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  1. #1

    What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    When I was very young I let my friend’s older brother fuck me in the ass and then I sucked his cock clean - all while my friend watched. Then I sucked my friend’s cock too.
    Last edited by JordanCD; Nov 20, 2023 at 6:58 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    for me, probably the time I was sub for two guys. No fucking but they took turns using my mouth for over an hour. Swallowed 4 loads and plenty of p They were both very verbal and loved using my slutty mouth.

  3. #3

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    being tied and gangbanged 3 or 4 different times

  4. #4

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    I helped him load some mulch into the back of the truck and dig out a backyard labyrinth by hand? I mean none of the other stuff felt particularly dirty, we both enjoyed ourselves a lot.

  5. #5

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    Sucked and fucked by multiple guys more than once or twice

  6. #6

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    Ah, I remember now -- I was invited to a sleepover with about 3-4 other horny peers as a teen. The guys all thought it would be funny to lock me in the parents bedroom, insinuate that I shouldn't try to escape and whatnought ..

    What they DIDN'T know is someone had already done that to me before when I was 7 and I was going to be damn sure I enjoyed it a lot more this time -- or at least maybe psych them out a bit.

    Guys: Why didn't you try harder to escape??

    Me: (Turns on stereo, fluffs pillows .. )

    That was all that happened with that ..

    There was also that time they forced us all to try wrestling in gym class. Would you believe I wasn't very good at it? .. kept getting pinned within 7 seconds or less .. oh darn! It was a pain in the ass trying to pretend like I didn't enjoy it, and I was still conflicted about the way I felt anyway.

    That one was embarrassing enough that I asked the coach if I could do some alternative activity. For the two weeks I think I lifted weights, did laps, couple times joined the girls for Cher's new aerobics video .. I'm not sure which one was more embarrassing, but then I reminded myself I was in a class with a bunch of girls wearing aerobic outfits. Still, I was trying to be a gentleman and not a total horndog. I was kinda naive about it, didn't even occur to me that ladies enjoy sex as much as guys until much later. Eventually I think they made ALL the boys try aerobics at least once..

  7. #7

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    I dunno. Depends on how you want to define "dirtiest" since men who have sex with men are participating in the dirtiest thing ever. Having said that, I'd have to say that the dirtiest thing I did with a guy was to let a man pay me to suck me off and fuck me in the back of his panel truck. On the one hand, it was the easiest $100 I'd ever made since he said for me to name my price and I thought that $100 was both funny and a deterrent until he said, "Okay - let's do this!"

    In the back of his truck, he yanks my pants and underwear down and sucks me off so fast that I didn't really get a chance to enjoy it; he takes my cum in his mouth and is spitting it out, then spins me around and... eats my ass to get me slick and then jams his dick in me - and the moment the head got in, he came in me. Handed me the $100 and told me to get the fuck out of his truck and, well, the acts might not have been dirty but I sure felt pretty filthy afterward.
    Last edited by KDaddy23; Nov 21, 2023 at 6:41 AM.

  8. #8

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    oh man where to start: I have sex with men give up my pussy for them to fuck every day.. have sex with multiple men being the center of it all multiple times a year.. suck men’s dicks just to get them ready to fuck me.. I have been the center of 20+ men a couple times.. I have been with over 500 men since I started keeping track.. I have at one point been in the sex trade.. I enjoy helping men with their fantasies.. I have been involved in some bdsm.. I don’t know take your pick!!!

  9. #9

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    I'm thinking the first time I ate ass. Was a black tranny with beautiful tits and huge cock. She told me to eat her pussy before I fucked it. Kinda took me by surprise at the time but I had to do it because I wanted to fuck her bad. Her cock was beautiful but she told me not to touch her boy parts because she wanted to feel like a woman. Eat her pussy, suck her tits and fuck her.
    I hooked up with her a couple more times so I guess I liked it. Later she had surgery, now she has a man made pussy but I never checked it out in person.

  10. #10

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    one of the dirtiest things i have done with a guy happened at an abs. actually a few times. i'm attracted to asian men , so i got in a booth with one ,and we started to get busy. he was kind of alpha , so i went with the flow. i can be alpha or beta , whatever the person calls for. so he (made me ) get on my knees and suck his cock like a little faggot. then he made me suck his nipples . not my favorite thing , but what the hell, it's what he wanted. then he made me eat his asshole , which some people won't do , but i will if the person is clean. tongue fucking it deeply with passion. i really loved being made his bitch. then back again to sucking his cock , only this time he fucked my mouth like a cunt, til he finally came in my fag mouth , and made me swallow. i offered my pussy to him , but he didn't want to fuck me. it was fun being the sub bitch to a small asian guy . i have since been his fag whore several times . i don't think he knows how much i love it. he just knows , he has power over a white faggot.

