    I do like the risk of having a few pictures on my phone (hidden) of me sucking dick. The thought of her finding them is a rush.

    I do fantasize that if she did know, we would be able to add a guy to our already great sex life. The thought of sucking a cock with her or fucking her while he fucks me gets me so hard.
    I definitely get that, but be careful what you ask for... I've had a couple of angry wives call me wanting to know who I was and how did I know their husband? Those calls rarely end well.

  4. #4

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    Quote Originally Posted by DLazguy View Post
    My wife will never know. She'd kill me.

    I do like the risk of having a few pictures on my phone (hidden) of me sucking dick. The thought of her finding them is a rush.

    I do fantasize that if she did know, we would be able to add a guy to our already great sex life. The thought of sucking a cock with her or fucking her while he fucks me gets me so hard.
    I'm 67. married my wife when I was 48, she's Asian. I'd had bi fun when young - teens, and 3-4 experiences between then and 35 or so yr old. None after. We married, after 7-8 yrs, started swinging a bit. I was her 2nd man, so wanted her to get some different cock. We fairly quickly went from mfmf fun to mfm. This was - swinging- was a big jump for her and us. She had always expressed disdain for bisexuals, very much so. She tried letting a woman eat her a couple times, didn't like. Male bi, well, had just been mfm.
    We were at a male friends, spent the weekend, fucked the whole weekend. During the weekend, while she was riding him, him sitting on the couch and me videoing, I thought to try 'fucklicking'. Well was a great hit, lol. During the 'action' his cock kept popping out of her pussy. In that position - went right into my mouth. I didn't mind, I'd sucked cock when younger, but I'd just stick it back in her pussy.
    Later told her what happened, as I didnt know if she actually knew I had his cock in my mouth. Told her - wasn't bad - actually nice. Said since she will take a cock out of her mouth to kiss me, and i eat her pussy immediately after a man has cum in her pussy, it didn't bother me to suck/have a cock in my mouth, wasn't bad. Nothing more said about it.
    Fast forward, we met a man, had a mfm. during mfm, they were in 69, i got 'balls to balls' with him so she'd have 2 cocks there. when I got up, I leaned over to kiss her, we did, she still holding his cock. After kiss, I put my hand on hers, angled his cock towards me, and just wnet down on it. Didn't know how she would react...
    So, it went from me going down on his cock, to us both taking turns, to us sucking and kissing around his cock. Great fun!
    Still, didn't know what the aftermath would bring.
    On the way home, she told me how hot that made her... Win!

  5. #5

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    Yeah, I am with DLazguy. My wife would explode if she know what I have done. Sucking cock, taking it deep and hard in the ass etc! Her brother was gay and she doesn't have anything good to say about him. He is since left us and every time she see's two guy kissing on TV she comments "do they really have to show that". Nope never hooked up with the

  6. #6

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    jjourneyman , i asked you once if you had told your sister about your bisexuality . at the time you did not. i'm glad you did and i know your'e glad too. good for you ! anyway , i had been married many , many years before i had the guts to tell my wife. she always new me as very masculine , and i didn't want to disillusion her. eventually , i just needed to come clean. i new her well enough to know that she would never leave me. we had an open marriage , so we were pretty liberal in that sense. well she was ok with it , but she was afraid that maybe she was the cause. when i told her i had been doing it years before i met her , she was relieved. she doesn't want to see me with a man , but i tell her when i go out to see someone , and she is fine with that. i wish she would participate , but i'm glad she accepts it . things could be much worse.

  7. #7

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    Quote Originally Posted by marine20 View Post
    jjourneyman , i asked you once if you had told your sister about your bisexuality . at the time you did not. i'm glad you did and i know your'e glad too. good for you ! anyway , i had been married many , many years before i had the guts to tell my wife. she always new me as very masculine , and i didn't want to disillusion her. eventually , i just needed to come clean. i new her well enough to know that she would never leave me. we had an open marriage , so we were pretty liberal in that sense. well she was ok with it , but she was afraid that maybe she was the cause. when i told her i had been doing it years before i met her , she was relieved. she doesn't want to see me with a man , but i tell her when i go out to see someone , and she is fine with that. i wish she would participate , but i'm glad she accepts it . things could be much worse.
    Yes. Most wives would never accept the fact that their husbands were stepping out with another person (man or woman). I think my sis understood because she was experienced. I've had girlfriend's in the past who would have never understood (or at least I didn't think they would, so I never went there.)