  11. #11

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    Early teen sleep overs with 2-3 school friends. Seems they always balked at sucking cock, or anal. They didn't mind having their cocks sucked or fucking my ass

  12. #12

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    I don't know if you'd call it dirty per se, but I have a regular guy who once took me to a public park at night and led me to a willow tree and we made out while being able to hear people walking and talking nearby. Eventually we took turns feeling each other up and ended with me on my knees sucking him to completion while stroking my cock to an orgasm shortly after...all of this under a full moon!

  13. #13

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    Taking a fisting in a public park at 3 AM. The only words said were "turn around" and "bend over".

  14. #14

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    When my school friend and I went camping one weekend he asked me to lick his ass. He was so sexy and slim I did exactly what he wanted. As I was enjoying his sweet tasting ass he let out a tiny fart and said he needed to shit. I told him to go ahead and feed me. He fed me a nice soft turd which I swallowed without gagging. I then did the same to him and we made love straight after. It was such a turn on for us both we carried on doing this on a regular basis until we lost touch.

  15. #15

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    Don't know if it's dirty but it's kinky was at a bathhouse and was the middle of a chain fuck for 5 different guys front and back for about 45 minutes. There was another guy next to me doing the same thing. To make it hotter the guys fucking us and who we were fucking were all white.

  16. #16

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    Tongue fuck my husband in front of everyone in our group to start off our group party, of course jerk on him, then finger and suck him while several of the guys take turns fucking his ass right there with my face getting banged into. Any time he doesn't feel like being a spread em wide kinda guy, that's all I have to do. I can get him to do anything with a good tonguing.

  17. #17

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    Not sure if anyone considers this dirty or not, but one of my buddies had 5 of his friends (all tops) at his house when I got there to visit him. After exchanging pleasantries, he told me to strip while we were sitting in his living room. I always did what he told me. I te=hen went around the room on my hands and knees to everyone and took their cocks out and sucked them, but did not make any of them cum. After doing that for a while they all stripped and we went outside in the hot sun in the back yard and they started taking turns on me, spitroasting me, each taking their turns of whatever hole they wanted to use. After about 4 hours of doing this, they were all pretty much spent. My buddy then told me to play with myself as I laid in the grass, so I did and masturbated while they all watched. Some of them started getting hard watching me and masturbated all over me. The ones that did not get hard had me suc their cocks to make them cum again and they shot on me. When they were all done, they all peed all over me and washed the cum off...THAT was a wonderful feeling being "marked" by all of them. After they all left, my buddy told me he was proud of me that day and had another hour or so suck/fuck session with him. We took a shower together and I left. Did repeat the gangbang with himand hs friends a few times after that, until he moved from the area.

  18. #18

    Re: What?s the dirties thing you?ve ever done with a guy?

    Quote Originally Posted by babyrmd View Post
    Not sure if anyone considers this dirty or not, but one of my buddies had 5 of his friends (all tops) at his house when I got there to visit him. After exchanging pleasantries, he told me to strip while we were sitting in his living room. I always did what he told me. I te=hen went around the room on my hands and knees to everyone and took their cocks out and sucked them, but did not make any of them cum. After doing that for a while they all stripped and we went outside in the hot sun in the back yard and they started taking turns on me, spitroasting me, each taking their turns of whatever hole they wanted to use. After about 4 hours of doing this, they were all pretty much spent. My buddy then told me to play with myself as I laid in the grass, so I did and masturbated while they all watched. Some of them started getting hard watching me and masturbated all over me. The ones that did not get hard had me suc their cocks to make them cum again and they shot on me. When they were all done, they all peed all over me and washed the cum off...THAT was a wonderful feeling being "marked" by all of them. After they all left, my buddy told me he was proud of me that day and had another hour or so suck/fuck session with him. We took a shower together and I left. Did repeat the gangbang with himand hs friends a few times after that, until he moved from the area.
    you don't know if that is dirty or not? you live in a wild world !




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