  8. #8

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    Married the wife in 1986. We lived in a small West Texas city that was very cowboy conservative so there were not many opportunities for men wanting discrete man to man action. I remained in the closet until 2001. When I finally came out to her, I was surprised how accepting she was. Turns out she had a very active sex life prior to the marriage that had included bisexual and FMF play and was accepting and understanding. Eventually, after the kids were raised, we enjoyed swinging as a couple for years before the pandemic hit.

    I think the moral of this story is it helps to have a wife that turns out to have been more sexually advanced in their lives than you are!

  9. #9

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    Well, the first time we met I had just over 7" of cock up my ass.

    Took me nearly a month and a half to convince her I wasn't gay. Of course she was probably just into all the oral I was performing.

  10. #10

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    My first wife knew and helped with finding guys just as I helped getting her girls as she was bi too. I knew she was bi since before we ever dated as I knew a few of the girls she’d dated. It took about a year of dating before she asked me if I’d ever tried anything with a guy. When I told I had sucked guy’s previously she smiled and said she wanted to watch me. She picked the first guy and watched me suck and swallow his cum before kissing me deeply and licking his cum off my lips. After that we spent most weekends finding each other someone to play with. Sometimes it was couples, sometimes singles. Only rule was we could fuck anyone of the opposite sex other than each other. We were married almost 10 years before she decided she wanted to be a lesbian full time. I have never held it against her and we still vary occasionally hook up for fun.
    My current wife know about some of my previous experiences but doesn’t know I still play. While she’s accepting of my past, she pretty sexually repressed and believes in the one man one woman relationship.

  11. #11

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    Quote Originally Posted by remington12369 View Post
    Yeah, I am with DLazguy. My wife would explode if she know what I have done. Sucking cock, taking it deep and hard in the ass etc! Her brother was gay and she doesn't have anything good to say about him. He is since left us and every time she see's two guy kissing on TV she comments "do they really have to show that". Nope never hooked up with the
    Exactly. She'd kill me if she knew that I've sucked, been sucked or bottomed. She'd torture me first if she knew that one time I came home and gave her a big kiss after I met up with a guy and we sucked each other off.

  12. #12

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    Quote Originally Posted by marine20 View Post
    jjourneyman , i asked you once if you had told your sister about your bisexuality . at the time you did not. i'm glad you did and i know your'e glad too. good for you ! anyway , i had been married many , many years before i had the guts to tell my wife. she always new me as very masculine , and i didn't want to disillusion her. eventually , i just needed to come clean. i new her well enough to know that she would never leave me. we had an open marriage , so we were pretty liberal in that sense. well she was ok with it , but she was afraid that maybe she was the cause. when i told her i had been doing it years before i met her , she was relieved. she doesn't want to see me with a man , but i tell her when i go out to see someone , and she is fine with that. i wish she would participate , but i'm glad she accepts it . things could be much worse.
    I'm happy for you that she at least accepts it. It's funny... some people like you and I probably don't care about how we are judged to the rest of the world, but to the ones we love the most it means the most. I guess we don't want to let our loved ones down. The best thing is that the ones we think will think the least of us are actually our biggest supporters. Lesson learned all around.

  13. #13

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    I did not intend to tell my wife I am BI but she found my pics that I have posted and already knew that I masturbate so she started to put 2 and 2 together and started to ask me questions. The main question was about why I liked pics of cocks and cum. Well, I always thought she would go ballistic if she knew the full story but when she asked all these questions I could not lie to her so I started to respond with my full story about how I started and finally acknowledged being BI. It was a very frank discussion and I surprised her with some of my answers, After a long discussion, it came down to her wanting to know if I did anal with guys which I answered no and then responded that I only liked oral. Love oral actually and cum swallowing. At that point, she did not want to know more and has just accepted me for who I am. It helped a lot to assure her that regardless of my love for sucking cocks, I choose to marry her. To this day, she has not really brought up the subject much except a barb or two about "is that guy cute" type questions.

    I enjoy getting a BJ just as much as the next guy, possibly more, giving one is another level up though.

  14. #14

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    A girlfriend I had when I was bi and 27 suggested a threesome with a guy. She expected that I would reject the idea, but I said okay.

    Fast forward to a moment when she is sucking his cock. She playfully points his cock towards me, i didn't hesitate and took it in my mouth, much to her surprise.

    That was a fun night.

  15. #15

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    we met second marriages she was plenty wild before me.i got her to talk a bout it se was pretty wild lol. anyways groomed her to bi sex talking fanting and bi porn was big .she loved it would have me cue one up and when i got home from 3-11 shift to find her nude watching bi porn and masterbating. so i pushed it more and more that way finally once we got first puter i had a big cocked stud lined up.he came over and we all hit it off , before long they were making out on couch i was getting drinks and weed and bi porn going watching them corner of my eye, she was dressed sexy no bra no pantys short losse skirt. it was amazing me sititng there like a wimp whoile my wife gets kissed touched felt up and legs spread getting her pussy fingered. when she got his cock out she yelled wow look at this thing, shes got his cock out he is so hard, biggest cock ive ever seen hair over 10 long thicker than her wrist, shes petite but wow it was big, course shes sucking it by then or trying , i was on my knees watching her suck this monster cock, then she held it out to me to suck smiling i started to suck it lick it mostly so big. she came untouched watching me she had a cum, it was so wild for her to cumlike that well we proceded to doing her oral and all, then i guided it in her wet pussy she was so ready took every bit of it, got it all in her to hilt i held it after guiding it in, once all in i let go and played with both watching it in her,bald wet pussy so stretched open, i got so aroused seeing it in her pussy i burried my face in his asshole licking him, heard him tell her hubbys licking my asshole she came so hard screamed , we had talked and played with toys sucking them she came watching me suck her cock dildo to first time untouched, so we had a steady parade of cocks needless to say near 30 years lol

  16. #16

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    Ex wife introduced me to pegging then took it away , she didn't like the bi or group play. Had one girlfriend tell me she was bi , I was accepting and encouraging in the convo, told her me too amd she shut it down, couldnt handle it , current girlfriend is big into kink and is supporti e and accepting though haven't really had time for pursuit of any extra curricular activity

  17. #17

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    my second ex wife has to be one of the most beautiful ladies I have ever seen.. she is a knockout.. I had dated one of her old girl friends a year or two before meeting her.. so I already knew that she was bi or lesbian.. I never really let on that I knew till one day we ran into her.. that’s when she found out that I knew her ex lover.. after that she questioned me about what I knew about the two of them.. when I told her that I knew she couldn’t understand how I never said anything?? I told her it didn’t matter and I understood.. I think that was when she started putting 2+2 together.. the fact that I understood.. when she started questioning me about my sexuality I ask her what it matters?? She clued in.. she was not upset that she now knew that I was bi she just couldn’t understand me getting fucked by other men.. how can you like that?? That was something she could never accept.. she then went for almost 15 years as a full on lesbian.. about 6 months ago she reached out to me and wanted to see how thing between us were then.. I explained that I am now serving sexually frustrated men and having sex almost every day and sometimes 2-3 times a day.. she struggled with it..
    she now is accepted the fact that this is who I am and still wants to see how things go.. so we date and she spends the night now and then but I think that it is hard for her.. I gave her a key to my place and she came a couple weeks ago and let herself in.. walked in on me and one of my guys as he was balls deep in my pussy.. she stood there in shock I am sure at the site.. but he never quit and just kept on fucking me.. after he left she was so horny that she practically raped me.. she told me that I was amazing taking him the way he was fucking me.. she has now watched me with one other guy and was very turned on by it.. she says she wants nothing to do with the whole thing but at least she is not freaked out by it anymore.. just see how it plays out!!!

  18. #18

    Re: What was it like when you first told your wife or gf?

    I think my wife would be accepting of my sexuality, but she wouldn’t be OK with me hooking up with another guy, and she wouldn’t be up for bringing another guy or woman into our bedroom. I suggested it early in the relationship, but she wasn’t interested. So there is no point in telling her I’m bi, the only thing it would do is strain the relationship. I think she suspects, but she never asked, and that pretty much tells me how she feels about it.




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